Monday, September 30, 2024

‘Imiloa September 2024 Sky Watch Admires Planet Saturn Dusk to Dawn

Summary: ‘Imiloa September 2024 Sky Watch admires Planet Saturn dusk to dawn even as dark hours admit a constellation, a galaxy, a star cluster, two planets more.

"God talks to human beings through many vectors: through each other, through organized religion, through the great books of those religions, through wise people, through art and music and literature and poetry, but nowhere with such detail and grace and color and joy as through creation. When we destroy a species, when we destroy a special place, we're diminishing our capacity to sense the divine, understand who God is and what our own potential is." Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., April 19, 2023, Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Back Bay, Boston, Massachusetts.

“And there’s many people out there who want us to move to the next planet already and I’m like, hang on, let’s not give up on this planet yet," William, Prince of Wales, July 31, 2023, Sorted Food food truck, London, England, United Kingdom.

Planet Saturn, first acknowledged Friday, July 30, 1610 telescopically by Galileo Galilei (Feb. 15, 1564-Jan. 8, 1642) of Pisa, Duchy of Florence [of subsequent northern Italy], adorns, Hawaiianized as Makalii (Pleiades [Greek πλέω, “to sail”?], from Hawaiian maka li’i, “beloved diminutive”?), the evening and the night, the post-midnight and the pre-dawn skies of ‘Imiloa September 2024 Sky Watch (Hawaiianized as Kepakemapa); observations of Saturn as a planet depicted with two moons in 1610 and as a planet with two "arms" in 1616 by the Florentine astronomer: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons

‘Imiloa September 2024 Sky Watch admires Planet Saturn dusk to dawn even as dark hours admit a constellation, a galaxy, a star cluster, two planets more, albeit all absent from early-morning appearances.
Browsing darkened skies begin 8:00 p.m. Hawaii-Aleutian (4:00 Chamorro, 7:00 Samoa, 10:00 Alaska, 11:00 Pacific, midnight Mountain, 1:00 next-day Central, 2:00 Eastern, 3:00 Atlantic) Time onward. Such starry skies contain Backbone, Fishhook, Kawelo Kite navigational star families and star lines; new, first-quarter, full, last-quarter moon phases; Milky Way galaxy; and Planet Saturn. Akau, Hoolua, Komohana horizons (from Hawaiian ‘ākau, “right [of west-ensconced sun]”; ho’olua, “[rain-bearing strong] north wind”; komo, “west [where sun] enters [sea]”) domicile Backbone star line.
Backbone star line, as Kaiwikuamoo, entertains Hokupaa, Nahiku and Hokulea (from Hawaiian Kaiwikuamo’o, “the lizard’s backbone”; Hōkūpa’a, “star immovable”; Nāhiku, “the seven”; Hōkūle’a, “star clear/happy”) stars.

Koolau northeast horizon diagonally to sky center to Kona southwest horizon features Fishhook star line, Manaiakalani (from Hawaiian māna ia ka lani, “hook fish the chief[‘s]”).
Manaiakalani guards there its Pira’etea (“white sea-swallow”), Keoe (“sweet potato [‘ulua, Ipomoea batatas]”), Humu (“fishhook hole”), Pīmoe (“trevally [ulua, Caranx spp]”), Kamakaunuiamāui, “Maui’s big fishhook”) stars. Ia (Milky Way, from Hawaiian i’a, “fish”) galaxy houses there with the aforementioned Fishhook stars, hailed among Unitedstatesian mainlanders as Deneb, Vega, Altair, Sagittarius and Scorpius. Kawelo Kite, as Kalupeakawelo (“the kite of Kawelo [personal name for “family trait”]”), inhabits Akau through Koolau northeast horizons, to Hikina east and Malanai southeast horizons.
Planet Saturn journeys in the Hikina east horizon dusk to dawn, when and where ‘Imiloa September 2024 Sky Watch jubilates Kawelo Kite as Kalupeakawelo star line.

Akau, Koolau, Hikina and Malanai horizons know as September (Hawaiianized Kepakemapa) navigational star family the Kalupeakawelo star line, commonly Kawelo’s Kite and the kite of Kawelo.
Saturn (Hawaiianized Makulu) lodges between Hikina and Malanai horizons, between Kalupeakawelo stars Keawe (“the bearer”) northward, Kukaniloko (“to anchor sound within”) and Nalani (“the heavens”) southward. It manifests southeast of Kalupeakawelo star-line stars Piilani (“climb heavenward”), Manokalanipo (“shark of the heavenly night”), themselves west of Kakuhihewa (“chart mistakenly”) and Kamoi (“the king”). Early morning nudges into the pre-dawn to dawn skies one constellation, one star cluster and two planets more as neighbors that nestle near “night-owl” Planet Saturn.
Hours dusk to dawn occasion Planet Saturn as optimal extra-navigational star-family, extra-star-line occurrence observed over new, first-quarter, full, last-quarter moons of ‘Imiloa September 2024 Sky Watch.

Pre-dawn skies present Jupiter (Hawaiianized Kaʻāwela, from Hawaiian ka āwela, “the young Christmas wrasse [Thalassoma fuscum]”) and Mars (Hawaiianized Hōkūʻula, from Hawaiian hōkū ula, “star red”).
Early-morning western skies queue Planet Saturn, then Planet Jupiter center-west with the star cluster Makalii (Pleiades [Greek πλέω, “to sail”?], from Hawaiian maka li’i, “beloved diminutive”?). The constellation Orion (from Akkadian Uru-anna, “heaven’s light” via Greek Ὠρῑ́ων via Latin Ōrīōn), Hawaiianized as Kaheiheianākeiki (“the cat’s cradle of the children”), resides center-west too. Planet Mars shows last and red from early-morning skies east of Planet Saturn, settled in southeastern skies evening and night, western skies pre-dawn to shining sunrise.
‘Imiloa September 2024 Sky Watch treats Planet Saturn trekking darkened skies dusk to dawn with the Milky Way, lightening pre-dawn with Jupiter, Mars, Orion and Pleiades.

Planet Saturn westward, Planet Jupiter (Hawaiianized as Kaawela, from Hawaiian ka āwela, “the young Christmas wrasse [Thalassoma fuscum]”) center-ward with Pleiades (Hawaiianized as Makalii [Pleiades (Greek πλέω, “to sail”?), from Hawaiian maka li’i, “beloved diminutive”?]) star cluster and Planet Mars (Hawaiianized as Hōkūʻula, from Hawaiian hōkū ula, “star red”) east of Makulu (Saturn Hawaiianized) aestheticize early-morning, pre-dawn skies September 2024 (Hawaiianized Kepakemapa) over ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center, University of Hawaii, Hilo, Hawaii County and island, Hawaii state (from Hawaiian ‘imi loa, “to search far”; ha wai ‘i, “breath life-force supreme”; hilo, “thread”); (top) observations of Mars made by English polymath Robert Hooke (July 18, 1635-March 3, 1703) March 3, 10, 21, 22, 23 and 28, 1666; (right) observations of Mars made February and March 1666 by Italian, French-naturalized, astronomer and mathematician Giovanni Domenico Cassini (June 8, 1625-Sep. 14, 1712); (left center) observation of Jupiter made June 26, 1666 by Robert Hooke; observation made June 29, 1666, by Robert Hooke; (left lower) observation of Saturn made June 29, 1666, by Robert Hooke; Robert Hooke, "The particular observations of the planet Mars, formerly intimated to have been made by Mr Hook in February and March last" (pages 239-242), "Some observations, made in Italy, confirming the former; and withall fixing the period of the said planet's revolution" (pages 242-245) and "Observation lately made at London, of the planet Jupiter: as also of Saturn" (pages 245-247), Philosophiscal Transactions of the Royal Society of London, vol. 1, num. 14 (Monday, July 2, 1666), opposite page 231: Public Domain, CC0 -- Creative Commons (CC0 1.0), via Smithsonian Libraries

My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.

Image credits:
Planet Saturn, first acknowledged Friday, July 30, 1610 telescopically by Galileo Galilei (Feb. 15, 1564-Jan. 8, 1642) of Pisa, Duchy of Florence [of subsequent northern Italy], adorns, Hawaiianized as Makalii (Pleiades [Greek πλέω, “to sail”?], from Hawaiian maka li’i, “beloved diminutive”?), the evening and the night, the post-midnight and the pre-dawn skies of ‘Imiloa September 2024 Sky Watch (Hawaiianized as Kepakemapa); observations of Saturn as a planet depicted with two moons in 1610 and as a planet with two "arms" in 1616 by the Florentine astronomer: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @; via NASA Huygens' Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) @
Planet Saturn westward, Planet Jupiter (Hawaiianized as Kaawela, from Hawaiian ka āwela, “the young Christmas wrasse [Thalassoma fuscum]”) center-ward with Pleiades (Hawaiianized as Makalii [Pleiades (Greek πλέω, “to sail”?), from Hawaiian maka li’i, “beloved diminutive”?]) star cluster and Planet Mars (Hawaiianized as Hōkūʻula, from Hawaiian hōkū ula, “star red”) east of Makulu (Saturn Hawaiianized) aestheticize early-morning, pre-dawn skies September 2024 (Hawaiianized Kepakemapa) over ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center, University of Hawaii, Hilo, Hawaii County and island, Hawaii state (from Hawaiian ‘imi loa, “to search far”; ha wai ‘i, “breath life-force supreme”; hilo, “thread”); (top) observations of Mars made by English polymath Robert Hooke (July 18, 1635-March 3, 1703) March 3, 10, 21, 22, 23 and 28, 1666; (right) observations of Mars made February and March 1666 by Italian, French-naturalized, astronomer and mathematician Giovanni Domenico Cassini (June 8, 1625-Sep. 14, 1712); (left center) observation of Jupiter made June 26, 1666 by Robert Hooke; observation made June 29, 1666, by Robert Hooke; (left lower) observation of Saturn made June 29, 1666, by Robert Hooke; Robert Hooke, "The particular observations of the planet Mars, formerly intimated to have been made by Mr Hook in February and March last" (pages 239-242), "Some observations, made in Italy, confirming the former; and withall fixing the period of the said planet's revolution" (pages 242-245) and "Observation lately made at London, of the planet Jupiter: as also of Saturn" (pages 245-247), Philosophiscal Transactions of the Royal Society of London, vol. 1, num. 14 (Munday, July 2, 1666), opposite page 231: Public Domain, CC0 -- Creative Commons (CC0 1.0), via Smithsonian Libraries @; Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @,_Cassini_Drawings_of_Mars,_Jupiter_and_Saturn_1666.jpg; Public Domain, via Internet Archive @; Public Domain, via Biodiversity Heritage Library @; Public Domain, via Project Gutenberg @

For further information:
"August 2024 Sky Watch." 'Imiloa > Education & Outreach > Sky Lines & Sky Watch.
Available @
Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum @BishopMuseum. 31 May 2013. "Aloha Friday Fact! The term 'Lahaina Noon' is relatively new, actually invented in 1990 for a phenomenon long marked by cultures across the Pacific and the tropics more widely. . . ." Facebook.
Available @
Campbell, Kimo. (Ed.). 1997. The Kumulipo: An Hawaiian Creation Myth. Second printing. Honolulu HI: Pueo Press. First Pueo Press edition. San Francisco CA: Pueo Press, 1978. First published by Boston MA: Lee and Shepard, 1897.
Available @
"Hawaiian Lunar Month." Hokulea > 'Ike: Knowledge and Traditions > Wayfinding: Modern Methods and Techniques of Non-Instrument Navigation, Based on Pacific Traditions > Hawaiian Voyaging Traditions > Hawaiian Lunar Month.
Available @
Joey; and Gerrit. "Average Weather For Hilo (By Month)." Love Big Island > Menu > Regions > Hilo > Highlights > Highlights For Hilo (City And Outdoors) > Guide to Hilo: Beaches, Favorites Activities, And Day Trips > Table of contents > Weather trends > Local Weather in Hilo > monthly average weather for Hilo. Updated 16 March 2021. Copyright 2011-2023.
Available @
"July 2024 Sky Watch." 'Imiloa > Education & Outreach > Sky Lines & Sky Watch.
Available @
"June 2024 Sky Watch." 'Imiloa > Education & Outreach > Sky Lines & Sky Watch.
Available @
Kawaharada, Dennis. “Lunar Days.” Kapi’olani Community College > Asia-Pacific Digital Library > APDL > Traditions of O’ahu. Copyright Kapi’olani Community College 2001-2004. Last Modified Last Updated 27 February 2023.
Available @,to%20the%20shore%20to%20fish.
Kawaharada, Dennis. “Traditions of O'ahu: Seasons & Months.” Kapi’olani Community College > Asia-Pacific Digital Library > APDL > Traditions of O’ahu. Copyright Kapi’olani Community College 2001-2004. Last Modified Last Updated 27 February 2023.
Available @
"Lāhaina Noon." Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum > Astronomy Resources.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 30 September 2024. "‘Imiloa September 2024 Sky Watch Admires Planet Saturn Dusk to Dawn." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 16 September 2024. "Imiloa September 2024 Sky Watch Aces Full-Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 9 September 2024. "‘Imiloa September 2024 Sky Watch Airs Backbone, Fishline, Kawelo Kite Star Lines." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 2 September 2024. "‘Imiloa September 2024 Sky Watch Appears Most Active Under Full Moons." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 26 August 2024. "Backbone and Chief's Fishline Awe 'Imiloa August 2024 Sky Watch." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 19 August 2024. "Mars and Jupiter Conjunction Alights ‘Imiloa August 2024 Sky Watch." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 12 August 2024. "Perseids Meteor Shower Maximally Alights ‘Imiloa August 2024 Sky Watch." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 5 August 2024. "‘Imiloa August 2024 Sky Watch Accepts Two Last-Quarter Moon Phases." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 29 July 2024. "Moons, Planets, Stars Are at ‘Imiloa July 2024 Sky Watch Early Morning." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 22 July 2024. "The Backbone and The Chief’s Fishline Awe ‘Imiloa July 2024 Sky Watch." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 15 July 2024. "‘Imiloa July 2024 Sky Watch Assigns Lahaina Noon Dates, Places, Times." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 8 July 2024. "‘Imiloa July 2024 Sky Watch Accepts Two First-Quarter Moon Phases." Earth and Space News. Monday. Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 1 July 2024. "‘Imiloa July 2024 Sky Watch Adds One More To Ancient Moon Phases." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 24 June 2024. "'Imiloa June 2024 Sky Watch Morning Planets, Star Cluster, Star Lines." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 17 June 2024. "‘Imiloa June 2024 Sky Watch Moon Phases Admit Summer Solstice June 20." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 10 June 2024. "‘Imiloa June 2024 Sky Watch Addresses Backbone Star Line Kaiwikuamo’o." Earth and Space News. Monday.
Available @
"September 2024 Sky Watch." 'Imiloa > Education & Outreach > Sky Lines & Sky Watch.
Available @
Thompson, Nainoa. "Hawaiian Star Lines and Names for Stars." Hawaiian Voyaging Traditions > Home > Menu > 'Ike: Knowledge and Traditions > Ho'okele: On Wayfinding > Nainoa Thompson On Wayfinding > Wayfinding: Modern Methods and Techniques of Non-Instrument Navigation, Based on Pacific Traditions > Hawaiian Star Lines.
Available @
"Traditional month names, 1895." nupepa. Posted 11 November 2013. Powered by WordPress.
Available @
"Weather in Hilo in December 2024." World Weather > World > United States > Hawaii > Weather in Hilo.
Available @
"Weather in Hilo in November 2024." World Weather > World > United States > Hawaii > Weather in Hilo.
Available @
"Weather in Hilo in October 2024." World Weather > World > United States > Hawaii > Weather in Hilo.
Available @
"Weather in Hilo in September 2024." World Weather > World > United States > Hawaii > Weather in Hilo.
Available @
"Weather in Hilo in August 2024." World Weather > World > United States > Hawaii > Weather in Hilo.
Available @
"Weather in Hilo in July 2024." World Weather > World > United States > Hawaii > Weather in Hilo.
Available @
"Weather in Hilo in June 2024." World Weather > World > United States > Hawaii > Weather in Hilo.
Available @
Yuen, Leileihua. "Kaulana Mahina - The Hawaiian Lunar Calendar." Ka'ahele Hawaii Writing for and about Hawai'i since 1993 > Ka Moomeheu o Hawaii - The Culture of Hawaii > Ao Hōkū - Hawaiian Astronomy.
Available @

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