Summary: Included bark in branch junctions ages safely with fused, entwining natural braces for bending strength, according to the May 2020 Arboriculture & Urban Forestry.
Crack starting at junction of codominant branches, with included bark, reveals safety hazards presented by bark-included branch junctions: Joseph OBrien, USDA Forest Service,, CC BY 3.0 United States, via Forestry Images |
Included bark ages safely with fused, entwining natural braces for bending strength in branch junctions, according to an article by Dean Meadows and Duncan Slater for Arboriculture & Urban Forestry May 2020.
Thigmomorphogenesis growth processes begin the article Assessment of the Load-Bearing Capacity of Bark-Included Junctions in Crataegus monogyna Jacq. in the Presence and Absence of Natural Braces. Mechanically stimulated growth counterbalances dynamic and static loading by causing radially thickened limbs with elliptically shaped cross sections toward bending directions and controlling overall tree height. Both co-authors at Myerscough College, Preston, Lancashire, England, discern co-embedded basal tissue and xylem-tissue density, grain-patterning and moisture content of branch-junction axillary wood increasing mechanical strength.
Mechanical strains enfeeble branch junctions whose included bark natural braces and vertical inclination angles exacerbate and whose sequential repairing extracts cup-shaped from wide-mouthed and cracked unions.
Low-failure anastomosis-fashioned, inosculation-formed, sapwood-fused, xylem-fused limbs and low-failure entwining branches and stems, less frequent than high-failure crossing branches, figure among climbing-plant, compex-object, intermeshing-twig, resting-stem nature braces.
Thirty-seven control branch junctions, without included bark or natural braces, garnered mean diameter ratios of approximately 81 percent and mean internal angles of approximately 42 percent. Twenty treatment-specimen included-bark branch junctions no longer harboring natural braces harvested mean diameter ratios of approximately 80 percent and vertical inclination angles of approximately 21 percent. Seventeen treatment-specimen branch junctions with included bark and natural braces inspired mean diameter ratios and mean vertical inclination angles of approximately 80 and 13 percent, respectively.
Study results joined higher- and lower-diameter ratios for control and treatment-specimen branch junctions with respectively weaker and stronger attachments and respective lesser- and greater-loaded mechanical strains.
Rupture testing kindled as the most frequent of three failure types that at branch junctions, for 21 of 37 controls and 22 of 37 treatment specimens.
Nine controls, 7 treatment specimens no longer lodging natural braces and 2 treatment specimens with natural braces logged compression-failed smaller-diameter branch outer edges, then junction failure. Seven controls, no treatment specimens no longer manifesting natural braces and 5 treatment specimens with natural braces manifested initial compression-failed outer edges before small-diameter branch failure. Rupture testing necessitated greater-loaded mechanical strains for 37 control hawthorn trees (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.), without included bark, than for 37 hawthorn treatment specimens, with included bark.
Ruptured branch junctions with included bark occurred under greater forces from mechanical strains for treatment specimens with crossing, fused, entwining natural braces than for those without.
Included-bark and normal-formed branch junctions presented wide internal angles even as as tight internal angles of branch attachments persist at branch junctions prevailing below natural braces.
Close-sized diameters and high branch junction ratios versus disparate-sized diameters and low branch junction ratios qualify their respective paired branches for less versus more junction-rupturing force. Rupture testing static-loaded mechanical strains revealed constant, linear rates, even as dynamic-loaded mechanical strains perhaps realize crossing-branch friction resisting wind-gusted failure of underlying included-bark branch junctions. Not one of 150-plus surveyed hawthorns, only one, whose junction sustained mechanical strains thrice those of normal-formed unions, of 37 treated, sheltered a fused-limb natural brace.
Fused, entwining natural braces, not branch junctions, whose axillary wood, denser, drier than stem wood, thwarts radial- and tangential load-transmitting mechanical strains, trigger branch-junction included bark.
multiple branch junctions (also known as tree forks) in hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna); Fleecefaulds Meadow Nature Reserve, Ceres, Fife, East Central Scotland; Wednesday, June 5, 2013, 15:12:09: Oor Woolie, CC BY 2.0 Generic, via Flickr |
My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.
Image credits:
Crack starting at junction of codominant branches, with included bark, reveals safety hazards presented by bark-included branch junctions: Joseph OBrien, USDA Forest Service,, CC BY 3.0 United States, via Forestry Images @
multiple branch junctions (also known as tree forks) in hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna); Fleecefaulds Meadow Nature Reserve, Ceres, Fife, East Central Scotland; Wednesday, June 5, 2013, 15:12:09: Oor Woolie, CC BY 2.0 Generic, via Flickr @
For further information:
Gilman, Ed. 2011. An Illustrated Guide to Pruning. Third Edition. Boston MA: Cengage.
Hayes, Ed. 2001. Evaluating Tree Defects. Revised, Special Edition. Rochester MN: Safe Trees.
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Meadows, Dean; and Duncan Slater. May 2020. "Assessment of the Load-Bearing Capacity of Bark-Included Junctions in Crataegus monogyna Jacq. in the Presence and Absence of Natural Braces." Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 46(3): 210-227.