Sunday, July 9, 2023

Kahakumakaliua Aged Family Ties to Haunani-Kay Trask Older than NCIS: Hawai’i

Summary: Kahakumakaliua aged Family Ties to Haunani-Kay Trask older than season 2 episode 16 July 10, 2023, on police procedural television series NCIS: Hawai’i.

"God talks to human beings through many vectors: through each other, through organized religion, through the great books of those religions, through wise people, through art and music and literature and poetry, but nowhere with such detail and grace and color and joy as through creation. When we destroy a species, when we destroy a special place, we're diminishing our capacity to sense the divine, understand who God is and what our own potential is." Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., April 19, 2023, Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Back Bay, Boston, Massachusetts.

Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask (Oct. 3, 1949-July 3, 2021) advanced ancestral and descendant genealogies and family history. She advocated for Hawaiian family ties whose ancestry her Cooper maternal and Trask paternal lines affirmed, back to the parent couple of all Native Hawaiians.: University of Hawaii at Manoa, via Facebook July 3, 2021

Kahakumakaliua aged Family Ties to Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask older than season 2 episode 16 debuted Monday, March 13, 2023, and rerun Monday, July 10, 2023, on police procedural television series NCIS: Hawai’i.
Episode 38 overall, by director Christine Moore and writer Ron McGee, broaches first-generational ties binding parent to parent, parent to children and children to one another. Annabelle Williams’ Haunani-Kay Trask, Champion of Native Rights of Hawaii, Dies at 71, July 9 and 12, 2021, for The New York Times, considers Trask Hawaiian-ness. She describes 2019 census data divulging that Hawaiian society domiciles respectively 38, 25-plus, 25 and 10 percent Asian, two- to two-plus-racial, White and Native Hawaiian races.
The State of Hawaii’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism’s Research and Economic Analysis Division enumerated Hawaiian as 5th at-home, most-spoken, non-English second language, 2009-2013.

Ancient Hawaiian legends, mythology, religion and spirituality aimed to alert their advocates and audiences to their ancestors and their descendants. They aligned their deifiers and their deities through two main lines of genealogical descent. One line allocates to Sky Father and Earth Mother ancestorship of archipelagic Hawaiians. The other line allows for Sky Father and Earth Mother ascending all genealogical lines of Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, Molokai and Oahu ruling high chiefs. Maternal Mauian and paternal Kauaian lines, respectively through Piilani and Kahakumakaliua, ally Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask with her ancestral Sky Father and Earth Mother; Monday, Feb. 6, 2023, 13:37, image of "Religion, Hawaiian Islands, Northern Polynesia diorama in the Oceania exhibit," Milwaukee Public Museum, downtown Milwaukee, southeastern Wisconsin: Michael Barera, CC BY SA 4.0 International, via Wikimedia Commons

The March 2016 Statistical Report, Detailed Languages Spoken at Home in the State of Hawaii, found 18,610 Hawaiian-language speakers statewide, or 3.8 percent of 1,287,075 Hawaiians.
Hawaii County, Honolulu County and Maui County respectively guard as 1st, 8th and 4th at-home, most-spoken, non-English second language, 2009-2013, 5,920, 9,475 and 2,050 Hawaiian-language speakers. They honor their ancient Hawaiian ancestry as 18.1 percent of 175,188 Hawaii County-ites, 3.8 percent of 901,756 Honolulu County-ites and 6.8 percent of 146,246 Maui County-ites. Spoken-English skills at less than “Very Well” (Statistical Report 2016:pages 8, 10, 12, 14) inform 3,010 statewide, 630 Hawaii, 1,965 Honolulu, 240 Maui county-wide Hawaiian-language speakers.
Perhaps 16.2, 10.6, 20.7 and 11.7 percent statewide, Hawaii, Honolulu, Maui county-wide Native Hawaiians jumbling English never jeopardizes Family Ties older than what NCIS: Hawai’i jubilates.

The 22nd High Chiefship of 23 Kauaian alii nui (from Hawaiian ali'i nui, "chief principal") amounted to a High Chiefess-ship under Kamakahelei (died 1794). The Kauaian queenship anchored Kauai island (from Hawaiian kaua'i, "place around the neck"?) 8 rulerships after Kahakumakaliua (ruled 1540-1560?), direct ancestor of Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask; "The Kamakahelei Cape, Memoirs Bishop Museum, Vol. VII, Fig. 50. This circular cape is of ʻōʻō (Acrulocercus nobtlis) yellow with two black and two red triangles in front. It measures in width 30 inches; in depth behind 16, and in front 8.5 and 9 inches. Kamakahelei was the mother of Kaumualii by Kaeokulani; another of her husbands was Kaneoneo whose shin-bone later formed the kumu or handle of the interesting kahili (No. 24) in the Bishop Museum. When Cook arrived at Waimea in 1778, and the people were loudly discussing the wonderful event Kamakahelei said: "Let us not fight against our god; let us please Him that He may be favorable to us; then Kamakahelei gave her daughter as a woman to Lono [Cook]; Lelemahoalani was her name; she was older sister of Kaumualii, and Lono slept with that woman, and the Kauai women prostituted themselves to the foreigners for iron. Whether the cape ever belonged to the famous chiefess or was simply named as a memorial of a famous ancestor in the family of the Queen Kapiolani is not recorded" (page 55); image of "The Kamakahelei Cape," circular cape of ʻōʻō (Acrulocercus nobtlis) yellow with two black and two red triangles in front, namesakes Kamakahelei, a wife of Kaneoneo and mother of Kaumualii by Kaeokulani (Memoirs of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History, vol. VII, no. I [1918], Figure 50, page 54): Not in copyright, via Internet Archive

Perhaps all those five-year-old through old-age Hawaiian-language speakers know their family lines, even as Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask knew Kahakumakaliua Kauaian paternal and Piilani Mauian maternal lines.
Bernard Kaukaohu Trask (Aug. 10, 1913, Honolulu, Oahu-June 16, 1977, Honolulu, Oahu) linked daughter Haunani-Kay Trask (Oct. 3, 1949-July 3, 2021) to Kauai County and island. The activist, author, poet and University of Hawaii at Manoa educator thereby mattered as paternal descendant of the parent couple of all ancient Hawaii’s ruling chiefs. Sky father Wakea (from Hawaiian wākea, “expanse”) and Earth mother Papahānaumoku (from Hawaiian papa hānau moku, “foundation offspring island”) nurtured as descendants 23 Kauaian alii nui.
Kahakumakaliua, ancestor of Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask, operated as 14th alii nui (from Hawaiian ali’i nui, “chief principal”) 463, 483 years before Family Ties on NCIS: Hawai’i.

Kauaian High Chiefships animated Kauai and Niihau (from Hawaiian ni'ihau) from the 14th generation after their parent couple, Sky Father Wakea (from Hawaiian wākea, "expanse") and Earth Mother Papahanaumoku (from Hawaiian papa hānau moku, “foundation offspring island” via Papahānaumoku) through their appearance as Alii Nui number 23. The 23rd supreme rulership announced Kaumualii (from Hawaiian ka umu ali'i, "the oven [of the] nobility") as last independent Kauai chief (1794-May 26, 1824) and first within the Kingdom of Hawai'i (1795-1893); Monday, March 22, 2010, 11:43, image of gravestone for Hawaiian royalty, Kaumuali'i, died 1825, and Kaahumanu, his wife, died 1822, in Waine'e (now Waiola) Church Cemetery, Lahaina Historic District, Lahaina, Maui, Maui County, Hawaii: Joel Bradshaw, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The 13th generation from Wakea’s and Papa’s second son, Haloa (from Hawaiian hāloa, “far-reaching”), produced Nanaulu, first Hawaiian king and ancestor of first Kauai Chief Moikeha.
The 23rd generation after Haloa queued Laamaikahiki, after 2nd Chief Haulanuiaiakea and before 4th through 11th Chiefs Ahukinialaa, Kamahano, Luanuu, Kukona, Manokalanipo, Kaumakaamano, Kahakuakane and Kuwalupaukamoku. Kahakumakapaweo, Kalanikukuma, Kamakapu, Kawelo-mahamahaia, Kawelomakualua, Kaweloaikanaka, Kawelo-a-Maihuna-ali`i, Kuike-ala-i-keuo'o-o-kalani `Unu-i-akea Ku-ali`i, Peleʻioholani, Kamakahelei and Kaumualiʻi respectively realized Kauai High Chiefships 12 through 13 and 15 through 23. Twenty-second Kauai High Chiefship, under High Chiefess Kamakahelei (died 1794), perhaps served as ancestral precedent of a strong Hawaiianeress to Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask two centuries later.
Kahakumakaliua triggered Family Ties, ancient as those of Hawaiian descendants of Hawaii, Maui, Molokai and Oahu rulers, ancienter to Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask, than on NCIS: Hawai’i.

NCIS special agents Kai Holman (Alex Tarrant) and Jesse Boone (Noah Mills) in American police procedural television series NCIS: Hawai'i's "Family Ties" (season two, episode 16): NCIS: Hawai'i @NCISHawaiiCBS, via Twitter March 10, 2023

My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.

This post is dedicated to the memory of our beloved blue-eyed brother, Charles, who guided the creation of the Met Opera and Astronomy posts on Earth and Space News. We memorialized our brother in "Our Beloved Blue-Eyed Brother, Charles, With Whom We Are Well Pleased," published on Earth and Space News on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021, an anniversary of our beloved father's death.

Image credits:
Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask (Oct. 3, 1949-July 3, 2021) advanced ancestral and descendant genealogies and family history. She advocated for Hawaiian family ties whose ancestry her Cooper maternal and Trask paternal lines affirmed, back to the parent couple of all Native Hawaiians.: University of Hawaii at Manoa, via Facebook July 3, 2021, @; University of Hawaii at Manoa, via Facebook July 3, 2021, @
Ancient Hawaiian legends, mythology, religion and spirituality aimed to alert their advocates and audiences to their ancestors and their descendants. They aligned their deifiers and their deities through two main lines of genealogical descent. One line allocates to Sky Father and Earth Mother ancestorship of archipelagic Hawaiians. The other line allows for Sky Father and Earth Mother ascending all genealogical lines of Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, Molokai and Oahu ruling high chiefs. Maternal Mauian and paternal Kauaian lines, respectively through Piilani and Kahakumakaliua, ally Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask with her ancestral Sky Father and Earth Mother; Monday, Feb. 6, 2023, 13:37, image of "Religion, Hawaiian Islands, Northern Polynesia diorama in the Oceania exhibit," Milwaukee Public Museum, downtown Milwaukee, southeastern Wisconsin: Michael Barera, CC BY SA 4.0 International, via Wikimedia Commons @,_Hawaiian_Islands,_Northern_Polynesia).jpg
The 22nd High Chiefship of 23 Kauaian alii nui (from Hawaiian ali'i nui, "chief principal") amounted to a High Chiefess-ship under Kamakahelei (died 1794). The Kauaian queenship anchored Kauai island (from Hawaiian kaua'i, "place around the neck"?) 8 rulerships after Kahakumakaliua (ruled 1540-1560?), direct ancestor of Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask; "The Kamakahelei Cape, Memoirs Bishop Museum, Vol. VII, Fig. 50. This circular cape is of ʻōʻō (Acrulocercus nobtlis) yellow with two black and two red triangles in front. It measures in width 30 inches; in depth behind 16, and in front 8.5 and 9 inches. Kamakahelei was the mother of Kaumualii by Kaeokulani; another of her husbands was Kaneoneo whose shin-bone later formed the kumu or handle of the interesting kahili (No. 24) in the Bishop Museum. When Cook arrived at Waimea in 1778, and the people were loudly discussing the wonderful event Kamakahelei said: "Let us not fight against our god; let us please Him that He may be favorable to us; then Kamakahelei gave her daughter as a woman to Lono [Cook]; Lelemahoalani was her name; she was older sister of Kaumualii, and Lono slept with that woman, and the Kauai women prostituted themselves to the foreigners for iron. Whether the cape ever belonged to the famous chiefess or was simply named as a memorial of a famous ancestor in the family of the Queen Kapiolani is not recorded" (page 55); image of "The Kamakahelei Cape," circular cape of ʻōʻō (Acrulocercus nobtlis) yellow with two black and two red triangles in front, namesakes Kamakahelei, a wife of Kaneoneo and mother of Kaumualii by Kaeokulani (Memoirs of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History, vol. VII, no. I [1918], Figure 50, page 54): Not in copyright, via Internet Archive @; Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @,_Memoirs_Bishop_Museum,_Vol._VII,_Fig._50.jpg
Kauaian High Chiefships animated Kauai and Niihau (from Hawaiian ni'ihau) from the 14th generation after their parent couple, Sky Father Wakea (from Hawaiian wākea, "expanse") and Earth Mother Papahanaumoku (from Hawaiian papa hānau moku, “foundation offspring island” via Papahānaumoku) through their appearance as Alii Nui number 23. The 23rd supreme rulership announced Kaumualii (from Hawaiian ka umu ali'i, "the oven [of the] nobility") as last independent Kauai chief (1794-May 26, 1824) and first within the Kingdom of Hawai'i (1795-1893); Monday, March 22, 2010, 11:43, image of gravestone for Hawaiian royalty, Kaumuali'i, died 1825, and Kaahumanu, his wife, died 1822, in Waine'e (now Waiola) Church Cemetery, Lahaina Historic District, Lahaina, Maui, Maui County, Hawaii: Joel Bradshaw, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @
NCIS special agents Kai Holman (Alex Tarrant) and Jesse Boone (Noah Mills) in American police procedural television series NCIS: Hawai'i's "Family Ties" (season two, episode 16): NCIS: Hawai'i @NCISHawaiiCBS, via Twitter March 10, 2023, @ NCIS: Hawai'i @NCISHawaiiCBS, via Twitter March 10, 2023, @

For further information:
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Campbell, Kimo. (Ed.). 1997. The Kumulipo: An Hawaiian Creation Myth. Second printing. Honolulu HI: Pueo Press. First Pueo Press edition. San Francisco CA: Pueo Press, 1978. First published by Boston MA: Lee and Shepard, 1897.
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