Summary: Thórbergur Thórdarson assuages anxiety in Nattblinda, as Nightblind, second thriller about Ari Thór Arason in the Dark Iceland sextet by Ragnar Jónasson.
Esperanto- and Icelandic-reading, speaking and writing author Þórbergur Þórðarson (Romanized Thórbergur Thórdarson) abided in Hali (“tail”), western Suðursveit (Romanized Sudursveit, “south district”), southeast Iceland, with his parents, sister Guðnýja (born 1890, “god new”) and brothers Steinþór (Romanized Steindór or Steinthór, born 1892, “stone thunder”) and Benedikt (born 1894, “blessed”) the first 17 to 18 years of his life. He perhaps acknowledged his brother February 1924 with the birth of a daughter, whom he and Sólrún Jónsdóttir named Steindóri. His parents at one time announced a birthdate of March 12, 1889, instead of the accepted March 12, 1888, for him; April 11, 1950, image of Þórbergur Þórðarson: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons |
Thórbergur Thórdarson arouses admiration and assuages anxiety in his audience in Nattblinda, as Nightblind, second thriller about Siglufjörður Detective Inspector Ari Thór Arason in the Dark Iceland sextet by author Ragnar Jónasson.
A mysterious diarist in the psychiatric ward of perhaps Akureyri (“sandbank field”) Hospital bemoans few or no books beloved by him during each day’s reading time. He cherishes collections by Ernest Hemingway (July 21, 1899-July 2, 1961), Halldór Laxness (April 23, 1902-Feb. 8, 1998) and Þórbergur Þórðarson (March 12, 1888/1889-Nov. 12, 1974). Þórbergur Þórðarson (Romanized Thórbergur Thórdarson, “thunder-helper thunder-army”) devoted himself to Esperanto dialogues, with Malfræði (1924, “Grammar”) and Alþjóðamál og málleysur (1933, “International Affairs and the Dumb”).
Leskaflar (1936 and 1937, “Reading chapters”) and Leskaflar með orðasafni (1939), “Reading sections with vocabulary”) educated fellow Icelanders to Esperanto constructed international auxiliary language practical expressions.
The mysterious diarist furnishes no favorites from autobiographies, biographies, Esperanto instructional materials, poems and travelogues finished by fact-, factual fiction-, fiction-friendly Thórdarson between 1915 and 1987.
Þórður Steinsson’s (1854-1926) and Anna Benediktsdóttir’s (1863-1940) elder son first got published as poet pseudonymed Styr Stofuglamm (“tumult room-noise”) with Hálfir skósólar (1915, “Half shoe soles”). Spaks manns spjarir (1917, “A Wise Man Asks”) had that pseudonym, unlike Hvítir hrafnar (1922, “White Ravens”) and Edda Þórbergs Þórðarsonar (1941, “Thórbergur Thórdarson’s Poetry Treatise”). It nevertheless is his first autobiographical fiction, Bréf til Láru (1924, “Letter to Lára”), that impressed literate Icelanders with the self-instructed farm boy and schooner worker.
Perhaps the mysterious diarist in Nattblinda, as Nightblind, judges himself as somewhat similar to Thórbergur Thórdarson in juggling non-literary careers because of familial and financial circumstances.
Íslenskur aðall (1938, “In Search of My Beloved”) kindled Ofvitinn (1940 and 1941, “Overwhelmed”) and Sálmurinn um blómið (1954 and 1955, “The hymn about the flower”).
Autobiographical living and self-learning link Steinarnir tala (1956, “The Stones Talk”), Um lönd og lýði (1957, “On Countries and Peoples”) and Rökkuróperan (1958, “The Twilight Opera”). They likewise manifest themselves in Fjórða bók (1974, “Fourth Book”), Bréf til Sólu (1983, “Letter to the Sun”) and Mitt rómantíska æði (1987, “My Romantic Frenzy”). Thórbergur Thórdarson nestled Fagurtmannlif (1945, “Beautiful Human Life”), Í sálarháska (1946, “In Danger of Death”) and Hja vondu fólki (1947, “For Bad People”) into biographical niches.
Perhaps the mysterious diarist in Nattblinda, as Nightblind, never outgrew Á Snæfellsnesi (1948, “In Snæfellsnes”) and Með eilífðarverum (1949, “With Eternal Creatures”) by biographer Thórbergur Thórdarson.
His father preferred younger brother Steindor (born 1892) for plying the family farm so Thórbergur peregrinated to Reykjavík’s Vitastígur Street as Runold Gudmundsson’s schooner worker (1906-1909).
Reykjavík High School, Teachers’ College and University of Iceland course-sitting without exam-taking perhaps qualified Thórbergur as Vocational (1918-1925) and Commercial (1921-1925) schoolteacher and Alþýðublaðið journalist (1933). Rithöfundafélagið (“Icelandic Writers’ Association”) and Háskóli Íslands (“University of Iceland”) respectively rendered him honorary member and doctor-elect before his Parkinson’s disease-related stroke in Landspítali (“National Hospital”). Sólrún Jónsdóttir, subsequently the fisherman Pálsson’s spouse (1919-), and Thórbergur, subsequently Margrét Jónsdóttir’s spouse (Oct. 1, 1932-), started a relationship in 1911, then family in 1924.
The mysterious diarist, released before Nattblinda, as Nightblind, perhaps trekked to the Þórbergssetur (“Thórbergur Centre”) opening July 1, 2006, to treat himself to Thórberger Thórdarson memorabilia.
Þórbergssetur (Romanized Thórbergssetur, “Thórbergur Center”) acts as architectural biography of Thórbergur Thórdarson even as the latter acted as biographer with such published works as Að æfilokum (1950, “Towards the End of His Life”) and as Fagurt er í eyjum (1967, “Beautiful in the Islands”), Fagur fiskurí sjo (1968, “Beautiful Fish in the Sea”), Fagurt galaði fuglinn sá (1970, “The Beautiful Bird Saw It”) and Hus & Batur (1970, "House and Boat"). It archives a restaurant, a souvenir shop and two exhibition spaces within a building whose side appears bookshelf-like with its red book spine-like design. It attests to the farming legacy of the writer’s father’s farm in Hali and of his grandfather’s farm, Breiðabólsstadur (Romanized Breidabolsstadur, “wide farm place”), in Vestur-Húnavatnssýsla (“West Bear Cubs’ Water District”) County of northwest Iceland; July 11, 2010, image of Þórbergssetur: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons |
My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.
This post is dedicated to the memory of our beloved blue-eyed brother, Charles, who guided the creation of the Met Opera and Astronomy posts on Earth and Space News. We memorialized our brother in "
Our Beloved Blue-Eyed Brother, Charles, With Whom We Are Well Pleased," published on Earth and Space News on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021, an anniversary of our beloved father's death.
Image credits:
Þórbergssetur (Romanized Thórbergssetur, “Thórbergur Center”) acts as architectural biography of Thórbergur Thórdarson even as the latter acted as biographer with such published works as Að æfilokum (1950, “Towards the End of His Life”) and as Fagurt er í eyjum (1967, “Beautiful in the Islands”), Fagur fiskurí sjo (1968, “Beautiful Fish in the Sea”), Fagurt galaði fuglinn sá (1970, “The Beautiful Bird Saw It”) and Hus & Batur (1970, "House and Boat"). It archives a restaurant, a souvenir shop and two exhibition spaces within a building whose side appears bookshelf-like with its red book spine-like design. It attests to the farming legacy of the writer’s father’s farm in Hali and of his grandfather’s farm, Breiðabólsstadur (Romanized Breidabolsstadur, “wide farm place”), in Vestur-Húnavatnssýsla (“West Bear Cubs’ Water District”) County of northwest Iceland; July 11, 2010, image of Þórbergssetur: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @
Þórbergssetur (Romanized Thórbergssetur, “Thórbergur Center”) acts as architectural biography of Thórbergur Thórdarson even as the latter acted as biographer with such published works as Að æfilokum (1950, “Towards the End of His Life”) and as Fagurt er í eyjum (1967, “Beautiful in the Islands”), Fagur fiskurí sjo (1968, “Beautiful Fish in the Sea”), Fagurt galaði fuglinn sá (1970, “The Beautiful Bird Saw It”) and Hus & Batur (1970, "House and Boat"). It archives a restaurant, a souvenir shop and two exhibition spaces within a building whose side appears bookshelf-like with its red book spine-like design. It attests to the farming legacy of the writer’s father’s farm in Hali and of his grandfather’s farm, Breiðabólsstadur (Romanized Breidabolsstadur, “wide farm place”) in Vestur-Húnavatnssýsla (“West Bear Cubs’ Water District”) County of northwest Iceland German: The Museum at Hof Hali in Iceland between Jökulsárlón and Suðursveit. Place of birth of the poet Þórbergur Þórðarson (1889-1974) Icelandic; July 11, 2010, image of Þórbergssetur: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @
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