Friday, December 20, 2019

200th Anniversary of Ajanta Cave Wall Paintings: Ajanta Rain Gardens

Summary: Ajanta rain gardens appear above, alongside and below the Ajanta Caves in the 200th anniversary of European-accessed Ajanta cave wall paintings.

verdant landscape of Ajanta Caves along Waghora ("Tiger") River after monsoon; Ajanta Caves, Maharashtra, west-central India; Sunday, Sep. 11, 2016, 11:19: Ms Sarah Welch, CC BY SA 4.0 International, via Wikimedia Commons

The Ajanta Caves naturally accommodate Ajanta rain gardens, as wild area vegetation arrangements amenable to copycat assemblies elsewhere, in the 200th anniversary year of European-accessed Ajanta cave wall paintings in Maharashtra, India.
Natural Ajanta rain gardens buffer the western extensions of the Sahyradri Hills (from Sanskrit सह्याद्रि, "benevolent") and the Waghora (from Sanskrit व्याघ्र, "tiger") River bend glen. They collect the heavy metals and polluted particles that cluster atmospherically from on-site construction, tourism and traffic and that come down during the rainy season months. Two centuries developing cliff ridges above, excavated ridges of and to, and valley faces and floors below the Ajanta Caves somewhat debilitate natural Ajanta rain gardens.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage Centre on-site examinations since 1983 expose moisture entering and endangering the 1,300- to 2,300-year-old, 30-cavern Ajanta Caves.

Geological flaws and preservation- and tourism-friendly features frustrate natural flows of surface runoff into forest soils, the Sat Kund (Seven Pool) waterfall and the Waghora River.
The volcanic basalt rocks in the near-perpendicular cliff faces that artisans gouged into the Ajanta Caves generate broken, collapsible surfaces from landslides, vibrations, water and winds. Installing administrative and tourist facilities, doors, lights, paths, rails, roads, steps and windows impairs cave integrity, impedes surface runoff infiltrating forest soils and initiates soil compaction.
Compaction from construction jeopardizes invertebrate, root and vertebrate journeys horizontally, not vertically, through Ajanta rain gardens toward Ajanta cave wall paintings in their 200th anniversary year.

Bhil hunters kept their traditional grounds around the Ajanta Caves a balanced ecosystem until antiquities-loving artist Robert Gill (Sept. 26, 1804-April 10, 1879) killed 250 tigers.
Well-drained forests naturally lodge almondette (charoli, Buchanania lanzan), asthma-plant (dudhi, Euphorbia hirta), axlewood (dhavra, Anogeissus latifolia), Bidi leaf (apta, Bauhinia racemosa) and fan palm (lendi, Borassus flabellifer). Ajanta rain gardens naturally maintain golden rain (bahawa, Cassia fistula), Indian blackwood (anjan, Hardwickia binata), Indian frankincense (salai, Boswellia serrata) and Indian gooseberry (amla, Phyllanthus emblica). Their black, humid, laterite, nutrient-rich, red, semi-shaded, sun-dappled soils nurture Indian kino (bija, Pterocarpus marsupium), Indian linden (dhaman, Grewia tiliifolia) and Indian plum (ber, Ziziphus mauritiana).
Natural Ajanta rain gardens in the 200th anniversary year of Ajanta cave wall paintings, European-accessed since April 28, 1819, still offer Indian quince (bel, Aegle marmelos).

Conservatory-, exterior and interior courtyard-, greenhouse-modeled and natural Ajanta rain gardens possess Indian sandalwood (chandan, Santalum album), kalam rosids (Drypetes kalamii) and khair acacia (Acacia catechu).
Natural Ajanta rain gardens queue up mallow-leaved crossberry (dhaman, Grewia abutilifolia), marking nut trees (bhilawa, Semecarpus anacardium), teak (Tectona grandis) and thorny acacia (babul, Vachellia nilotica). They require relative humidity at 40 to 80 percent, soil pHs 5.5 to 6, 30.51-inch (775-plus-millimeter) rainfall and temperatures above 55.4 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees Celsius). Those styled accurately elsewhere sustain edible, sheltering plants for perhaps non-existent populations of bats, boar, deer, gazelles, hare, jackals, jungle-fowls, langurs, leopards, pea-fowls, squirrels and tigers.
Natural Ajanta rain gardens, albeit semi-thwarted by time, traffic and trauma, turn rainy-season surface runoff away from Ajanta cave wall paintings in their 200th anniversary year.

Waghora River horseshoes Ajanta Caves; Ajanta Caves, Maharashtra, west-central India; Sunday, Sep. 11, 2016, 09:43: Ms Sarah Welch, CC BY SA 4.0 International, via Wikimedia Commons

My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.

Image credits:
verdant landscape of Ajanta Caves along Waghora ("Tiger") River after monsoon; Ajanta Caves, Maharashtra, west-central India; Sunday, Sep. 11, 2016, 11:19: Ms Sarah Welch, CC BY SA 4.0 International, via Wikimedia Commons @
Waghora River horseshoes Ajanta Caves; Ajanta Caves, Maharashtra, west-central India; Sunday, Sep. 11, 2016, 09:43: Ms Sarah Welch, CC BY SA 4.0 International, via Wikimedia Commons @

For further information:
"Ajanta Caves." UNESCO > Culture > World Heritage Centre > The List > World Heritage List.
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"Ajanta Caves Vulnerable to Landslides, Says Study." NDTV > India > News > August 6, 2014 15:50 IST.
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Bankar, M.V.; and N.P. Bhosle. November-December 2017. "Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants in Ajanta Region (MS) India." IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences Volume 12, Issue 6 Ver. II: 59-64.
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Barrett, Douglas E.; and Basil Gray. 1963. Painting of India. Geneva, Switzerland: Skira, Treasures of Asia. Distributed in the United States by World Publishing Co., Cleveland OH.
Behl, Benoy K. 2005. The Ajanta Caves: Ancient Paintings of Buddhist India. London UK: Thames & Hudson.
Boyd, Ryan. 14 December 2018. "Sacred Sites: Ajanta Caves." Evolve + Ascend > Ancient Wisdom > Culture > Occult > Sacred Sites.
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Boyle, Alan. 25 November 2013. "Religious Roots of Buddha's Birthplace Traced Back 2,600 Years." NBC News > Science News.
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Burgess, J. (James). 1879. "Notes on the Bauddha Rock-Temples of Ajanta, Their Paintings and Sculptures, and on the Paintings of the Bagh Caves, Modern Bauddha Mythology, &c." Archaeological Society of Western India, no. 9. Bombay, India: Government Central Press.
Available via Internet Archive @
Dalrymple, William. 15 August 2014. "The Ajanta Cave Murals: 'Nothing Less Than the Birth of Indian Art.'" The Guardian > Culture > Art & Design.
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Fergusson, James. 1845. Illustrations of the Rock-Cut Temples of India: Text to Accompany the Folio Volume of Plates. London, England.
Available via Internet Archive @
Fergusson, James. 1845. Illustrations of the Rock-Cut Temples of India: Selected From the Best Examples of the Different Series of Caves at Ellora, Ajunta, Cuttack, Salsette, Karli, and Mahavellipore. Drawn on Stone by Mr. T.C. Dibdin, From Sketches Carefully Made on the Spot, With the Assistance of the Camera-Lucida, in the Years 1838-9. London, England: John Weale, M.DCCC.XLV.
Available via Internet Archive @
Fergusson, James; and James Burgess. 1880. The Cave Temples of India. London, England: W.H. Allen & Co.
Available via Internet Archive @
Fergusson, James; and Robert Gill. 1864. The Rock-Cut Temples of India; Illustrated by Seventy-Four Photographs Taken on the Spot by Major Gill. Described by James Fergusson. London, England: John Murray.
Available via HathiTrust @
Available via Wikisource @
Gill, Robert; and James Fergusson. 1864. One Hundred Stereoscopic Illustrations of Architecture and Natural History in Western India. Photographed by Major Gill and described by James Fergusson. London, England: Cundall, Downes & Co.
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