Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Apollo 13 Saturn IVB Third Stage Crashed North of Mare Cognitum

Summary: The Apollo 13 Saturn IVB third stage crashed north of Mare Cognitum Wednesday, April 15, 1970, and carved a 30-meter crater in the lunar surface.

NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s (LRO) Narrow Angle Cameras’ (NAC) image of Apollo 13 Saturn IVB upper stage impact site, north of the southwestern near side’s Mare Cognitum; NASA ID PIA12979; LROC NAC image M109420042LE; image addition date 2010-03-22; image credit NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University: May be used for any purpose without prior permission, via NASA JPL Photojournal

The Apollo 13 Saturn IVB third stage crashed north of Mare Cognitum Wednesday, April 15, 1970, and created a roughly 30-meter crater in the surface of the moon’s southwestern near side.
The expended third stage and instrument unit of the mission’s mighty Saturn V moon rocket deliberately crashed into the lunar surface Wednesday, April 15, 1970, at 01:09:39. The crash happened at a Ground Elapsed Time (GET) of 077:56:39.7 (77 hours 56 minutes 39.7 seconds), according to the Apollo 13 timeline in freelance space writer Richard W. Orloff’s NASA-published Apollo by the Numbers (2000). Ground Elapsed Time (GET) expresses time duration in hours, minutes and seconds (hhh:mm:ss) from Range Zero, the last integral second prior to liftoff.
The third stage’s deliberate crash into the lunar surface was expected to be sensed by the Passive Seismic Experiment (PSE) station located at Surveyor Crater in the southeastern Oceanus Procellarum (Ocean of Storms). Commander Charles “Pete” Conrad Jr. (June 2, 1930-July 8, 1999) and Lunar Module Pilot Alan LaVern Bean (March 15, 1932-May 26, 2018) had deployed the seismometer Wednesday, Nov. 19, 1969, during the Apollo 12 mission’s first extravehicular activity (EVA).
The Apollo 12 seismometer assembly “successfully detected the Impact,” according to NASA’s Post Launch Mission Operation Report No. 1, released Tuesday, April 28, 1970 (page 2). The Passive Seismic Experiment’s data was transmitted to the Mission Control Center (MCC) at the Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC) in southeastern Houston. The Manned Spacecraft Center was renamed Feb. 19, 1973, as the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) in honor of the 36th President of the United States.
The Apollo 13 mission’s desired radius for the impact point was 189 nautical miles (350 kilometers) from the Apollo 12 seismometer. The impact point had been targeted at 125 nautical miles (NM) from the Passive Seismic Experiment station.
The actual impact site lies about 74 nautical miles (NM) west-northwest of the Apollo 12 seismometers. The impact site’s coordinates are 2.4 degrees south latitude, 27.9 degrees west longitude.
The S-IVB Stage angled for impact at about 80 degrees to the horizontal. The booster rocket dove into the lunar surface at a velocity of 8,465 feet-per-second (fps). The impact had an energy equivalency of 11.5 tons of TNT (trinitrotoluene). The report placed the booster rocket’s weight at about 30,700 pounds.
Post Launch Mission Operation Report No. 1 compares the PSE’s data on the S-IVB impact with its data on the Apollo 12 lunar module (LM) ascent stage’s lunar collision Thursday, Nov. 20, 1969, at 22:17:16 (5:16 p.m. EST). The Apollo 12 LM impacted at a distance of 42 nautical miles east southeast from the seismometer. The ascent stage’s flight path angle at impact was 3 degrees to the horizontal. Its energy equivalency approximated at one ton of TNT.
The Apollo 12 LM ascent stage had attained a velocity of 5,502 feet per second, according to Apollo 12 Post Launch Mission Operation Report No. 1. Weight at impact was 5,254 pounds.
The Apollo 13 Post Launch Mission Operation Report finds similarity in the “overall character” of the two impacts’ seismic signals. But the Apollo 13 booster rocket’s higher energy increased its seismic signal to “20-30 times larger than the LM impact and 4 times longer in duration (approximatey 4 hours vs. 1 hour)” (page 4). In fact, the clear signal recorded on the seismometer’s three long period components allowed for absolutely certain distinction of events. The report notes: “Thirty seconds elapsed between time of impact and arrival of the seismic wave at the seismometer; peak amplitude occurred 7 minutes later.”
Richard Orloff notes in Apollo by the Numbers that the international designation for the S-IVB was 1970-029B (pages 138, 274). The Apollo 13 Command and Service Module’s designator was 1970-029A. The lunar module was designated as 1970-029C.
The international naming convention for satellites is known as the COSPAR (Committee on Space Research) system. The International Council for Science (ICSU) established COSPAR in 1958. The COSPAR designator comprises the launch year, the launch number of the year and the launch component.
The takeaways for the Apollo 13 Saturn IVB third stage’s crash north of Mare Cognitum in the moon’s southwestern near side are that the lunar landing-deprived mission left an impression, albeit not footprints, on the lunar surface and that the Apollo 12 mission’s Passive Seismic Experiment (PSE) station, distanced 74 nautical miles from the impact site, successfully detected the event.

Passive Seismic Experiment (PSE) station in Apollo 12’s ALSEP (Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package) site is located 125 meters northwest of the Apollo 12 lunar module (LM); NASA ID AS12-46-6817: Apollo 12 Image Library, No copyright asserted, via NASA History

My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.

Image credits:
NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s (LRO) Narrow Angle Cameras’ (NAC) image of Apollo 13 Saturn IVB upper stage impact site, north of the southwestern near side’s Mare Cognitum; NASA ID PIA12979; LROC NAC image M109420042LE; image addition date 2010-03-22; image credit NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University: May be used for any purpose without prior permission, via NASA JPL Photojournal @; Generally not subject to copyright in the United States; may use this material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages; general permission extends to personal Web pages, via NASA Image and Video Library @
Passive Seismic Experiment (PSE) station in Apollo 12’s ALSEP (Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package) site is located 125 meters northwest of the Apollo 12 lunar module (LM); NASA ID AS12-46-6817: Apollo 12 Image Library, No copyright asserted, via NASA History @ (image URL);
Apollo 12 Image Library, No copyright asserted, via NASA History @ (image URL);
Apollo 12 Image Library, No copyright asserted, via NASA History @ (gallery URL);
via NASA LRO @;
NASA/Johnson Space Center (NASA-JSC), via Internet Archive @

For further information:
“Apollo 13.” Directed by Ron Howard. 1995. Beverly Hills CA: Imagine Entertainment.
Cogliati-Bantz, Vincent P. Means of Transportation and Registration of Nationality: Transportation Registered by International Organizations. Abingdon UK; New York NY: Routledge, 2015.
Godwin, Robert, comp. and ed. Apollo 13: The NASA Mission Reports. Burlington, Canada: Apogee Books, 1971.
Jones, Eric M. “ALSEP Deployment.” NASA > Apollo 12 Lunar Surface Journal. 1995, 1996. Last revised May 17, 2017.
Available @
Lindsay, Hamish. “ALSEP Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package 19 November 1969-30 September 1977.” NASA > ALSJ (Apollo Lunar Surface Journal). Last revised July 19, 2010.
Available @
Lovell, Jim; and Jeffrey Kluger. Apollo 13. First Mariner Books edition. Boston MA; New York NY: Houghton Mifflin, 2006.
Lovell, Jim; and Jeffrey Kluger. Lost Moon: The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13. Boston MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1994.
Marriner, Derdriu. “Apollo 13 Imaged Far Side’s Mandel’shtam Crater During Lunar Flyby.” Earth and Space News. Wednesday, April 22, 2020.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. “Apollo 13 Imaged Far Side’s Papaleksi Crater During Lunar Flyby.” Earth and Space News. Wednesday, April 15, 2020.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. “Apollo 13 Imaged Far Side’s Tsiolkovskiy Crater During Lunar Flyby.” Earth and Space News. Wednesday, April 8, 2020.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. “Apollo 13’s Lost Lunar Landing Aimed for April 15 at Fra Mauro Crater.” Earth and Space News. Wednesday, April 1, 2020.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. “Six Lunar Maria Shape the Man in the Moon for Northern Hemisphere Viewers.” Earth and Space News. Wednesday, May 3, 2017.
Available @
Masursky, Harold; G.W. Colton; and Farouk El-Baz. Apollo Over the Moon: A View From the Orbit. NASA SP-362. Washington DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Scientific and Technical Information Office, 1978.
Available @
NASA Content Administrator. “Apollo 13’s Booster Impact.” NASA > Missions > LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter > Multimedia. March 23, 2010. Last updated April 2, 2019.
Available @
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Apollo 13 Third Lunar Landing Mission. Press Release No. 70-50. April 2, 1970.
Available @
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Apollo 13 Technical Crew Debriefing (U) April 24, 1970. Prepared by Mission Operations Branch Flight Crew Support Division. Houston TX: Manned Spacecraft Center.
Available @
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Mission Operations Report Apollo 13. Prepared by Flight Control Division, April 28, 1970. Houston TX: Manned Spacecraft Center, 1970.
Available @
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Apollo 12 Mission (AS-507) Post Launch Mission Operation Report No. 1. No. M-932-69-12. Washington DC: NASA, 1969.
Available @
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Apollo 13 Mission (AS-508) Post Launch Mission Operation Report No. 1. No. M-932-70-13. Washington DC: NASA, 1970.
Available @
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Prelaunch Mission Operation Report Apollo 13 (AS-508). Prepared by Apollo Program Office MAO. Report no. M-932-70-13. Washington DC: NASA Program and Special Reports Division (XP) Executive Secretariat, 1970.
Available @
Orloff, Richard W. “Apollo 13 The Seventh Mission: The Third Lunar Landing Attempt.” Apollo by the Numbers: A Statistical Reference: 135-157. NASA SP-2000-4029. NASA History Series. Washington DC: NASA Headquarters Office of Policy and Plans, 2000.
Available @
Orloff, Richard W. “Designations.” Apollo by the Numbers: A Statistical Reference: 274. NASA SP-2000-4029. NASA History Series. Washington DC: NASA Headquarters Office of Policy and Plans, 2000.
Available @
Shepard, Alan; Deke Slayton; Jay Barbree; and Howard Benedict. Moon Shot: The Inside Story of America's Race to the Moon. Atlanta GA: Turner Publishing Inc., 1994.
Tate, Karl. “NASA’s Mighty Saturn V Moon Rocket Explained (Infographic).” > Spaceflight. Nov. 10, 2012.
Available @
United Nations Secretariat. “2. An Appropriate Designator of the Space Object or Its Registration Number.” In: Practice of States and International Organizations in Registering Space Objects, C. Article IV: 9, paragraphs 54-55. A/AC.105/C.2/L.255. United Nations General Assembly. Jan. 25, 2005.
Available @
Williams, David R.; and E. (Edwin) Bell II, cur. “Apollo 12 Lunar Module / ALSEP.” NASA Goddard Space Flight Center > NMC (NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive Master Catalog) > Spacecraft > Apollo 12. March 20, 2019.
Available @
Williams, David R.; and E. (Edwin) Bell II, cur. “Apollo 13 SIVB.” NASA Goddard Space Flight Center > NMC (NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive Master Catalog) > Spacecraft > Apollo 13. March 20, 2019.
Available @
Williams, David R.; and E. (Edwin) Bell II, cur. “Passive Seismic Experiment (PSE).” NASA Goddard Space Flight Center > NMC (NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive Master Catalog) > Experiments. March 20, 2019.
Available @

Monday, April 27, 2020

Káťa Kabanová Was To Be the May 2, 2020, Met Opera Saturday Broadcast

Summary: Janáček’s Káťa Kabanová was to be the May 2, 2020, Met Opera Saturday broadcast, airing as 22nd in the season’s 23 radio matinees.

Sir Jonathan Miller’s production of Leoš Janáček’s Káťa Kabanová features costumes and sets by Robert Israel and lighting by Gil Wechsler: Metropolitan Opera @MetOpera, via Facebook July 3, 2019

Leoš Janáček’s Káťa Kabanová was to be the May 2, 2020, Met Opera Saturday broadcast, airing at 1 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and numbering as the 22nd of the season’s 23 radio matinees.
Czech composer Leoš Janáček (July 3, 1854-Aug. 12, 1928) set his musical score for Káťa Kabanová to a Czech libretto that he co-wrote with Czech journalist and translator Vincenc Červinka (Aug. 2, 1877-Oct. 2, 1942). The libretto’s literary source was Гроза (Russian: groza, “storm, thunderstorm”), a five-act drama by 19th-century Russian realist playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky (April 12, 1823-June 14, 1886). Ostrovsky’s play premiered Nov. 16, 1859, at Maly Theatre (Малый театр, “Small Theatre”), located on central Moscow’s Teatralnaya Square (Theatre Square; Russian: Театральная площадь, Teatralnaya ploshchad).
Janáček’s Káťa Kabanová premiered Nov. 23, 1921, at the National Theatre Brno (Czech: Národní divadlo Brno) in the South Moravian Region of the modern-day Czech Republic. Brno’s major theatre house now comprises three stages: Mahen Theatre (Mahenovo divadlo), Janáček Theatre (Janáčkovo divadlo) and Reduta Theatre (Divadlo Reduta). Káťa Kabanová premiered in Mahen Theatre.
Káťa Kabanová received its Metropolitan Opera premiere Feb. 25, 1991. The opera received eight performances in the 1990-1991 Met Opera season.
The 2019-2020 Met Opera season offers three performances of Káťa Kabanová. The season’s first performance takes place May 2, 2020, at 1 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) as the 22nd of 23 radio matinees. The season’s second performance is schedued for Wednesday, May 6, at 8 p.m. The opera’s closing night performance Saturday, May 9, at 7:30 p.m., also closes the 2019-2020 Met Opera season.
Update: The Metropolitan Opera announced via Facebook Thursday, March 12, 2020, the cancellation of the rest of the 2019-2020 season due to the Covid-19 virus pandemic. The Metropolitan Opera Archives Database (MetOpera Database) entry of March 12, 2020, noted the cancellation of 58 performances. Operas affected by the cancellation were identified as La Bohème, La Cenerentola, Così Fan Tutte, Der Fliegende Holländer, Kát'a Kabanová, Madama Butterfly, Manon Lescaut, Maria Stuarda, Simon Boccanegra, Tosca, La Traviata, Turandot and Werther.
Update: The opera company's coronavirus-occasioned closure affected all performances of Káťa Kabanová scheduled for the 2019-2020 season. The opera was not performed in the 2019-2020 season.
The three-act opera has an estimated run time of 2 hours 11 minutes. Acts I and II run for 69 minutes. An intermission of 32 minutes follows. Act III spans 30 minutes.
Lothar Koenigs had been scheduled to conduct all three performances. The German conductor made his Metropolitan Opera debut Dec. 1, 2008, in the opera house’s 506th performance of Don Giovanni by 18th century Classical Era composer Wolfgang Mozart (Jan. 27, 1756-Dec. 5, 1791). In the 2019-2020 Met Opera season, Lothar Koenigs also conducts Mozart’s The Magic Flute.
Susanna Phillips had been scheduled to sing the title role as Káťa, unhappily married to Tichon Kabanová and in love with Boris, a merchant’s nephew. The American lyric soprano made her Metropolitan Opera debut Dec. 15, 2008, as Musetta in the opera house’s 1,201st performance of La Bohème by Italian opera composer Giacomo Puccini (Dec. 22, 1858-Nov. 29, 1924). During the 2019-2020 Met Opera season, Susanna Phillips performs as the Countess in Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro and also reprises her debut role as Musetta in Puccini’s La Bohème.
Daniela Mack had been scheduled to appear as Varvara, a foundling, fostered by the Kabanová family, who leaves with schoolteacher Vanya for a new life in Moscow. The Argentine mezzo-soprano made her Metropolitan Opera debut Feb. 2, 2017, as the Kitchen Boy in the opera house’s 28th performance of Rusalka by Czech composer Antonín Dvořák (Sept. 8, 1841-May 1, 1904).
Dolora Zajick had been scheduled to appear as Kabanicha, Káťa’s mother-in-law, who prevents her son from rescuing the drowning Káťa. The American mezzo-soprano made her Metropolitan Opera debut Oct. 8, 1988, as Azucena in the opera house’s 515th performance of Il Trovatore by 19th century Italian opera composer Giuseppe Verdi (Oct. 10, 1813-Jan. 27, 1901). Opera News magazine’s Sept. 5, 2019, issue announced Dolora Zajick’s intention to retire after her role debut as Kabanicha in the 2019-2020 season.
Pavel Cernoch had been scheduled to appear as Boris, who is merchant Dikoi’s nephew and who loves Káťa. The Czech tenor’s appearance in Káťa Kabanová’s season premiere, Saturday, May 2, marks his Metropolitan Opera debut.
Stefan Margita had been scheduled to appear as Tichon, Káťa’s husband, who blames his mother for his wife’s suicidal drowning. The Slovak tenor made his Metropolitan Opera debut Nov. 12, 2009, as Filka Morozov/Kuzmich in the Metropolitan Opera premiere of Janáček’s From the House of the Dead.
Paul Appleby had been scheduled to appear as Vanya, a schoolteacher who finds happiness with Varvara, the Kabanová family’s foster daughter. The American operatic tenor’s Metropolitan Opera debut happened May 7, 2011, as Brighella in the opera house’s 89th performance of Ariadne auf Naxos by German late Romantic and early modern composer Richard Strauss (June 11, 1864-Sept. 8, 1949).
Sir John Tomlinson had been scheduled to appear as Dikoi, a merchant, who decides to send his nephew, Boris, away after Káťa’s public confession of her assignation with Boris. The English bass made his Metropolitan Opera debut Dec. 8, 1999, as Moses in the Metropolitan Opera premiere of Moses und Aron by Austrian composer and music theorist Arnold Schoenberg (Sept. 13, 1874-July 13, 1951).
The 2019-2020 Met Opera season’s presentation of Káťa Kabanová would have marked the opera house’s third revival of staging by Sir Jonathan Miller. The English opera and theatre director made his Metropolitan Opera debut with his production of Káťa Kabanová for the opera’s Metropolitan Opera premiere. The opera’s first and second revivals took place in the 1998-1999 and 2004-2005 seasons.
Sir Jonathan’s production team comprises set and costume designer Robert Israel and lighting director Gil Wechsler.
The takeaways for Káťa Kabanová as the May 2, 2020, Met Opera Saturday matinee broadcast are that, airing at 1 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Janáček’s opera would have numbered as the 22nd of 23 weekly radio broadcasts; that the opera’s end-of-season run had been scheduled to close the 2019-2020 season; and that the opera's closing night performance had been intended to mark the retirement of American mezzo-soprano Dolora Zajick.

Act III's storm shelter in Sir Jonathan Miller's production of Leoš Janáček’s Káťa Kabanová at the Metropolitan Opera: Metropolitan Opera @MetOpera, via Facebook May 28, 2019

My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.

Image credits:
Sir Jonathan Miller’s production of Leoš Janáček’s Káťa Kabanová features costumes and sets by Robert Israel and lighting by Gil Wechsler: Metropolitan Opera @MetOpera, via Facebook July 3, 2019, @
Seeking shelter from a storm in Act III of Leoš Janáček’s Káťa Kabanová does not shelter the occupants from mental upsets, such as merchant Dikoi’s thundering prediction of storms as God’s punishment and Káťa Kabanová’s explosive revelation of her affair with Boris: Metropolitan Opera @MetOpera, via Facebook May 28, 2019, @

For further information:
"Debut: Dolora Zajick." MetOpera Database > [Met Performance] CID: 294140 Il Trovatore {515} Metropolitan Opera House: 10/8/1988.
Available @
“Debut: Susanna Phillips.” MetOpera Database > [Met Performance] CID: 352749 La Bohème {1201} Metropolitan Opera House: 12/15/2008.
Available @
“Debuts: Hyesang Park, Anthony Clark Evans, Daniela Mack, Austin McCormick.” MetOpera Database > [Met Performance] CID: 356617 New production Rusalka {28} Metropolitan Opera House: 02/02/2017.
Available @
“Debuts: John Tomlinson, Malin Fritz.” MetOpera Database > [Met Performance] CID: 331393 Metropolitan Opera Premiere Moses und Aron {1} Metropolitan Opera House: 02/08/1999.
Available @
“Debuts: Lothar Koenigs, Mark Thomsen.” MetOpera Database > [Met Performance] CID: 352723 Don Giovanni {506} Metropolitan Opera House: 12/01/2008.
Available @
“Debuts: Paul Appleby, Noah Baetge.” MetOpera Database > [Met Performance] CID: 353993 Ariadne auf Naxos {89} Matinee ed. Metropolitan Opera House: 05/07/2011.
Available @
helcatj. "The Metropolitan Opera Company 2019-2020 Season." Showcase Opera and Events blog. Aug. 13, 2019.
Available @
Ken Howard to The Metropolitan Opera @MetOpera. “Dolora Zajick has announced her retirement from the stage during the short run of KATYA KABANOVA at the end of this season. She has been a memorable singer in telecasts and HDs of AIDA, TROVATORE, and RUSALKA. Could the Met not see their way to add KATYA as an HD?” Facebook. Sept. 11, 2019.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Der Fliegende Holländer Was To Be March 14, 2020, Met Opera Saturday Broadcast." Earth and Space News. Monday, March 9, 2020.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "La Cenerentola Was To Be March 21, 2020, Met Opera Saturday Broadcast." Earth and Space News. Monday, March 16, 2020.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Orfeo ed Euridice Was To Be April 4, 2020, Met Opera Saturday Broadcast." Earth and Space News. Monday, March 30, 2020.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Simon Boccanegra Was To Be April 18, 2020, Met Opera Saturday Broadcast." Earth and Space News. Monday, April 13, 2020.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Tosca Was To Be April 11, 2020, Met Opera Saturday Matinee Broadcast." Earth and Space News. Monday, April 6, 2020.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Turandot Was To Be April 25, 2020, Met Opera Saturday Matinee Broadcast." Earth and Space News. Monday, April 20, 2020.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Werther Was To Be March 28, 2020, Met Opera Saturday Matinee Broadcast." Earth and Space News. Monday, March 23, 2020.
Available @
Metropolitan Opera @MetOpera. “Happy Birthday to Czech composer Leoš Janáček, who was born on July 3, 1854. Experience Janáček's engrossing opera Káťa Kabanová, whose domestic drama was loosely inspired by the composer's own life experience, on stage next season. Tickets on sale now: Photo by Ken Howard / Met Opera.” Facebook. July 3, 2019.
Available @
The Metropolitan Opera @MetOpera. "In light of the circumstances involving the coronavirus and in consultation with the Office of the Mayor of New York City, we regret to inform our audience that all Met performances have been canceled through March 31, including tonight’s planned performance of La Cenerentola. This Saturday’s Live in HD cinema presentation of Der Fliegende Holländer has also been canceled. Thank you for your understanding. Learn More:" Facebook. March 12, 2020.
Available @
Metropolitan Opera @MetOpera. “The Met’s 2019–20 season features many of opera’s orchestral wonders . . . Photo by Ken Howard / Met Opera.” Facebook. May 28, 2019.
Available @
“Metropolitan Opera Premiere: Káťa Kabanová.” MetOpera Database > [Met Performance] CID: 303530 Metropolitan Opera Premiere {1} Metropolitan Opera House: 02/25/1991.
Available @
"Season Cancellation." MetOpera Database > [Met Performance] CID: 357448 Season Cancellation March 12-May 9, 2020. Metropolitan Opera House: 03/12/2020.
Available @
Woolfe, Zachary. "The Metropolitan Opera Season That Vanished." The New York Times > Arts > Music. May 13, 2020.
Available @

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Canker Identification and Canker Management Apply to Landscape Trees

Summary: Canker identification and canker management apply to landscape trees with damaged bark and phloem, ghostly foliage and weakened branches.

symptoms of perennial target canker (Neonectra sp.) on birch: Robert L. Anderson, USDA Forest Service,, CC BY 3.0 United States, via Forestry Images

Canker identification and canker management apply to landscape trees whose bark, branches, foliage and phloem a bacterial or fungal pathogen attacks, according to the April 2020 issue of Arboriculture & Urban Forestry.
Marion Murray bases baring causes, blocking further spreads and building the best management programs by beginning with broaching whether abiotic or pathogenic factors bring about bark damage. The Utah State University Professional Practice Extension Associate characterizes cankers' dead brown-white to black inner bark, discolored outer bark and phloem and elongated or oval expansion. She describes cracking, flaking, ridged, splitting, sunken, thick bark around bulls-eye-appearing callus regrowth, dead twigs and pruning cuts; dark, raised, small fruiting bodies; oozing, pitching centers and margins.
Drought stress, flat-headed borer larval feeding, frost cracks, lightning strikes, mammal damage, slime flux, sunscald, vehicular damage and weed trimmers entertain canker-lookalike, albeit abiotically-factored, bark damage.

Sugar maple, walnut, yellow poplar Fusarium cankers, unlike perennial diffuse and target cankers, annually flourish until felled by natural tree defenses or as one-season pathogenic life-cycle fatalities.
Slow-growing fungal pathogens generate perennial target cankers by growing when landscape trees go dormant from fall through late winter and thereby get cankered, failure-prone, weakened branches. Eutypella parasitica, Neonectria ditissima and Strumella coryneoidea target cankers respectively harry Norway, red, sugar maple; birch, oak, sugar maple, walnut; black oak, red oak, shagbark hickory. Aggressive pathogens initiate diffuse, fungal-caused ash, maple, poplar, spruce, stone fruit, willow (Cytospora) cankers; aspen, oak, poplar (Hypoxylon) cankers; and cherry, dogwood, redbud, rhododendron (Botryosphaeria) cankers.
Canker identification and canker management of landscape trees join classic fungal-caused chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) with bacterial-caused fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) into perennial diffuse canker classifications.

Bark openings naturally as lenticels or injuriously as wounds and optimum weather for non-actively invasive, opportunistic inoculum, as fungal spores or oozing bacteria, kindle canker infections.
Preventive tree care practices lead away from canker-friendly drought stress, nutrient deficiencies and weather conditions through proper siting, mulching, irrigating, feeding, pruning, soils and winter protection. They mandate no cold-season, late-season fertilizer applications; commercial tree-wound dressings and paints; crossing or rubbing branches; dormant, flush, low-temperature, stub or wet-weather cuts; or nutrient deficiencies. Cold-climate, newly-planted, thin-barked landscape trees need early-winter, early-spring trunks white-painted with latex diluted to 50 percent in water, or white-wrapped, against freezing, thawing sunscald southwest injuries.
Canker identification and canker management of landscape trees observe 4-inch (10.16-centimeter) to 8-inch (20.32-centimeter) and 12-plus-inch (30.48-plus-centimeter) pruning beyond fungal and bacterial-cankered edges into healthy tissues.

Tools sanitized, between spring and summer growing-season cuts, by bleach wipes or dips of 10 percent bleach or 70 percent alcohol prune limb, not trunk, cankers.
Bark tracing by knives sterilized between cuts quits main trunks of cankered bark and phloem on small, young cankers not large, old, xylem vascular tissue-compromised cankers. Rare canker repressants range from chemicals for Kahatina-infected and Phomopsis-infected succulent shoots to post-pruning, wound-protective direct and foliar fungal sprays for agricultural-crop rather than landscape trees. Phosphite fungicides strengthen cell-wall thickness and lignin and secondary-metabolite production against Phytophthora and Pseudomonas syringae bleeding cankers on beech and maple and on birch and horsechestnut.
Canker identification and canker management through copper treatments tether spreads of, without terminating, bacteria-triggered cankers such as fire blight's Erwinia amylovora and stone fruit's Pseudomonas syringae.

Hypoxylon canker (Hypoxylon mammatum) on trunk of an aspen (Populus tremuloides) displays the disease's characteristically mottled, black-and-white checkerboarding of the tree's bark: William Jacobi, Colorado State University,, CC BY 3.0 United States, via Forestry Images

My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.

Image credits:
symptoms of perennial target canker (Neonectra sp.) on birch: Robert L. Anderson, USDA Forest Service,, CC BY 3.0 United States, via Forestry Images @
Hypoxylon canker (Hypoxylon mammatum) on trunk of an aspen (Populus tremuloides) displays the disease's characteristically mottled, black-and-white checkerboarding of the tree's bark: William Jacobi, Colorado State University,, CC BY 3.0 United States, via Forestry Images @

For further information:
Gilman, Ed. 2011. An Illustrated Guide to Pruning. Third Edition. Boston MA: Cengage.
Hayes, Ed. 2001. Evaluating Tree Defects. Revised, Special Edition. Rochester MN: Safe Trees.
Marriner, Derdriu. 29 March 2020. "Arboricultural Operation Safety Training Averts Hazardous Incidents." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 23 February 2020. "Biochar Applications Are Best With Compost and Fertilizer Applications." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 26 January 2020. "Fungicide Injections Affect Dutch Elm Disease and Internal Decay." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 29 December 2019. "Pruning Cuts Applied Ably, Appropriately Are Best Management Practices." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 30 November 2019. "Structural Growing Media and Supported Pavement Affect Tree Responses." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 27 October 2019. "Tree Pruning Systems Answer to Best Management Practices." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 22 September 2019. "Southeastern Street Tree Arthropod Pests Are Online Survey Subjects." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 25 August 2019. "Cost Approach Approximates Plant Repair, Replacement or Restoration." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 28 July 2019. "Indirect Watering Devices Are There for Newly Transplanted Urban Trees." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 30 June 2019. "Plant Appraisal Data Collection Allies Off-Site and On-Site Research." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 26 May 2019. "Wire Basket Removal or Wire Basket Retention: Girdling or Stable Roots." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 April 2019. "Woody Plant Appraisal Data Collection for Shrubs, Trees and Vines." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 30 March 2019. "Balancing Roadside Tree Benefits and Risk of Streetscape Tree Crashes." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 February 2019. “Plant Appraisal Estimate, Scope, Data, Analysis, Reconciliation, Report.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 27 January 2019. “Urban Tree Vulnerability in Residential Toronto, Ontario, Canada.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 30 December 2018. "Plant Appraisal: Cost and Value Estimates and Economic Principles." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 23 December 2018. "Six-Year Forest Health Ambassador Program of Oakville, Ontario, Canada." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 21 October 2018. "Nursery Production Systems: Tough Urban Landscape Trees on Rough Sites." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 September 2018. "Induced-Resistance Agents, Silicon Fertilizers, Synthetic Fungicides." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 26 August 2018. "Nursery Production Systems for Successful Urban Tree Plantings." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 29 July 2018. "Tree Roots Branch in Fabric Containers But Circle and Girdle Plastic." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 30 June 2018. "Wood Decay Fungi Management of Terminal Urban Pathogens." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 27 May 2018. "Downtown Commercial Streetscape Tree Populations in Toronto, Canada." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 April 2018. “Mushroom-Forming and Non-Mushroom-Forming Fungal Life Cycle Traits.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 March 2018. “Emerald Ash Borer Rapid Response Community Preparedness Project.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 February 2018. “Tree Retention by Arborists for Wildlife Habitat Friendly Tree Care.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 14 January 2018. “Integrated Vegetation Management Study in North and South Yukon, Canada.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 9 December 2017. “Tree Inventories: Preemptive and Proactive or Piecemeal and Reactive.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 25 November 2017. “Chlorantraniliprole Reduced-Risk Insecticides Get Leaf-Eaters Not Bees.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 October 2017. “Palm Plant Health Care: Abiotic, Biotic Stress Culture and Management.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 September 2017. “Predawn Leaf Water Potentials Indicate Crown Dieback and Water Status.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 August 2017. “Palm Tree Identification and Pruning of Native and Naturalizable Palms.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 22 July 2017. “Commonly Planted, Potentially Phytoremediating Street Tree Species.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 June 2017. “Root Loss From Root Pruning and Root Shaving of Stem-Girdling Roots.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 27 May 2017. “Age and Canopy Area Cost Less and Tell More in Urban Tree Inventories.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 22 April 2017. “Urban Root Management: Big Infrastructure, Small Space, Stressed Roots.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 12 March 2017. “Flexural Elasticity Modulus: Trees and Watersprouts Bend or Break.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 18 February 2017. “Plant Health Care Diagnostics When Plants and Places Wrong One Another.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 14 January 2017. “Tree Fertilization for Fine Root Growth and Whole Root System Effects.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 December 2016. “Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Low Maintenance Tree Health Care Programs.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 November 2016. “Organic Amendments to Compacted Degraded Urban Highway Roadsides.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 October 2016. “Tree Protection Zones by Arborists for All Construction Project Phases.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 September 2016. “Stormwater Runoff Landscaping With Urban Canopy Cover and Groundcover.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 August 2016. “Changing Places: Tree Nutrient Movement Down, Tree Water Movement Up.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 July 2016. “Treated or Untreated Oriental Bittersweet Vine Management Cut-Stumping.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 18 June 2016. “Tree Injection Site Procedures: Manufacturer's Instructions and Labels.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 22 May 2016. “Electrical Utility Area Temperate Urban Street Trees: Pruned Regrowth.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 April 2016. “Tree Injection Methods: Treatment Option in Integrated Pest Management.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 6 March 2016. “Bare-Rooted Ornamental Urban Transplants: Amendments Against Mortality.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 February 2016. “Bark Protective Survival Mechanisms Foil Deprivation, Injury, Invasion.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 23 January 2016. "LITA Model: Linear Index of Tree Appraisal of Large Urban Swedish Trees." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 December 2015. “Tree Lightning Protection Systems: Site, Soil, Species True Designs.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 24 October 2015. “Tree Lightning Protection Systems Tailored to Sites, Soils, Species.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 August 2015. “Tree Friendly Urban Soil Management: Amend, Fertilize, Mulch, Till!” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 June 2015. “Tree Friendly Urban Soil Management: Assemble, Assess, Assist, Astound.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 18 April 2015. “Tree Wound Responses: Healthy Wound Closures by Callus and Woundwood.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 February 2015. “Urban Forest Maintenance and Non-Maintenance Costs and Benefits.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 December 2014. “Tree Dwelling Symbionts: Dodder, Lichen, Mistletoe, Moss and Woe-Vine.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 18 October 2014. “Tree Cable Installation Systems Lessen Target Impact From Tree Failure.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 August 2014. “Flood Tolerant Trees in Worst-Case Floodplain and Urbanized Scenarios.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 14 June 2014. “Integrated Vegetation Management of Plants in Utility Rights-of-Way.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 12 April 2014. “Tree Twig Identification: Buds, Bundle Scars, Leaf Drops, Leaf Scars.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 February 2014. “Tree Twig Anatomy: Ecosystem Stress, Growth Rates, Winter Identification.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 14 December 2013. “Community and Tree Safety Awareness During Line- and Road-Clearances.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 October 2013. “Chain-Saw Gear and Tree Work Related Personal Protective Equipment.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 12 October 2013. “Storm Damaged Tree Clearances: Matched Teamwork of People to Equipment.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 August 2013. “Storm Induced Tree Damage Assessments: Pre-Storm Planned Preparedness.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 June 2013. “Storm Induced Tree Failures From Heavy Tree Weights and Weather Loads.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 April 2013. “Urban Tree Root Management Concerns: Defects, Digs, Dirt, Disturbance.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 February 2013. “Tree Friendly Beneficial Soil Microbes: Inoculations and Occurrences.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 December 2012. “Healthy Urban Tree Root Crown Balances: Soil Properties, Soil Volumes.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 October 2012. “Tree Adaptive Growth: Tree Risk Assessment of Tree Failure, Tree Strength.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 11 August 2012. “Tree Risk Assessment Mitigation Reports: Tree Removal, Tree Retention?” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 June 2012. “Internally Stressed, Response Growing, Wind Loaded Tree Strength.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 14 April 2012. “Three Tree Risk Assessment Levels: Limited Visual, Basic and Advanced.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 February 2012. “Qualitative Tree Risk Assessment: Risk Ratings for Targets and Trees.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 18 February 2012. “Qualitative Tree Risk Assessment: Falling Trees Impacting Targets.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 10 December 2011. “Tree Risk Assessment: Tree Failures From Defects and From Wind Loads.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 October 2011. “Five Tree Felling Plan Steps for Successful Removals and Worker Safety.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 August 2011. “Natives and Non-Natives as Successfully Urbanized Plant Species.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 11 June 2011. “Tree Ring Patterns for Ecosystem Ages, Dates, Health and Stress.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 9 April 2011. “Benignly Ugly Tree Disorders: Oak Galls, Powdery Mildew, Sooty Mold, Tar Spot.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 12 February 2011. “Tree Load Can Turn Tree Health Into Tree Failure or Tree Fatigue.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 22 December 2010. “Tree Electrical Safety Knowledge, Precautions, Risks and Standards.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Murray, Marion. April 2020. "Identifying and Managing Cankers on Landscape Trees." Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 29(2): 12-19.