Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hot Red Aglaonema ‘Pink Dalmatian,’ Best New Foliage Plant for 2016

Summary: Costa Farms' hot red aglaonema 'Pink Dalmatian,' best new foliage plant for 2016, should sell well for the Miami wholesale grower throughout 2016.

Costa Farms' red aglaonema 'Pink Dalmatian' is Best New Foliage Plant for 2016; the easy-to-grow, photogenic plant features dark green foliage with cotton-candy pink spots: Costa Farms via Facebook Jan. 18, 2016

Sales of hot red aglaonema ‘Pink Dalmatian,’ acclaimed as the best new foliage plant at Fort Lauderdale’s Florida Plant Industry Exhibition, Jan. 20, 2016, to Jan 22, 2016, are expected throughout 2016.
Receipt of the award for the display at booth 1419 in the annual TPIE show becomes yet another honor bestowed upon Costa Farms of Miami, Florida. Judges of the International Association of Horticultural Producers at the annual International Plant Fair in Essen, Germany, consider Costa Farms the international grower of the year. They deem equally worthy of gold medal status the finished plants and trees of Costa Farms, grower on 3,500 acres (1,416.39 hectares) and employer of 4,000.
Operation bases for Costa Farms extend from Florida and North Carolina to China and to the Dominican Republic.
Justin Hancock, horticulturist at Costa Farms LLC, furnishes information on the company’s releases of annual and perennial bedding plants, cacti, houseplants, orchids, succulents and tropical shrubs. He gives the customer perspective that “As a gardener, one of my favorite things about winter is when plant companies announce all of their new varieties.” He has the grower perspective over “everything new” and “an element of pride to be one of the folks releasing new plant varieties to the world.” He indicates that at Costa Farms “While we’re exceedingly proud of this [‘Pink Dalmatian’] variety, it was exciting to see that everyone else loves it, too.”
Phytoremediators keep homes humid by releasing moisture and hygienic by removing airborne particles from benzene, formaldehyde and xylene in cleaners and hair and nail care products.
Plant information sheets list the hot red aglaonema ‘Pink Dalmatian,’ best new foliage plant, among the easiest to grow of air-cleansing phytoremediators shipped from Costa Farms. The Costa Farms website mentions 16 plants in the section on the air-cleansing functions of phytoremediators and two more, philodendrons and zz (Zamioculcus zamifolia) plants, elsewhere. Their info-sheets on the hot red aglaonema ‘Pink Dalmatian,’ best new foliage plant, note efficacious, phytoremediating arrangements with Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema commutatum) and with red anthurium.
Costa Farms offers ‘Anyanmanee,’ ‘Red Emerald’ and ‘Siam Aurora’ red aglaonema cultivated varieties that air-cleanse particularly well with 2016’s cultivar.
The bright red, dark green and soft pink colors of the hot red aglaonema ‘Pink Dalmatian’ cultivated variety prompt seasonal arrangements with poinsettia, the Christmas plant. They qualify the cultivar of South Asian native plants for companionable arrangements with the oval-leafed, white-veined nerve plant (Fittonia argyroncura), Peruvian native similarly pruning-free and shade-tolerant.
Info-sheets on the website reveal that ‘Pink Dalmatian’ tolerates bright, low or medium light indoors, shade gardening outdoors and sheer curtain-diffused sunlight in the Deep South.
Justin Hancock states that “You practically can’t kill it (unless you overwater it; that’s the easiest way to kill this, or any variety of Red Aglaonema).”
It turns out that adages about redheads not handling pink stand corrected before 2016’s pink-speckled, pink-spotted red aglaonema ‘Pink Dalmatian.’

Red aglaonema and anthurium display beautifully together: Costa Farms via Facebook Feb. 10, 2015

My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.

Image credits:
"We're excited about our collection of gorgeous, easy-care Red Aglaonema varieties! We'd like to introduce 'Pink Dalmatian'": Costa Farms via Facebook Jan. 18, 2016, @
Red aglaonema and anthurium display beautifully together: Costa Farms via Facebook Feb. 10, 2015, @

For further information:
“Costa Farms, USA, Wins AIPH International Grower of the Year 2016.” Garden Media Group > Clients > Client News.
Costa Farms. 5 November 2015. "Costa Farms Color Aglaonema Collection." YouTube.
Available @
Costa Farms. 10 February 2015. "Elegant and easy -- that's what you get with gorgeous red aglaonema and beautiful anthurium." Facebook.
Available @
Costa Farms. 18 January 2016. "We're excited about our collection of gorgeous, easy-care Red Aglaonema varieties! We'd like to introduce 'Pink Dalmatian.'" Facebook.
Available @
Costa Farms. 28 December 2015. "Bring a splash of low-care color indoors with beautiful Red Aglaonema." Facebook.
Available @
Costa Farms @CostaFarms. 5 November 2015. "Costa Farms Color Aglaonema Collection." Twitter.
Available @
Hancock, Justin. 25 January 2016. “Best New Plant!” Costa Farms > Blog.
Available @
“Red Aglaonema: Aglaonema spp.” Costa Farms > Plants.
Available @
“TPIE 2016 Booth Award Winners.” Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association > Events.
Available @

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