Thursday, January 5, 2023

May 1506 Prayer Book Codicil Mismatches Columbus's Usual Signature

Summary: The May 1506 prayer book military codicil mismatches Columbus's usual signature, which has been interpreted as due either to gout or to forgery.

representation (not original) of May 1506 Columbus Military Codicil (Codicillili more Militari Xfori Columbi); F. Cancellieri, Notizie Storiche e Bibliografiche di Cristoforo Colombo (1809), page 3: Public Domain Mark 1.0, via Internet Archive

The May 1506 prayer book military codicil mismatches Columbus's usual signature with a variation that has been interpreted positively as due to the explorer's gout and death nearness or has been assessed negatively as emblematic of inauthenticity and forgery.
A military codicil (Latin: codex, "notebook," + -illus, diminutive suffix), dated May 4, 1506, was written on blank page 63 of a breviary that was discovered between 1780 and 1785 in Rome, Italy, in the Corsini Library. The codicil's format evinces ". . . the manner which the civil law allows to the soldier who executes such an instrument on the eve of battle, or in expectation of death," explained American diplomat, historian and short story writer Washington Irving (April 3, 1783-Nov. 28, 1859) in his best-selling biography of Columbus, published in 1828.
The codicil's signature seemed to resemble that of late 15th to early 16th century explorer and navigator Christopher Columbus (Catalan: Cristòfor Colom; Italian: Cristoforo Colombo; Portuguese: Cristóvão Colombo; Spanish: Cristóbal Colón; ca. 1446/1451-May 20, 1506). A striking variation, however, was the substitution of an "I" for the usual "Y" in the explorer's cryptic, distinctive signature.
"Particular stress has been laid on the signature; but it does not appear that he was uniform in regard to that" (page 136), noted the Sleepy Hollow (1820) author, whose résumé later included U.S. Minister to Spain (April 1842 to August 1846). The codicil's handwriting and signature issues reflected the explorer's declining health. "The present codicil, from its date, must have been written a few days previous to his death, perhaps at a moment when he imagined himself at extremity. This may account for any difference in the handwriting, especially as he was at times so affected by the gout in his hands as not to be able to write except at night" (pages 135-136).
The troublesome signature numbers among the codicil's suspicious elements of inauthenticity, according to Catalonian historical researcher Francesc Albardaner (born June 30, 1949) in "The Columbus Will of 1502 and Three Additional Wills, Of Which Some Are Legal and Others Fake" (page 7), published in English via ResearchGate in January 2020. (This article's Catalan original, “Luis Ulloa i els testaments de Colom," was published in the març 2008 [March 2008] issue of Butlletí del Centre d’Estudis Colombins, núm. 42). Columbus's signature has revealed conformity in authenticated documents, affirms Albardaner.
The explorer's cryptogrammatic signature formed a step pyramid of seven initials: S S A S X M Y. Each letter was flanked with two points. The base was subscripted with a Greek-Latin rendering of his first name as XPO.FERENS, "Christ-bearing." XPO comprises Greek letters chi (X) and rho (P), suffixed with Latin-ending -o. Ferens is the present participle of Latin verb ferō ("I bear").
Contrastingly, the May 1506 military codicil lacks point surrounds for the seven initials. Additionally, the seventh initial is given as "I" instead of "Y."
Furthermore, the explorer's name diverges from its customary format. The point is inserted after the "X." Its usual placement after the "O" distinguishes the two components (XPO, "Christ," + ferens, "bearer") of the explorer's name. Also, the signature by the "falsifier" evinces a tripartite construction that chaotically dismantles XPO into two separate components that isolate Greek letter chi (X) and clumps Greek letter rho (P) with the Latin letter. Albardaner's replica indicates a space distancing FERENS from the previous letters: "X. PO FERENS."
The questionable signature terminates the autographic codicil's puzzling Latin-language text. Albardaner references the suspicious text's analysis presented by Italian compiler, librarian and writer Francesco Girolamo Cancellieri (Oct. 10, 1751-Dec. 29, 1826) in Notizie Storiche e Bibliografiche di Cristoforo Colombo di Cuccaro nel Monferrato Discopritore dell'America, published in 1809. Columbus's custom of written communications in such Romance languages as Portuguese or Spanish and his deadly illness dim the likelihood of his resorting to Latin in his last will, observed Albardaner.
Cancellieri noted the absence of Latin in Columbus's writings: ". . . tutte le Carte autentiche, esistenti del Colombo; senza che ve ne sia neppur una in Latino" (page 9; "all the extant authentic papers of Colombo; without there being even one in Latin"). Despite knowledge of Latin, Columbus would seem disinclined on his death bed to revive a language that he rarely used. "Poiché, quantunque si sappia, ch’ egli l’avea molto ben appreso nella sua Gioventù, nondimeno non può supporsi, che incominciasse ad usarlo soltanto nell’ultima Settimana della sua vita" ("For although it is known that he had learned it very well in his youth, it nevertheless cannot be supposed that he began to use it only in the last week of his life"), Cancellieri stressed in his rejection of "this apocryphal codicil" ("questo Apocrifi Codicillo"; page 9).
Albardaner notes that the apocryphal document's defects have distilled the initial excitement and doubts generated by the codicil's discovery into its assessment as "fake." Instead of May 1506, the military codicil dates to "the end of the sixteenth century" and associates with the extinction of the explorer's male line.

cryptogrammatic signature of late 15th to early 16th century explorer and navigator Christopher Columbus on document dated Feb. 20, 1493, in Cadiz, southwestern Spain; O'Gorman Columbian Manuscript (Ordenanza Manuscrito Colombino O’Gorman Condumex), Centro de Estudios de Historia de México, ciudad de México: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons

My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.

This post is dedicated to the memory of our beloved blue-eyed brother, Charles, who guided the creation of the Met Opera and Astronomy posts on Earth and Space News. We memorialized our brother in "Our Beloved Blue-Eyed Brother, Charles, With Whom We Are Well Pleased," published on Earth and Space News on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021, an anniversary of our beloved father's death.

Image credits:
representation (not original) of May 1506 Columbus Military Codicil (Codicillili more Militari Xfori Columbi); F. Cancellieri, Notizie Storiche e Bibliografiche di Cristoforo Colombo (1809), page 3: Public Domain Mark 1.0, via Internet Archive @
cryptogrammatic signature of late 15th to early 16th century explorer and navigator Christopher Columbus on document dated Feb. 20, 1493, in Cadiz, southwestern Spain; O'Gorman Columbian Manuscript (Ordenanza Manuscrito Colombino O’Gorman Condumex), Centro de Estudios de Historia de México, ciudad de México: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @

For further information:
Albardaner, Francesc. "The Columbus Will of 1502 and Three Additional Wills, Of Which Some Are Legal and Others Fake." ResearchGate. January 2020.
Available via ResearchGate @
Albardaner i Llorens, Francesc. "Luis Ulloa i els testaments de Colom." Butlletí del Centre d’Estudis Colombins, Any XV, núm. 42 (març 2008): 6 pages.
Available via Centre d'Estudis Colombins de Barcelona @
Andrés, Juan. Cartas familiares del Abate D. Juan Andrés a su hermano D. Carlos Andrés dándole noticia del viage que hizo a varias ciudades de Italia en el año 1785, publicadas por el mismo D. Carlos. Tomo I. Madrid: Don Antonio de Sancha, MDCCLXXXVI [1786].
Available via HathiTrust @
Andrés, Juan. "La biblioteca de casa Corsini tambien es pública, y en mi concepto la mas abundante de libros entre todas las bibliotecas de particulares. Varios libros que no habia podido hallar en las bibliotecas mas ricas tuve el gusto de verlos en ésta. . . ." Page 178; Mantua á 8 de Diciembre de 1785. Cartas familiares del Abate D. Juan Andrés a su hermano D. Carlos Andrés dándole noticia del viage que hizo a varias ciudades de Italia en el año 1785, publicadas por el mismo D. Carlos. Tomo I, Carta VI Carta Sexta, pages 153-189. Madrid: Don Antonio de Sancha, MDCCLXXXVI [1786].
Available via HathiTrust @
Andrés, Juan. ". . . . Vi con gusto un oficio de la Virgen que usó Colon, y en él un codicilo que escribió de su propio puño, usando del privilego militar; y lo tuve mayor de ver las muchas y buenas estampas, que forman algunos centenares de gruesos tomos en folio." Page 179; Mantua á 8 de Diciembre de 1785. Cartas familiares del Abate D. Juan Andrés a su hermano D. Carlos Andrés dándole noticia del viage que hizo a varias ciudades de Italia en el año 1785, publicadas por el mismo D. Carlos. Tomo I, Carta VI Carta Sexta, pages 153-189. Madrid: Don Antonio de Sancha, MDCCLXXXVI [1786].
Available via HathiTrust @
Cancellieri, Francesco. "§ I. Preteso Codicillo Militare di Colombo, conservato nella Biblioteca Corsini, copiato da Monsig. Onorato Gaetani, e trasmesso a Guglielmo Robertson, circa il 1780." Pages 2-4. Notizie storiche e bibliografiche di Cristoforo Colombo di Cuccaro nel Monferrato discopritore dell'America. Roma: Francesco Bourlie, MDCCCIX [1809].
Available via Google Books Read Free of Charge @
Available via Internet Archive @
Cancellieri, Francesco. "§ II. La Sottoscrizione di XPOFERENS, in luogo di CHRISTOPHORVS, ne dimostra la falsità, provata con altre ragioni. Scrittori sopra San Cristoforo. Esempj delle parole Christifer, Christiferus, e Chrestiger." Pages 4-7. Notizie storiche e bibliografiche di Cristoforo Colombo di Cuccaro nel Monferrato discopritore dell'America. Roma: Francesco Bourlie, MDCCCIX [1809].
Available via Google Books Read Free of Charge @
Available via Internet Archive @
Cancellieri, Francesco. "§ III. Se il Colombo fusse in circostante di usare il Privilegio Militare, di fare il suo Codicillo, senta Legalità? Se sieno più nobili le Armi, o le Lettere? Scrittori sopra il Testamento Militare, ed Olografo." Pages 7-8. Notizie storiche e bibliografiche di Cristoforo Colombo di Cuccaro nel Monferrato discopritore dell'America. Roma: Francesco Bourlie, MDCCCIX [1809].
Available via Google Books Read Free of Charge @
Available via Internet Archive @
Cancellieri, Francesco. "§ IV. Qual sia il vero, e legittimo Codicillo di Colombo? Falsità di un supposto Testamento, e di una Lettera, scritta agli Ufficiali di S. Giorgio." Pages 9-10. Notizie storiche e bibliografiche di Cristoforo Colombo di Cuccaro nel Monferrato discopritore dell'America. Roma: Francesco Bourlie, MDCCCIX [1809].
Available via Google Books Read Free of Charge @
Available via Internet Archive @
Cancellieri, Francesco. Notizie storiche e bibliografiche di Cristoforo Colombo di Cuccaro nel Monferrato discopritore dell'America. Roma: Francesco Bourlie, MDCCCIX [1809].
Available via Google Books Read Free of Charge @
Available via Internet Archive @
Colombo, Fernando; and Alfonso Ulloa, transl. Historie del S.D. Fernando Colombo; Nelle quali s'ha particolare, & vera relatione della vita, & de' fatti dell'Ammiraglio D. Christoforo Colombo, ſuo padre: et dello ſcoprimento, ch'egli fece dell'Indie Occidentali, dette Mondo Nuovo, hora poſſedute dal Sereniſs. Re Catolico: Nuovamente di lingua Spagnuola tradotte nell'Italiana dal S. Alfonſo Ulloa. Venetia: Appreſſo Franceſco de' Franceſchi Saneſe, MDLXXI [1571].
Available via Gallica BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France) @
Available via Internet Archive @
Available via Internet Archive @
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. "Columbus reports on his first voyage, 1493." Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History > History Resources: Spotlight On: Primary Source.
Available @
Harrisse, Henry. Christopher Columbus and the Bank of Saint George (Ufficio di San Giorgio in Genoa): Two Letters Addressed to Samuel L.M. Barlow, Esquire. London: Privately Printed -- Chiswick Press, C. Wittingham and Co., MDCCCLXXXVIII [1888].
Available via Internet Archive @
Irving, Washington. "No. XXXV. Signature of Columbus." Pages 437-439. A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Vol. IV. Appendix: No. V Birthplace of Columbus, pages 123-138. London: John Murray, MDCCCXXVIII [1828].
Available via Internet Archive @
Irving, Washington. "An informal codicil, executed by Columbus at Valladolid, May 4th, 1506, sixteen days before his death, was discovered about 1785, in the Corsini library at Rome. It is termed a military codicil, from being made in the manneer which the civil law allows to the soldier who executes such an instrument on the eve of battle, or in expectation of death. It was written on the blank page of a little breviary presented to Columbus by Pope Alexander VII. Columbus leaves the book 'to his beloved country, the Republic of Genoa.' He directs the erection of a hospital in that city for the poor, with provision for its support; and he declares that republic his successor in the admiralty of the Indies, in the event of his male line becoming extinct." Pages 134-138. A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Vol. IV. Appendix: No. V Birthplace of Columbus, pages 123-138. London: John Murray, MDCCCXXVIII [1828].
Available via Internet Archive @
Irving, Washington. "An informal codicil, executed by Columbus at Valladolid, May 4th, 1506, sixteen days before his death, was discovered about 1785, in the Corsini library at Rome. . . . He directs the erection of a hospital in that city for the poor, with provision for its support; and he declares that republic his successor in the admiralty of the Indies, in the event of his male line becoming extinct." Page 384. The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus; To Which Are Added those of His Companions. Author's Revised Edition. Vol. III. Appendix: No. VI Birthplace of Columbus, pages 376-386. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1871.
Available via Google Books Read Free of Charge @,+executed+by+Columbus+at+Valladolid,+May+4th,+1506,&pg=PA384&printsec=frontcover
Irving, Washington. "The authenticity of this paper has been questioned. It has been said, that there was no probability of Columbus having resort to a usage with which he was, most likely, unacquainted. The objections are not cogent. Columbus was accustomed to the pecualiarities of a military life, and he repeatedly wrote letters in critical moments, as a precaution against some fatal occurrence that seemed to impend The present codicil, from its date, must have been written a few days previous to his death, perhaps at a moment when he imagined himself at extremity. This may account for any difference in the handwriting, especially as he was, at times, so affected by the gout in his hands as not to be able to write except at night. Particular stress has been laid on the signature; but it does not appear, that he was uniform in regard to that, and it is a point to which any one who attempted a forgery would be attentive. it does not appear, likewise, that any advantage could have been obtained by forging the paper, or that any such was attempted. In 1502, when Columbus was about to depart on his fourth and last voyage, he wrote to his friend, Doctor Nicolo Oderigo, formerly ambassador from Genoa to Spain, and forward to him copies of all his grants and commissions from the Spanish sovereigns, authenticated before the alcaldes of Seville. He, at the same time, wrote to the bank of San Giorgio, at Genoa, assigning a tenth of his revenues to be paid to that city in diminution of the duties on corn, wine, and other provisions. . . ." Page 135-138. A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Vol. IV. Appendix: No. V Birthplace of Columbus, pages 135-138. London: John Murray, MDCCCXXVIII [1828].
Available via Internet Archive @
Irving, Washington. "The authenticity of this paper has been questioned. . . . He, at the same time, wrote to the bank of San Giorgio, at Genoa, assigning a tenth of his revenues to be paid to that city in diminution of the duties on corn, wine, and other provisions. . . ." Page 384-386. The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus; To Which Are Added those of His Companions. Author's Revised Edition. Vol. III. Appendix: No. VI Birthplace of Columbus, pages 376-386. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1871.
Available via Google Books Read Free of Charge @,+executed+by+Columbus+at+Valladolid,+May+4th,+1506,&pg=PA384&printsec=frontcover
Irving, Washington. A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Vol. IV. London: John Murray, MDCCCXXVIII [1828].
Available via Internet Archive @
Irving, Washington. The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus; To Which Are Added those of His Companions. Author's Revised Edition. Vol. III. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1871.
Available via Google Books Read Free of Charge @
Keen, Benjamin, transl. and annot. The Life Of The Admiral Christopher Columbus By His Son Ferdinand. New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1959.
Available via Internet Archive @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Christopher Columbus's Wife Was Madeiran But Was He Really Genoese?" Earth and Space News. Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Columbus's Ombu Tree From Indies Flourishes at La Cartuja in Seville." Earth and Space News. Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Ferdinand Columbus Biographized His Father as Italian But Born Where?" Earth and Space News. Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Is May 1506 Columbus Military Codicil in Prayer Book Found 1780 Fake?" Earth and Space News. Thursday, Dec. 29, 2022.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Lombardy Associates With Columbus and His Wife's Great-Grandparents." Earth and Space News. Thursday, Oct. 27, 2022.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Missing Half or Third of Columbus's Personal Papers Includes 1502 Will." Earth and Space News. Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Possible Columbus Grandfather João Gonçalves Zarco Discovered Madeira." Earth and Space News. Thursday, Nov. 17, 2022.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Second of Four Columbus Wills Likely Was Genuine But Has Disappeared." Earth and Space News. Thursday, Nov. 24, 2022.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Secrets & Lies Finds Duke of Beja Perhaps Fathered Christopher Columbus." Earth and Space News. Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Statue in Cuba, Portugal, Honors Columbus as Salvador Fernandes Zarco." Earth and Space News. Thursday, Nov. 10, 2022.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Trail of 1502 Columbus Will Confuses After 1578 Removal From Monastery." Earth and Space News. Thursday, Dec. 8, 2022.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Washington Irving Assessed 1506 Columbus Military Codicil as Authentic." Earth and Space News. Thursday, Dec. 29, 2022.
Available @
Miller, Kevin A. "Columbus's Signature: What does it mean?" Christian History, issue 35 (1992).
Available via Christianity Today @
PARES Portal de Archivos Españoles. "Testamento de Cristóbal Colón: codicilo. Supplied title: Testamento de Cristóbal Colón: codicilo. Reference number: PATRONATO,8,R.4 Date of creation: 1506-05-04. Scope and content: Codicilo de Cristóbal Colón por el cual instituye por única y universal heredera de sus rentas y bienes que posee en Italia, a su patria, la República de Génova, y añade que por falta de su línea masculina, nombra a esta República como heredera de su almirantazgo de las Indias y sus anejidades. Valladolid, 4 de mayo de 1506. Es una copia en latín y castellano. [S.F.-Siglo XVIII]." PARES Portal de Archivos Españoles > PARES Busquedas. Archivo General de Indias.
Available via PARES Portal de Archivos Españoles @
Piliński, Stanisław. Adam Piliński et ses travaux: gravures, dessins, lithographies et reproductions en fac-similé par un bibliophile. Paris: Labitte, Ém. Paul et Cie, 1890.
Available via Gallica BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France) @;2
Scotti, Ángelo Antonio. Elogio Histórico del Padre Juan Andrés de la Compañía de Jesús, Secretario de la Academia de Antiguedades y Bellas Letras y Prefecto de la Real Biblioteca de Nápoles. Valencia: Imprenta de D. Benito Monfort, 1818.
Available via Biblioteca Valenciana Digital @
Winsor, Justin. Christopher Columbus and How He Received and Imparted the Spirit of Discovery. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1892.
Available via Hellenica World @
Available via Internet Archive @
Available via Library of Congress @
Available via Project Gutenberg @
Winsor, Justin. "1498. February 22. Makes a will. Permission being given to him to entail his estates, he marked out in a testamentarv document (February 22, 1498) the succession of his heirs. . . . It was in the same document that Columbus prescribed the signature of his representatives in succeeding generations, following a formula which he always used himself. Columbus's signature. . S . A . S . X . M . Y . Xpo FERENS. The interpretation of this has been various: Serviis Supplex Altissimi Salvatoris, Christus, Maria, Yoseph, Christo ferens, is one solution; Servidor sus Altezas sacras, Christo, Maria Ysabel, is another; and these are not all." Pages 330-331. Christopher Columbus and How He Received and Imparted the Spirit of Discovery. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1892.
Available via Hellenica World @
Available via Internet Archive @
Available via Library of Congress @
Available via Project Gutenberg @
Winsor, Justin. "Fac-similé d'un dessin original de Christophe Colomb par Adam Pilinski 1887." Page 80. Christopher Columbus and How He Received and Imparted the Spirit of Discovery. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1892.
Available via Hellenica World @
Available via Internet Archive @
Available via Library of Congress @
Available via Project Gutenberg @

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