Summary: Tree pruning systems advance tree appearance, health and stability in accord with the best management practices articulated in Arborist News October 2019.
Dutch post-impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh (March 30, 1853-July 29, 1890) depicted the pruning technique of pollarding in his 1884 pen and brown ink drawing on paper laid down on cardboard, Tetards (Pollards); The Art Institute of Chicago, Robert Allerton Fund: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons |
Tree pruning systems in the article Pruning Systems: Best Management Practices - Tree Pruning, 3rd Edition, for the October 2019 issue of Arborist News assist public safety and tree appearance, health and stability.
Co-authors Edward F. Gilman, Sharon J. Lilly and E. Thomas Smiley broach tree pruning systems as bearing consequences when done badly or not done at all. Not pruning courts broken, dead, overextended branches; building, pedestrian, utility, vehicle misclearances; included bark; site disfunction; suckers; unsightliness; watersprouts; weak codominant stems; and whole branch/stem/tree failure. Best management practices designate as the best time for developing tree pruning systems the young stage, for strong branch architecture and swift convalescence from pruning wounds.
Pruning practices that eliminate live branches encourage branch and whole-tree failures, endanger mature trees' photosynthetically manufacturing sugars and entail expending energy for growth on pruning-wound closures.
Lion-tailing, over-lifting, over-thinning pruning practices facilitate branch failure and frustrate tree health because they focus weight distribution away from interior-crown branches and toward drooping, weighted-down ends.
Pruning operations go after visual inspections of branch architecture, general condition and tree health to guide heading, reducing, removing, shearing cuts; and wildlife and worker safety. Visual inspections hone work objectives, scope and specifics; work-site and worker safety; and tree pruning systems for desired long-term arboriculture, fruit production and landscaping plant forms. Tree pruning systems integrate client goals and formal, informal, semi-formal landscape designs and styles into bonsai, espaliering, fruit-producing, natural, pleaching, pollarding and topping iterations.
Forest-edge-, landscape- and street-tree arboriculture juggles cultivar- or species-characteristic, informal, not always completely natural tree pruning systems with branch architecture and site clearance, infrastructure and views.
The natural versus bonsai, espalier, fruit production, pleaching, pollarding and topiary tree pruning systems kindle one- to five-year versus two- or three- to 12-month pruning cycles.
The formal topiary (from Latin topiārius, "of or regarding ornamental gardening") tree pruning system lets slow-growing, small-leaved evergreen hedges, shrubs or trees look sheared, geometrical, artistic. The semi-formal pollarding (from Middle English poll, "head") tree pruning system maximizes epicormic (from Greek ἐπί, "atop" and κορμός, "bough-stripped trunk") shoots and minimizes decay movements. Pollarding's heading-cut three-year-old branches and stems nurse decay-controlled fodder, fuel, shelter wood whereas topping's heading-cut large, live branches and leaders negate long-term healthy structurally integral trees.
Ash (Fraxinus), beech (Fagus), catalpa, crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia), elm (Ulmus), coral-tree (Erythrina), hawthorn (Crataegus), horsechestnut (Aesculus), Japanese quince (Chaenomeles), linden (Tilia) and maple (Acer) offer pollarding-tolerant trunks.
Oak (Quercus), pear (Pyrus), plane-tree (Platanus) and sweetgrum (Liquidambar) versus fruit trees present pollarding versus central-leader, modified cenral-leader, bi-axis, espalier-on-trellis, slender-spindle, vertical-axis, open-center fruit-production pruning systems.
The formal espalier (from Italian spalla, "shoulder") pruning system queues fence-, trellis-, wall-backed fruit trees outside hardiness ranges for, like bonsai and topiary, specific visual effects. The pleaching (from Latin plexus, "braided") tree pruning system requires horizontally interweaving branches into allées (from Old French aler, "to go"), arbors, arching tunnels or walls. Confined root spaces suggest containerized fixed- or limited-size, leaf-, root-, twig-pruned, miniature bonsai trees, from ancient Chinese penjing (from Chinese 盆景, "potted landscape") artistic landscaping traditions.
Tree pruning systems treat confined root spaces; low output outside hardiness ranges; old-field-like urban trees; sunny, windy exposures; live-wood timber in limited above-grounds; and whimsical landscaping.
The pruning technique of pleaching is visible in spring as leaves fill in pleached lime trees (Tilia spp.) in Hidcote Manor Garden, Gloucestershire, South West England, designed by American-born British garden designer Lawrence Johnston (Oct. 12, 1871-April 27, 1958); Tuesday, April 10, 2007, 15:04: Matt Gibson from Bristol, United Kingdom, CC BY 2.0 Generic, via Wikimedia Commons |
My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.
Image credits:
Dutch post-impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh (March 30, 1853-July 29, 1890) depicted the pruning technique of pollarding in his 1884 pen and brown ink drawing on paper laid down on cardboard, Tetards (Pollards); The Art Institute of Chicago, Robert Allerton Fund: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @
The pruning technique of pleaching is visible in spring as leaves fill in pleached lime trees (Tilia spp.) in Hidcote Manor Garden, Gloucestershire, South West England, designed by American-born British garden designer Lawrence Johnston (Oct. 12, 1871-April 27, 1958); Tuesday, April 10, 2007, 15:04: Matt Gibson from Bristol, United Kingdom, CC BY 2.0 Generic, via Wikimedia Commons @; Matt Gibson (gothick_matt), CC BY 2.0 Generic, via Flickr @
For further information:
Gilman, Ed. 2011. An Illustrated Guide to Pruning. Third Edition. Boston MA: Cengage.
Hayes, Ed. 2001. Evaluating Tree Defects. Revised, Special Edition. Rochester MN: Safe Trees.
Lily, Sharon J.; Edward F. Gilman; and E. Thomas Smiley. October 2019. "Pruning Systems: Best Management Practices - Tree Pruning, 3rd Edition." Arborist News 28(%): 14-18.
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Steve Whysall. 30 January 2018. "…/ Clever way to create an elegant privacy screen." Facebook.
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