Summary: Three researchers at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst link high- or low-maintenance urban tree plantings to three nursery production systems.
Balled and burlapped (B&B) is a common method of nursery production with availability advantages and harvesting cost disadvantages: Forests Ontario @Forests.Ontario, via Facebook June 21, 2017 |
A successful urban tree planting program arises from the most appropriate nursery production systems and transplant location, installation and maintenance, according to an article in the August 2018 issue of Arborist News.
The article Nursery Production Systems and Their Impact on Urban Tree Growth and Development broaches container-grown (CG), field-grown root-ball-excavated burlap-wrapped (B&B) and field-grown bare-rooted (BR) trees. University of Massachusetts-Amherst Extension Assistant Professors Amanda Bayer and Richard Harper and graduate assistant Kelly Allen consider in-ground fabric (IGF) and pot-in-pot (PIP) containerized production systems. They describe plastic, rigid, traditional container-grown (CG) systems as detrimentally developing circling roots that decrease post-transplant anchorage, drought stress tolerance, nutrient uptake capacity and urban sustainability.
Traditional container-grown nursery production systems exhibit such improvements as appearance- and handling-friendly, circling root-unfriendly drainage holes, ribbed or stepped plastic and variable pyramidal and square shapes.
Circling root-prone, lightweight soilless growing media- and plastic-protected container-grown and injury-prone ball-and-burlap nursery production systems, when transplanted, respectively furnish 100 and 5 percent of original roots.
Air-pocketed, non-traditional, root tip-killing air-pruning containers generate fine root-branched biomass and side-shoots in red maple (Acer rubrum), little-leaf linden (Tilia cordata) and field elm (Ulmus minor). In-ground fabric containers have flexible versions with clear polyethylene bases and harbor the same density of roots at half the soil volume of ball-and-burlap root balls. In-ground fabric container-transplanted topal holly (Ilex x attenuata 'East Palatka') introduces abiotic stress and invites lower photosynthetic levels and needier irrigation than transplanted ball-and-burlap production systems.
Azalea (Rhododendron 'Hershey's Red') and privet honeysuckle (Lonicera pileata) juggle circling root-free, fine, fibrous roots after transplanting from in-ground fabric and traditional container-grown nursery production systems.
Fabric- and stepped-pyramid-container black willow (Salix nigra), golden rain-tree (Koelreuteria paniculata), Japanese boxwood (Buxus microphylla) and white pine (Pinus strobus) keep few traditional container-like circling roots.
Fabric, square and stepped-pyramidal container-grown azalea (Rhododendron), creeping juniper (Juniperus horizontalis), Japanese holly (Ilex crenata) and Japanese snowball (Viburnum plicatum) lodge few traditional container-like circling roots. Pot-in-pot container nursery production systems maintain plant material in plastic liners summer and winter temperature-buffered inside permanent in-ground socket containers even as they manage above-ground models. They necessitate high installation costs and sometimes nurture traditional container-like circling roots even though they nestle in against blow-over and wind-blown fertilizer, herbicide and substrate amendments.
Containerized nursery production systems offer opportunities to operate copper hydroxide root-growth regulators as chemical pruners against circling, malformed roots and for fine-root biomass and post-transplant sustainability.
Ball-and-burlap nursery production systems prompt post-transplant costs and schedules since harvesting pulls away the 30 percent of the total roots that they possess as fine-root biomass.
Field soil-retentive bare-root nursery production systems, as retainers of nutrient- and water-uptaking biomass, never queue up bare root-like quashed biomass or container-like pre- and post-harvest costs. They realize their optimal post-transplant urban sustainability in the dormant windows between springtime soil thaw and bud break and between autumnal leaf drop and soil freeze. They source maximum harvest sizes like ball-and-burlap, which shows superior root
quality and swifter establishment than cheaper container-grown systems; and, without hydrogel root-dipping, maximum transportation-induced desiccation.
Ball-and-burlap, bare-root and container-grown nursery production systems with their respective fine-root desiccation and circling root tendencies, trigger respectively superior-rooted, water-tolerant and smaller-sized urban plantings.
The bare root (BR) nursery production system offers advantages of decreased cost and disadvantages of root desiccation during transport: layout/graphics by Violet Jones and Wendy Wirth in Nina Bassuk et al., Using CU-Structural Soil™ (2005): Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons |
My special thanks to:
talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet;
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for superior on-campus and on-line resources.
Image credits:
Balled and burlapped (B&B) is a common method of nursery production with availability advantages and harvesting cost disadvantages: Forests Ontario @Forests.Ontario, via Facebook June 21, 2017, @
The bare root (BR) nursery production system offers advantages of decreased cost and disadvantages of root desiccation during transport: layout/graphics by Violet Jones and Wendy Wirth in Nina Bassuk et al., Using CU-Structural Soil™ (2005): Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @
For further information:
Bassuk, Nina; Jason Grabosky; Peter Trowbridge; and James Urban. 1995. "Structural Soil: An Innovative Medium Under pavement that Improves Street Tree Vigor." Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences > Urban Horticulture Institute.
Available @
Bassuk, Nina; Jason Grabosky; Peter Trowbridge; and James Urban. 2005. "Using CU-Structural Soil™ in the Urban Environment." Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences > Urban Horticulture Institute.
Available @
Forests Ontario @Forests.Ontario. 21 June 21 2017. "Balled and burlapped: how to go about planting a new tree." Facebook.
Available @
Gilman, Ed. 2011. An Illustrated Guide to Pruning. Third Edition. Boston MA: Cengage.
Harper, Richard W.; Kelly S. Allen; and Amanda L. Bayer. August 2018. "Nursery Production Systems and Their Impact on Urban Tree Growth and Development." Arborist News 27(4): 12-16.
Hayes, Ed. 2001. Evaluating Tree Defects. Revised, Special Edition. Rochester MN: Safe Trees.
Marriner, Derdriu. 29 July 2018. "Tree Roots Branch in Fabric Containers But Circle and Girdle Plastic." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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