Summary: Lunar topophotomap minor feature names were approved in 1976 and 1979 by the International Astronomical Union as official names for 95 minor features.
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The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center's Lunar Topophotomap of Apollo 17 Landing Site 41D1S1(50), published November 1974; 200 dpi scan courtesy Robin Wheeler: NASA Apollo 17 Image Library |
Lunar topophotomap minor feature names were approved in 1976 and 1979 as official names for 95 lunar features by the International Astronomical Union, the international organization responsible for formalizing the names and designations of astronomical objects.
The Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) Topographic Center, headquartered in Washington DC, prepared a series of lunar topophotomaps for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The maps were produced by superimposing stereo contours on photos obtained during Apollo missions, according to The Moon-Wiki.
The Defense Mapping Agency issued 41 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomaps between March 1974 and February 1980. Three different scales were used.
Eight sheets were mapped at a scale of 1/10,000. These eight sheets cover Artemis 40A4S1(10); Davy Catena 77D1S1(10); Ina 41C3S1(10); Isis 42C3S1(10); Lorca East 42A4S2(10); Lorca West 42A4S1(10); NE of Aitken G 104A1S1(10); Osiris 42C3S2(10).
Three sheets were mapped at a 1/25,000 scale. These three sheets were centered on Rupes Boris 39B2S2(25); Samir 39B2S1(25); Timocharis 40B3S1(25).
Thirty sheets were mapped at a scale of 1/50,000. These 30 sheets were centerd on Apollo 15 Landing Area 41B4S1(50); Apollo 16 Landing Area 78D2S1(50); Apollo 17 Landing Area 43D1S1(50); Donna 61D2S1(50); Dorsa Lister 42C4S2(50); Dorsum Nicol 42C4S1(50); Dorsum Zirkel 40A1S1(50); Fossae Alphonsus 77D3S1(50); Fossae Littrow 42C2S1(50); Grace 61A2S1(50); King Central Peaks 65C1S1(50); King North Flank 65D2S1(50); Kira 102A1S1(50); Lalande 77A4S1(50); Melissa 65C1S2(50); Mons Argaeus 42C3S3(50); Montes Agricola 38B2S1(50); Necho Crater 83B4S1(50); Proclus Crater 61B2S1(50); Rima Dawes 42C3S4(50); Rima Euler 39C2S1(50); Rima Hadley Central 41B4S2(50); Rima Hadley South 41B4S3(50); Rima Herigonius North 75C1S1(50); Rima Herigonius South 75C4S1(50); Rima Mozart 41A3S1(50); Rima Prinz 39A3S1(50); Siegfried 100C1S1(50); Van Biesbroeck 39A1S1(50); Zahia 39B3S1(50).
The topophotomaps included official names as well as informal names for depicted features. Some minor features were identified with first-name designations, explained by Swedish astronomer Leif Erland Andersson (Nov. 4, 1943-May 4, 1979) and British-born selenographer Ewen Adair Whitaker (June 22, 1922-Oct. 11, 2016) in Lunar Nomenclature Catalogue, published as a NASA reference publication in 1982. The first-name designations appeared ". . . only on NASA Lunar Topophotomap charts . . ." (page 11).
Ninety-five minor features were identified with first-name designations, according to Schimerman's list in his Lunar Catalogue Dossier (page 175). The list indicated the specific lunar topophotomap on which each of the 95 features appeared.
Five feature types are represented in the list of 95 minor features. Craters account for the most minor features, with 74 contributions. One ridge (Latin: dorsum, dorsa), three chains of craters (catena, catenae), seven mountains (mons, montes) and 10 fissures (rima, rimae) complete the list.
Of the 95 first name-designated minor features, 74 are classified as craters. The category is defined as "A circular depression" on the Descriptor Terms (Feature Types) page of IAU's online Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature.
Twelve of the 74 first name-designated craters occur as far-side occupants. Six are located along northern Ibn Firnas Crater: Carol (65C1/S2), Ewen (65C1/S2), Kasper (65C1/S2), Melissa (65C1/S2), Romeo (65C1/S2) and Shahinaz (65C1/S2). Bawa (100C1/S1), Edith (100C1/S1), Karima (100C1/S1) and Fairouz (100C1/S1) lie in Lacus Solitudinis. Kira (102A1/S1) is found on the floor of Patsaev Q. Sita (65C1/S1) occurs on the interior floor of King Crater.
Sixty-two of the 74 first name-designated craters reside on the moon's near side. The craters occur in or near small (lacus) and large (mare, oceanus) lunar plains.
Lacus Felicitatis offers three first name-designated craters: Osama (41C3/S1), Dag (41C3/S1) and Ina (41C3/S1).
Mare Imbrium supplies 29 first named-craters: Akis (39C2/S1), Ango (29C2/S1), Ann (41A3/S1), Annegrit (40!a/S1), Artemis (40A4/S1), Béla (41B4/S3), Boris (39B2/S2), Carlos (41B4/S2), Charles (40A1/S1), Courtney (39B3/S1), Felix (40A4/S1), Gaston (39B2/S2), Ian (41A3/S1), Isabel (39B2/S1), Jehan (39C2/C1), Jomo (41B4/S3), Julienne (41B4/S1), Kathleen (41A3/S1), Linda (39B2/S2), Louise (39B2/S1), Mavis (40A1/S1), Michael (41A3/S1), Natasha (39C2/S1), Patricia (41A3/S1), Rosa (39C2/S1), Samir (39B2/S1), Taizo (41B4/S3), Verne (40A4/S1) and Walter (39B2/S1).
Mare Nubium's neighborhood claims 11 first name-designated craters: Alan (77D1/S1), Chang-Ngo (77D3/S1), Delia (77D1/S1), Harold (77D1/S1), José (77D3/S1), Monira (77D3/S1), Osman (77D1/S1), Priscilla (77D1/S1), Ravi (77D3/S1), Soraya (77D3/S1) and Susan (77D1/S1).
Mare Serenitatis offers six first name-designated craters: Ching-Te (42C3/S3), Christel (42A4/S1), Krishna (42A4/S2), Manuel (42A4/S2), Stella (42C3/S3) and Yoshi (42A4/S1).
Mare Tranquillitatis shelters three first name-designated craters: Diana (61A2/S1), Donna (61D2/S1) and Grace (61A2/S1).
The terrain between Mare Serenitatis-Mare Tranquillitatis counts five first name-designated craters: Isis (42C3/S1), Jerik (42C3/S2), Mary (42C3/S1), Osiris (42C3/S2) and Robert (42C3/S1).
Oceanus Procellarum contains five first name-designated craters: Aloha (38B2/S1), Ivan (39A3/S1), Rocco (39A1/S1), Ruth (39A1/S1) and Vera (39A3/S1).
Dorsum Thera (39B3/S1) appears as the list's only minor ridge. Dorsum Thera lies in the near side's Mare Imbrium.
The trio of first name-designated crater chains all reside on the near side. Catena Brigitte (42C3/S2) lies between Mare Serenitatis and Mare Tranquillitatis. Catena Pierre (39C2/S1) and Catena Yuri (39B3/S1) are found in Mare Imbrium.
Seven mountains are designated with first names. Two are located on the near side: Mons Agnes (41C3/S1) in Lacus Felicitatis and Mons Esam (61A2/S1) in Mare Tranquillitatis. The five far-side occupants all lie on the floor of King Crater: Mons Ardeshir (65C1/S1), Mons Dieter (65C1/S1), Mons Dilip (65C1/S1) and Mons Ganau (65C1/S1).
Ten rilles (German: "channells") are designated with first names. Only one, Rima Siegfried (100C1/S1), occurs on the far side. Nine lie on the near side: Rima Carmen (42C3/S3), Rima Cleopatra (38B2/S1), Rima Marcello (42C3/S2), Rima Reiko (42C3/S2), Rima Rudolf (42C3/S3), Rima Sung-Mei (42A4/S2), Rima Vladimir (41A3/S1), Rima Wan-Yu (39C2/S1) and Rima Zahia (39B3/S1).
The International Astronomical Union granted approvals of the first name designations as official names mostly in 1976. Additional approvals were issued in 1979 and 1985.
In 1976, approvals for 71 of the 95 minor features were issued. Dorsum Thera and all three catena (Brigitte, Pierre, Yuri) were approved. Five (Mons Andre, Mons Ardeshir, Mons Dieter, Mons Dilip, Mons Ganau) of seven mountains were officialized. Eight (Rima Carmen, Rima Cleopatra, Rima Marcello, Rima Reiko, Rima Rudolf, Rima Siegfried, Rima Wan-Yu, Rima Zahia) of the 10 fissures were adopted. Fifty-four of the 74 craters received approval: Akis, Alan, Aloha, Ango, Ann, Annegrit, Artemis, Bawa, Béla, Carlos, Chang-Ngo, Charles, Ching-Te, Christel, Courtney, Dag, Delia, Edith, Fairouz, Harold, Ian, Isis, Ivan, Jehan, Jerik, José, Julienne, Karima, Kathleen, Kira, Krishna, Manuel, Mary, Mavis, Michael, Monira, Natasha, Osama, Osiris, Osman, Patricia, Priscilla, Ravi, Robert, Rocco, Rosa, Ruth, Sita, Soraya, Stella, Susan, Vera, Verne, Yoshi.
The Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature's profiles for Christel and Krishna note their approvals in 1976. Notes for both craters inform: "Feature type changed from crater to vallis."
In 1979, approvals for 23 first name-designated minor features were granted. The remaining two (Mons Agnes, Mons Esam) of the seven mountains were approved. Approval was granted to Rima Vladimir as the ninth of the list's 10 fissures. The first name designations for 20 craters were recognized: Boris, Carol, Diana, Donna, Ewen, Felix, Gaston, Grace, Ina, Isabel, Jomo, Kasper, Kathleen, Linda, Louise, Melissa, Romeo, Samir, Shahinaz, Taizo, Walter.
In 1985, the 95th approval was issued. The International Astronomical Union approved Rima Sung-Mei as the official name for the last of the list's 10 fissures.
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The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center's Lunar Topophotomap Orthophotomap of Littrow LTO43D1 (250), published October 1974: NASA Apollo 17 Image Library |
My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.
This post is dedicated to the memory of our beloved blue-eyed brother, Charles, who guided the creation of the Met Opera and Astronomy posts on Earth and Space News. We memorialized our brother in "Our Beloved Blue-Eyed Brother, Charles, With Whom We Are Well Pleased," published on Earth and Space News on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021, an anniversary of our beloved father's death.
Image credits:
Image credits:
Detail of The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center's Lunar Topophotomap of Apollo 17 Landing Site 41D1S1(50), published November 1974; 200 dpi scan courtesy Robin Wheeler: NASA Apollo 17 Image Library @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center's Lunar Topophotomap Orthophotomap of Littrow LTO43D1 (250), published October 1974: NASA Apollo 17 Image Library @ ~ specific image @
For further information:
For further information:
Andersson, Leif E.; and Ewen A. Whitaker. NASA Catalogue of Lunar Nomenclature. NASA Reference Publication 1097. Hampton VA: NASA Scientific and Technical Information Branch, October 1982.
Available via NASA NTRS (NASA Technical Reports Server) @
Available via NASA NTRS (NASA Technical Reports Server) @
Consolmagno, Guy; and Dan M. Davis. Turn Left at Orion. Fourth edition. Cambridge UK; New York NY: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Apollo 15 Landing Area." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 41B4S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, November 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Apollo 16 Landing Area." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 78D2S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, November 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Apollo 17 Landing Area." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 43D1S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, November 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Artemis." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 2 Sheet 40A4S1 (10). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, n.d.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Davy Catena." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 77D1S1 (10). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, August 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Donna." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 61D2+S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, May 1977.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Dorsa Lister." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 42C4S2 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, January 1977.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Dorsum Nicol." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 42C4S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, July 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Dorsum Zirkel." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 40A1S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, November 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Fossae Alphonsus." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 77D3S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, December 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Fossae Littrow." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 42C2S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, November 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Grace." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 61A2S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, January 1976.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Ina." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 41C3S1 (10). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, July 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Isis." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 42C3S1 (10). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, April 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap King Central Peaks." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 65C1S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, May 1975.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap King North Flank." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 65D2S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, May 1975.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Kira." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 102A1S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, November 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Lalande." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 77A4S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, August 1977.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Lorca East." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 42A4S2 (10). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, November 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Lorca West." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 42A4S1 (10). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, November 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Melissa." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 65C1S2 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, November 1976.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Mons Argaeus." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 42C3S3 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, October 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Montes Agricola." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 38B2S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, May 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap NE of Aitken G." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 104A1S1 (10). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, February 1980.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Necho Crater." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 83B4S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, December 1977.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Osiris." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 42C3S2 (10). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, March 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Proclus Crater." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 61B2S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, November 1977.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Rima Dawes." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 42C3S4 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, November 1976.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Rima Euler." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 39C2S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, December 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Rima Hadley Central." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 41B4S2 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, April 1975.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Rima Hadley South." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 41B4S3 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, May 1975.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Rima Herigonius North." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 75C1S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, May 1977.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Rima Herigonius South." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 75C4S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, June 1977.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Rima Mozart." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 41A3S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, August 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Rima Prinz." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 39A3S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, December 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Rupes Boris." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 39B2S2 (25). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, September 1976.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Samir." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 39B2S1 (25). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, September 1976.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Siegfried." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 100C1S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, November 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Timocharis SE." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 40B3S1 (25). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, June 1978.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Van Biesbroeck." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 39A1S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, June 1974.
Available @
Available @
The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center. "Lunar Topophotomap Zahia." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lunar Topophotomap Edition 1 Sheet 39B3S1 (50). Washington DC: The Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, June 1974.
Available @
Available @
International Astronomical Union (IAU) / U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. “Descriptor Terms (Feature Types).” USGS Astrogeology Science Center > Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature > Documentation.
Available @
Available @
International Astronomical Union (IAU) / U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. “Target: The Moon.” USGS Astrogeology Science Center > Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature > Nomenclature > The Moon.
Available @
Available @
International Astronomical Union (IAU) / U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. “Vallis Christel.” USGS Astrogeology Science Center > Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature > Nomenclature > The Moon. Last updated Oct. 18, 2010.
Available @
Available @
International Astronomical Union (IAU) / U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. “Vallis Krishna.” USGS Astrogeology Science Center > Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature > Nomenclature > The Moon. Last updated Oct. 18, 2010.
Available @
Available @
Levy, David H. Skywatching. Revised and updated. San Francisco CA: Fog City Press, 1994.
The Moon Wiki. "Minor Feature." The Moon > Glossary.
Available @
Available @
The Moon Wiki. “Vallis Christel.” The Moon > Lunar Features Alphabetically > C Nomenclature.
Available @
Available @
The Moon Wiki. “Vallis Krishna.” The Moon > Lunar Features Alphabetically > K Nomenclature.
Available @
Available @
Moore, Patrick, Sir. Astronomy Encyclopedia: An A-Z Guide to the Universe. New York NY: Oxford University Press, Inc., 2002.
Moore, Patrick, Sir. Philip’s Atlas of the Universe. Revised edition. London UK: Philip’s, 2005.
Müller, E. (Edith A.); and A. (Arnost), Jappel, eds. XVIth General Assembly -- Transactions of the IAU Vol. XVI B Proceedings of the 16th General Assembly Grenoble, France, August 24-September 21, 1976. Washington DC: Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Jan. 1, 1977.
Available @
Available @
Schimerman, Lawrence A., ed. Lunar Cartographic Dossier. Vol. I. Prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration by The Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center. St. Louis AFS MO: The Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center, 1973.
Available @
Available @
Wayman, P. (Patrick A.), ed. XVIIth General Assembly -- Transactions of the IAU Vol. XVII B Proceedings of the 17th General Assembly
Montreal, Canada, August 14-23, 1979. Washington DC: Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Jan. 1, 1980.
Available @
Available @
Wheeler, Robin. "The Itek Panoramic Camera." National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA History Division > Apollo Flight Journal.
Available @
Available @
Woods, W. David; Frank O'Brien; Tim Brandt; Lennie Waugh; Ken MacTaggart; Andrew Vignaux; Ian Roberts; Robin Wheeler; Rob McCray; Mike Jetzer; Alexander Turhanov; Ben Feist; and Johannes Kemppanen. Apollo Flight Journal. National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA History Division.
Available @
Available @
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