Saturday, October 31, 2020

Arboricultural Operation Safety Standards Avert Adverse Events

Summary: Arboricultural Operation Safety Standards, Part II, in Arborist News October 2020 averts adverse equipment/objects, falls and environments/substances.

An arborist observes safety standards while cutting a tree in a residential neighborhood; Wikimedia Commons page created Tuesday, June 4, 2019, via UploadWizard June 4, 2019: TreeMinion15, CC BY SA 4.0 International, via Wikimedia Commons

Arboricultural Operation Safety Standards: A Global Perspective, Part II, by John Ball, Timothy Walsh, Shane Vosberg and Donald Blair for Arborist News October 2020 averts adverse equipment/object contact, falls and environment/substance exposures.
The South Dakota State University-, Davey Tree Expert-, Asplundh Tree Expert- and Blair's Arborist Equipment-based co-authors broach highest-incident falling trees, second-highest falling branches, third-highest chain-saw chains. Pre-work inspections consider biotically bees, poisonous plants; arboristically death, debris, decay, defect, fungi, lean, uprootedness; locationally conductors, lodged trees, terrain; and meteorologically wind direction and force. ANSI Z distances tree-fellers and non-fellers 1.5 and 2 times tree height and designates command-and-response communication, drop zones dimensionlessly wherever branches potentially drop and pruning/rigging plans.
Many arboricultural operation safety standards, especially for tree-felling, piecing-down, pruning episodes, expect two-handed chain-sawing by aerial-device and mobile-platform operators, climbers, and cut-resistant leg protection-encased ground-level workers.

ANSI Z and handsaws aloft-friendly European Arboricultural Council guidelines respectively forbid two-plus ground-level footsteps without engaged brakes and 30-plus-second functioning of idle-run, non-cutting, switched-on chain saws.
Falls to lower levels generate 20 percent of the United Kingdom's arboricultural operation incidents and risk hierarchies of optimal ground-level, next-desirable mobile-platform and undesirable climber work. ANSI Z, European Arboricultural Council and United Kingdom Health Safety Executive load-testing double climber weight, climber bounce and two-people weight hinder climber falls from poor tie-ins. Disconnecting for repositioning from, or severing by chain saws, fall-protection systems impels second climbing or work-positioning lines unless employer investigations identify second lines as more hazardous.
The ANSI Z standards for climbers journeying from ground to tree and back join near-universal prohibitions in arboricultural operation safety standards against free-climbing without fall-protection systems.

Branch density in such conifers as fir and spruce trees keeps Nova Scotia climbers lineless but kindles three of four extremities in contact with tree parts.
The 2017-launched ANSI Z guidelines, which unlike other standards locate handsaws aloft, lack Australian and United Kingdom standards locating aerial buckets at or above branch-cutting levels. Below-ground lines and mandatory training mean fewer electrical hazards, motivating most Exposure to Harmful Substances or Environments event incidents, in Europe than in the United States. Conductor-proximitous work necessitates cardiopulmonary resuscitation, circuit identification at different voltages, electrical hazard recognition, emergency procedures, first aid and minimum approach distances (MADs) training in many countries.
Some arboricultural operation safety standards observe technical training in pruning, dismantling, manual tree-felling and aerial-drive, chain-saw, chipper and mobile-platform operation; and 1,200-hour apprenticeships near energized conductors.

Hazard elimination, isolation and minimization respectively place electrical conductors underground; present MADs as spatial, temporal barriers for two worker categories; and provide certifiable training and apprenticeships.
Qualified arborists quantify United States-only altitude-corrected MADs to 1.524-, 1.524- to 3.048- and 3.048- to 4.267-meter elevations and 0.1- to 0.3-meter MADs from 0.40-volt energized conductors. They respect 0.3- to 0.5-, 0.6- to 1.2- and 0.7- to 1.8-meter MADs from 0.41- to 1.0-, 1.1- to 11.0- and 11.1- to 33.0-volt energized conductors. Non-qualified arborists stand at 0.5- 1.5- and 2.5- to 3.0-meter MADs from under 0.40- to 1.0-, from 1.1- to 11.0- and 11.1- to 33.0-volt energized conductors.
Arboricultural operation safety standards typically tether qualified and non-qualified arborists to respective 1.0- to 1.8- and 3.0- to 4.6-meter MADs from 33.1- to 66.0-volt energized conductors.

Injuries from trees, branches and chain saws number among hazards encountered by arborists; Thursday, April 22, 2010, 08:18: cogdogblog (Alan Levine), CC BY 2.0 Generic, via Wikimedia Commons

My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.

Image credits:
An arborist observes safety standards while cutting a tree in a residential neighborhood; Wikimedia Commons page created Tuesday, June 4, 2019, via UploadWizard: TreeMinion15, CC BY SA 4.0 International, via Wikimedia Commons @
Injuries from trees, branches and chain saws number among hazards encountered by arborists; Thursday, April 22, 2010, 08:18: cogdogblog (Alan Levine), CC BY 2.0 Generic, via Wikimedia Commons @; Alan Levine (cogdogblog), Public Domain, via Flickr @

For further information:
Ball, John; Timothy Walsh; Shane J. Vosberg; and Donald F. Blair. October 2020. "Arboricultural Operation Safety Standards: A Global Perspective, Part II." Arborist News 29(5): 14-21.
Gilman, Ed. 2011. An Illustrated Guide to Pruning. Third Edition. Boston MA: Cengage.
Hayes, Ed. 2001. Evaluating Tree Defects. Revised, Special Edition. Rochester MN: Safe Trees.
Marriner, Derdriu. 27 September 2020. "Root-Stem Transition Zones Aim Loading Forces Through Roots and Soils." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 30 August 2020. "Arboricultural Operation Safety Standards Are Country-Specific." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 26 July 2020. "Sensitivity Analyses Admit Ecosystem Disservice and Ecosystem Service." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 28 June 2020. "Lignotubers Assure Arboricultural Management of Lignotuberous Shoots." Earth and Space News. Sunday. Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 31 May 2020. "Included Bark Ages Safely With Fused, Entwining Natural Braces ." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 26 April 2020. "Canker Identification and Canker Management Apply to Landscape Trees." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 29 March 2020. "Arboricultural Operation Safety Training Averts Hazardous Incidents." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 23 February 2020. "Biochar Applications Are Best With Compost and Fertilizer Applications." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 26 January 2020. "Fungicide Injections Affect Dutch Elm Disease and Internal Decay." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 29 December 2019. "Pruning Cuts Applied Ably, Appropriately Are Best Management Practices." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 30 November 2019. "Structural Growing Media and Supported Pavement Affect Tree Responses." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 27 October 2019. "Tree Pruning Systems Answer to Best Management Practices." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 22 September 2019. "Southeastern Street Tree Arthropod Pests Are Online Survey Subjects." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 25 August 2019. "Cost Approach Approximates Plant Repair, Replacement or Restoration." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 28 July 2019. "Indirect Watering Devices Are There for Newly Transplanted Urban Trees." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 30 June 2019. "Plant Appraisal Data Collection Allies Off-Site and On-Site Research." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 26 May 2019. "Wire Basket Removal or Wire Basket Retention: Girdling or Stable Roots." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 28 April 2019. "Woody Plant Appraisal Data Collection for Shrubs, Trees and Vines." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 30 March 2019. "Balancing Roadside Tree Benefits and Risk of Streetscape Tree Crashes." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 17 February 2019. “Plant Appraisal Estimate, Scope, Data, Analysis, Reconciliation, Report.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 27 January 2019. “Urban Tree Vulnerability in Residential Toronto, Ontario, Canada.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 30 December 2018. "Plant Appraisal: Cost and Value Estimates and Economic Principles." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 23 December 2018. "Six-Year Forest Health Ambassador Program of Oakville, Ontario, Canada." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 21 October 2018. "Nursery Production Systems: Tough Urban Landscape Trees on Rough Sites." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 16 September 2018. "Induced-Resistance Agents, Silicon Fertilizers, Synthetic Fungicides." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 26 August 2018. "Nursery Production Systems for Successful Urban Tree Plantings." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 29 July 2018. "Tree Roots Branch in Fabric Containers But Circle and Girdle Plastic." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 30 June 2018. "Wood Decay Fungi Management of Terminal Urban Pathogens." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 27 May 2018. "Downtown Commercial Streetscape Tree Populations in Toronto, Canada." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 28 April 2018. “Mushroom-Forming and Non-Mushroom-Forming Fungal Life Cycle Traits.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 17 March 2018. “Emerald Ash Borer Rapid Response Community Preparedness Project.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 17 February 2018. “Tree Retention by Arborists for Wildlife Habitat Friendly Tree Care.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 14 January 2018. “Integrated Vegetation Management Study in North and South Yukon, Canada.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 9 December 2017. “Tree Inventories: Preemptive and Proactive or Piecemeal and Reactive.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 25 November 2017. “Chlorantraniliprole Reduced-Risk Insecticides Get Leaf-Eaters Not Bees.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 28 October 2017. “Palm Plant Health Care: Abiotic, Biotic Stress Culture and Management.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 16 September 2017. “Predawn Leaf Water Potentials Indicate Crown Dieback and Water Status.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 19 August 2017. “Palm Tree Identification and Pruning of Native and Naturalizable Palms.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 22 July 2017. “Commonly Planted, Potentially Phytoremediating Street Tree Species.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 17 June 2017. “Root Loss From Root Pruning and Root Shaving of Stem-Girdling Roots.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 27 May 2017. “Age and Canopy Area Cost Less and Tell More in Urban Tree Inventories.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 22 April 2017. “Urban Root Management: Big Infrastructure, Small Space, Stressed Roots.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 12 March 2017. “Flexural Elasticity Modulus: Trees and Watersprouts Bend or Break.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 18 February 2017. “Plant Health Care Diagnostics When Plants and Places Wrong One Another.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 14 January 2017. “Tree Fertilization for Fine Root Growth and Whole Root System Effects.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 17 December 2016. “Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Low Maintenance Tree Health Care Programs.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 19 November 2016. “Organic Amendments to Compacted Degraded Urban Highway Roadsides.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 15 October 2016. “Tree Protection Zones by Arborists for All Construction Project Phases.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 17 September 2016. “Stormwater Runoff Landscaping With Urban Canopy Cover and Groundcover.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 13 August 2016. “Changing Places: Tree Nutrient Movement Down, Tree Water Movement Up.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 16 July 2016. “Treated or Untreated Oriental Bittersweet Vine Management Cut-Stumping.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 18 June 2016. “Tree Injection Site Procedures: Manufacturer's Instructions and Labels.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 22 May 2016. “Electrical Utility Area Temperate Urban Street Trees: Pruned Regrowth.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 16 April 2016. “Tree Injection Methods: Treatment Option in Integrated Pest Management.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 6 March 2016. “Bare-Rooted Ornamental Urban Transplants: Amendments Against Mortality.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 28 February 2016. “Bark Protective Survival Mechanisms Foil Deprivation, Injury, Invasion.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 23 January 2016. "LITA Model: Linear Index of Tree Appraisal of Large Urban Swedish Trees." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 19 December 2015. “Tree Lightning Protection Systems: Site, Soil, Species True Designs.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 24 October 2015. “Tree Lightning Protection Systems Tailored to Sites, Soils, Species.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 15 August 2015. “Tree Friendly Urban Soil Management: Amend, Fertilize, Mulch, Till!” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 13 June 2015. “Tree Friendly Urban Soil Management: Assemble, Assess, Assist, Astound.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 18 April 2015. “Tree Wound Responses: Healthy Wound Closures by Callus and Woundwood.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 15 February 2015. “Urban Forest Maintenance and Non-Maintenance Costs and Benefits.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 13 December 2014. “Tree Dwelling Symbionts: Dodder, Lichen, Mistletoe, Moss and Woe-Vine.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 18 October 2014. “Tree Cable Installation Systems Lessen Target Impact From Tree Failure.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 16 August 2014. “Flood Tolerant Trees in Worst-Case Floodplain and Urbanized Scenarios.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 14 June 2014. “Integrated Vegetation Management of Plants in Utility Rights-of-Way.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 12 April 2014. “Tree Twig Identification: Buds, Bundle Scars, Leaf Drops, Leaf Scars.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 15 February 2014. “Tree Twig Anatomy: Ecosystem Stress, Growth Rates, Winter Identification.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 14 December 2013. “Community and Tree Safety Awareness During Line- and Road-Clearances.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 13 October 2013. “Chain-Saw Gear and Tree Work Related Personal Protective Equipment.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 12 October 2013. “Storm Damaged Tree Clearances: Matched Teamwork of People to Equipment.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 17 August 2013. “Storm Induced Tree Damage Assessments: Pre-Storm Planned Preparedness.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 15 June 2013. “Storm Induced Tree Failures From Heavy Tree Weights and Weather Loads.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 13 April 2013. “Urban Tree Root Management Concerns: Defects, Digs, Dirt, Disturbance.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 16 February 2013. “Tree Friendly Beneficial Soil Microbes: Inoculations and Occurrences.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 15 December 2012. “Healthy Urban Tree Root Crown Balances: Soil Properties, Soil Volumes.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 13 October 2012. “Tree Adaptive Growth: Tree Risk Assessment of Tree Failure, Tree Strength.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 11 August 2012. “Tree Risk Assessment Mitigation Reports: Tree Removal, Tree Retention?” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 16 June 2012. “Internally Stressed, Response Growing, Wind Loaded Tree Strength.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 14 April 2012. “Three Tree Risk Assessment Levels: Limited Visual, Basic and Advanced.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 19 February 2012. “Qualitative Tree Risk Assessment: Risk Ratings for Targets and Trees.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 18 February 2012. “Qualitative Tree Risk Assessment: Falling Trees Impacting Targets.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 10 December 2011. “Tree Risk Assessment: Tree Failures From Defects and From Wind Loads.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 15 October 2011. “Five Tree Felling Plan Steps for Successful Removals and Worker Safety.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 13 August 2011. “Natives and Non-Natives as Successfully Urbanized Plant Species.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 11 June 2011. “Tree Ring Patterns for Ecosystem Ages, Dates, Health and Stress.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 9 April 2011. “Benignly Ugly Tree Disorders: Oak Galls, Powdery Mildew, Sooty Mold, Tar Spot.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 12 February 2011. “Tree Load Can Turn Tree Health Into Tree Failure or Tree Fatigue.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 22 December 2010. “Tree Electrical Safety Knowledge, Precautions, Risks and Standards.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @

Friday, October 30, 2020

Ashtamahabhaya Tara Averts Ellora Buddhist Cave 9 Adversity

Summary: Ellora Buddhist Cave 9 in Maharashtra, India, addresses eight adversities that a sculpted, compassionate goddess, Ashtamahabhaya Tara, answered anciently.

detail of elaborately decorated façade of Ellora Buddhist Cave 9; Wikimedia Commons page created Sunday, Sep. 30, 2018, 23:15:27, via UploadWizard: RahulDhawale99, CC BY SA 4.0 International, via Wikimedia Commons

Ellora Buddhist Cave 9 in Maharashtra state, western peninsular India, alone archives in the western Deccan (from Sanskrit dakshina, दक्षिणा, "south, southern") area an anciently carved and sculpted compassionate goddess, Ashtamahabhaya Tara.
Tantric (from Sanskrit तन्त्र, "loom") Buddhist (from Sanskrit बुद्ध, "awakened") goddess Tara (from Sanskrit तारा, "to cross") of karuna (from Sanskrit करुणा, "compassion") battles eight burdens. Tantric Buddhism colors Tara blue, red or yellow for conduct other than compassionate as Khadiravani (from Sanskrit खदिरवणी, "acacia forest") or Saraswati (from Sanskrit सरस्वती, "speech"). It details green-bodied Khadiravani Tara as defender against the ashtamahabhaya (from Sanskrit अष्टा, "eight"; महा, "great"; and भय, "dread") and white-bodied Saraswati as dispenser of longevity.
Tantric Buddhism establishes lions (Panthera leo) as one of eight enormous evils for expressing natural enmity toward humankind and vice versa, and for epitomizing evil pride.

The only anciently sculpted Ashtamahabhaya Tara in West Deccan fits into Ellora Buddhist Cave 9 to finish human fears of such ferocities as fighting wild elephants.
Symbolically generating group and individual delusions and ignorance gets wild elephants (Elephas maximus indicus) on Tantric Buddhist guides to eight megadangers against which Ashtamahabhaya Tara guards. The compassionate green-bodied Tantric Buddhist goddess, by hindering fiery harm, helps humankind to harvest the longevity that the compassionate white-bodied Tantric Buddhist goddess has for them. Fire whether impelled accidentally or intentionally, initiated by humankind or by nature, involving large or small scales, high or low intensities symbolically indicates anger and hatred.
Snake members of the Squamata (from Latin squamatus, "scaly) lizard, serpent, worm lizard order join animals, catastrophes, evildoers and experiences for counterproductive misbehavior and natural enmity.

Perhaps Ashtamahabhaya Tara keeps jealous snakes, whose ancestors knew Gautama Buddha, (624?-544 B.C.E.?, from Sanskrit गौतम, "darkness-dispelling light" and बुद्ध, "awakened") from Ellora Buddhist Cave 9.
Gautama Buddha lamented latching onto anybody, anything that someone else already lists as theirs even as Tantric Buddhism likewise labels bandits and thieves as greatly lamentable. Menacing bandits and thieves maintain fanatical misbehaviors, misdeeds, misperceptions, mis-speech and mistakes that manifest nothing of middle-path belief, intention, word, conduct, living, effort, thinking and meditation. Hinayana (from Sanskrit हीनयान, "little vehicle"), also named Theravada (from Sanskrit स्थविरवाद, "elders' doctrine"); Mahayana (from Sanskrit महायान, "great vehicle"); and Tantrayana Buddhism nurture no bondage.
Bondage offers and optimizes avaricious, miserly occasions for its operators, who obtain possessions, power and profits by obstructing others' opportunities for organizing socio-economic independence and security.

Perhaps Ashtamahabhaya Tara previously precluded, and presently prevents, each year's monsoonal floods from pummeling the predominantly Tantric Buddhist pilgrims who prioritize patronizing Ellora Buddhist Cave 9.
Disaster-quickened, flash, hurricane, monsoonal, storm and tsunami floods queue up attachment to and desire for the death-quickened, fear-quaked lives that never quit serialized sorrowful, unenlightened reincarnations. Tantric Buddhism recognizes that evil demons and spirits roam the human-relevant world where Ashtamahabhaya Tara perhaps refuses their dangerous, dreadful residence in Ellora Buddhist Cave 9. Evil demons and spirits suggest deluded doubts about Four Holy Truths about life's clinging sorrows, reincarnated desirous attachments and desire-free detachment by the Holy Eightfold Path.
Ashtamahabhaya Tara and the Holy Eightfold Path's true belief, intention, word, conduct, living, effort, thinking and meditation tackle eight adversities that trouble Ellora Buddhist Cave 9.

"Bodhisattva in Cave IX" probably depicts Manjusri, bodhisattva of prajna (wisdom), in chapel of Ellora Buddhist Cave 9; sketch by Scottish archaeologist James Burgess (Aug. 14, 1832-Oct. 3, 1916), Report on the Elura Cave Temples (1883), Plate XIII: via Internet Archive

My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.

Image credits:
detail of elaborately decorated façade of Ellora Buddhist Cave 9; Wikimedia Commons page created Sunday, Sep. 30, 2018, 23:15:27, via UploadWizard: RahulDhawale99, CC BY SA 4.0 International, via Wikimedia Commons @
"Bodhisattva in Cave IX" probably depicts Manjusri, bodhisattva of prajna (wisdom), in chapel of Ellora Buddhist Cave 9; sketch by Scottish archaeologist James Burgess (Aug. 14, 1832-Oct. 3, 1916), Report on the Elura Cave Temples (1883), Plate XIII: via Internet Archive @

For further information:
"About Ellora Caves." Yatra > Monuments of India > Monuments in Aurangabad. Copyrighted 2019.
Available @
Ajay Kulkarni @kulkey2015. 8 May 2019. "Ellora Caves, 6-8th cent, India a world heritage Always a different experience to witness the symphony of art, architecture, nature brought together by Summer high contrast light. Built during early kalachuries, rashtrakutas and Buddhist period. My recent visit to cave 19." Twitter.
Available @
Anh-Huong, Nguyen; and Thich Nhat Hanh. 2019. Walking Meditation. Boulder CO: Sounds True.
Barrett, Douglas. "Wall Painting (Second to Sixteenth Century)." Pages 17-48. In: Douglas Barrett and Basil Gray. Paintings of India. Treasures of Asia. Distributed in the United States by The World Publishing Company, Cleveland OH. Geneva, Switzerland: Editions d'Art Albert Skira, 1963.
Berkson, Carmel. Ellora Concept and Style. First Edition, 1992. Second Edition, 2004. New Delhi, India: Abhinav Publications.
Available via Google Books @
Burgess, Jas. (James). Report on the Elura Cave Temples and the Brahmanical and Jain Caves of Western India. The Results of the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Seasons' Operations of the Archaeological Survey 1877-78, 1878-79, 1879-80. Supplementary to the Volume on "The Cave Temples of India." London [UK]: Trübner & Co., 1883.
Available via Internet Archive @
Cartwright, Mark. 8 March 2016. "Ellora Caves." Ancient History Encyclopedia > Article.
Available @
Cook, Sharell. Updated June 3, 2019. "Ajanta and Ellora Caves Essential Travel Guide." TripSavvy > Destinations > India > Maharashtra.
Available @
Durdin-Robertson, Lawrence. 1976. The Goddesses of India, Tibet, China and Japan. With illustrations by Anna Durdin-Robertson. Huntington Castle, Clonegal, Enniscorthy, Eire: Cesara Publications.
Available @
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. 7 March 2019. "Ellora Caves." Encyclopædia Britannica > Geography & Travel > Historical Places. Chicago IL: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Available @
"Elapura, aka: Elpāra; 6 Definition(s)." Wisdom Library.
Available @
"Ellora." Exotic Journeys International > India City Details.
Available @
"Ellora Caves." Atlas Obscura > Places > Verul, India. Copyrighted 2020.
Available @
"Ellora Caves." UNESCO > Culture > World Heritage Centre > The List > World Heritage List.
Available @
Fergusson, James; and James Burgess. 1880. The Cave Temples of India. London [United Kingdom]: W.H. Allen @ Co., Trübner & Co. E. Stanford and W. Briggs.
Available via Internet Archive @
Huntington, John C.; and Dina Bangdel. "Glossary M-Y." The Circle of Bliss: Buddhist Meditational Art.
Available @
"Interview with Shrikant Ganvir, Pune, January 2016." Sahapedia > Ellora Caves > Buddhist Caves of Ellora. Published 9 November 2016.
Available @
Ions, Veronica. 1967. Indian Mythology. London UK: Paul Hamlyn Limited.
Kannal, Deepak. 25 September 2017. "A Riddle Called Ellora." Sahapedia > Overview.
Available @
Lee, Eva. 17 February 2014. "Ellora Caves: Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain Coexistence." Eva Lee Studio.
Available @
Malandra, Geri H. 1993. Unfolding a Mandala: The Buddhist Cave Temples at Ellora. Albany NY: State University of New York Press.
Available via Google Books @
Marriner, Derdriu. 23 October 2020. "Ellora Buddhist Cave 10 Allowed Meditators, Nicknames and Stayovers." Earth and Space News. Friday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 16 October 2020. "Ellora Buddhist Cave 8 Perhaps Assuages All Poisons Through Mahamayuri." Earth and Space News. Friday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 9 October 2020. "Ellora Buddhist Cave 7 Appears Ample, Not Accomplished or Adorned as 8." Earth and Space News. Friday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 2 October 2020. "Ellora Buddhist Cave 4 Adds Soapberry Seeds as Buddhist Prayer Beads." Earth and Space News. Friday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 25 September 2020. "Ellora Buddhist Cave 3 Arranges Eight Perils for Bodhisattva Padmapani." Earth and Space News. Friday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 18 September 2020. "Vidyadhara Demigods Assure Ellora Buddhist Cave 2 of Joyful Goodness." Earth and Space News. Friday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 11 September 2020. "Ellora Buddhist Cave 1 Ages Attractively as a Cavern Temple Monastery." Earth and Space News. Friday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 4 September 2020. "Ellora Buddhist Cave 5 Adds the Most Area to Ellora Buddhist Caves." Earth and Space News. Friday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 28 August 2020. "Ellora Buddhist Cave 6 Augurs Auspiciousness With its Makara Torana." Earth and Space News. Friday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 21 August 2020. "Ellora Buddhist Caves Abound With Ancient Aspects of Tantric Buddhism." Earth and Space News. Friday.
Available @
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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

October’s Blue Moon Saturday, Oct. 31, Shows Apollo 15’s Mare Imbrium

Summary: October’s blue moon Saturday, Oct. 31, shows Apollo 15’s Mare Imbrium as the Man in the Moon’s large right eye for Northern Hemisphere moonwatchers.

artist’s concept of Apollo 15’s Hadley-Apennine landing site shows planned traverses in Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV); Roman numerals for extravehicular activities (EVAs) and Arabic numbers for traverse station stops; illustration by NASA graphic artist Jerry Elmore; artist's concept excerpted from "On the Moon with Apollo 15: A Guidebook to Hadley Rille and the Apennine Mountains" (June 1971; figure 3, page 8) by Gene Simmons, Manned Spacecraft Center Chief Scientist: NASA ID S71-33433 (July 1, 1971): Generally not subject to copyright in the United States; may use this material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages; general permission extends to personal Web pages, via NASA Image and Video Library

October’s blue moon Saturday, Oct. 31, shows Apollo 15’s Mare Imbrium as a large, round, dark, basaltic lava plain representing the Man in the Moon’s right eye for Northern Hemisphere moonwatchers.
October’s second full moon begins on Halloween, Saturday, Oct. 31, at 14:49 Greenwich Mean Time/Coordinated Universal Time (10:49 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time), according to retired NASA astrophysicist Fred Espenak’s AstroPixels website. The second of two full moons within the same month is known as a blue moon.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Apollo 15 mission safely landed Commander David Randolph Scott (born June 6, 1932) and Lunar Module Pilot James “Jim” Benson Irwin (March 17, 1930-Aug. 8, 1991) as the seventh and eighth persons to walk on the moon. Apollo Lunar Module Falcon touched down Friday, July 30, 1971, at 22:16:29 Universal Time (6:16 p.m. EDT) on the eastern margin of Mare Imbrium.
Mare Imbrium occupies the northwestern quadrant of the moon’s near side. It is centered at 34.72 degrees north latitude, minus 14.91 degrees west longitude, according to the International Astronomical Union’s (IAU) Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. The mare’s large darkness claims northernmost and southernmost latitudes of 51.46 degrees and 15.23 degrees, respectively. Its easternmost and westernmost longitudes stretch to 8.56 degrees and minus 38.36 degrees, respectively.
Mare Imbrium’s diameter measures 1,145.53 kilometers. Its great diameter qualifies Mare Imbrium for second place in size among the moon’s maria (Latin: mare, “sea”; plural: maria). Oceanus Procellarum (Ocean of Storms) sprawls along the lunar near side’s western hemisphere as the largest lunar mare. Its diameter spans 2,592.24 kilometers. Eastern Oceanus Procellarum’s adjacency to southwestern Mare Imbrium allows the moon’s two largest maria to dominate the near side’s western hemisphere.
Mare Imbrium (Sea of Showers) owes its name to the Italian Jesuit astronomers Francesco Maria Grimaldi (april 2, 1618-Dec. 28, 1663) and Giovanni Battista Riccioli (April 17, 1598-June 25, 1671). The name appears on a lunar map in their two-volume, encyclopedic reference work on astronomy, Almagestum Novum (New Almagest), published in 1651.
Lunar Module Falcon settled on Palus Putredinis (Marsh of Decay). The nearly level, dark, lava-flooded plain is located on Mare Imbrium’s southeastern extremity. The plain is centered at 27.36 degrees north latitude, 0 degrees longitude. Its northernmost and southernmost latitudes reach 29.4 degrees and 25.31 degrees, respectively. The plain’s easternmost and westernmost longitudes extend to 2.85 degrees and minus 2.77 degrees, respectively. Palus Putredinis has a diameter of 180.45 kilometers. Grimaldi and Riccioli are credited with naming Palus Putredinis in Almagestum Novum.
The Universities Space Research Association’s (USRA) Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) describes Falcon’s landing site as a “mare-filled embayment in the Apennine Mountains.” The site’s topographic landmarks include the Apennine Mountains’ Mons Hadley Delta to the south and Hadley Rille to the west.
The rugged Montes Apenninus range marks Mare Imbrium’s southeastern border. The range is centered at 19.87 degrees north latitude, 0.03 degrees east longitude. The range’s northernmost and southernmost latitudes stretch from 28.47 degrees to 14.63 degrees, respectively. Easternmost and westernmost longitudes for Montes Apenninus reach 7.34 degrees and minus 10.21 degrees, respectively. In 1961, the IAU approved naming the range after the Apennines, or Apennine Mountains (Italian: Appennini), that stretch across the length of peninsular Italy.
Mons Hadley Delta (δ) is centered in the northern Montes Apenninus at 25.72 degrees north latitude, 3.71 degrees east longitude. The massif’s northernmost and southernmost latitudes reach 25.99 degrees and 25.44 degrees, respectively. Easternmost and westernmost longitudes are recorded at 3.86 degrees and 3.46 degrees, respectively. The massif’s diameter measures 17.24 kilometers. Mons Hadley Delta rises to approximately 3,500 meters (11,500 feet) above the landing site, according to Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) staff scientist Julie Stopar in her June 20, 2014, post on NASA ASU (Arizona State University) Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) website.
Rima Hadley is described by the Lunar and Planetary Institute as “the sinuous channel that winds along the western margin of the Apennine Mountains.” Hadley Rille (German: rille, “groove”) is centered at 25.72 degrees north latitude, 3.15 degrees east longitude. The rille’s northernmost and southernmost latitudes extend to 26.7 degrees and 24.53 degrees, respectively. Easternmost and westernmost longitudes register at 3.58 degrees and 2.26 degrees, respectively.
The namesake for Mons Hadley Delta and Rima Hadley is English mathematician John Hadley (April 16, 1682-Feb. 14, 1744). Hadley became an IAU-approved name in 1935.
The takeaway for October’s blue moon Saturday, Oct. 31, is that the month’s second full moon shows Apollo 15’s Mare Imbrium as the Man in the Moon’s large right eye for Northern Hemisphere moonwatchers.

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera’s (LROC) image of Apollo 15 landing site in the lunar near side’s Hadley-Apennine region shows traverse plots of the first two of the mission’s three extravehicular activities (EVAs); north is to the right; elevations above the landing site, indicated by LM (lunar module), given in meters; distance from LM to Elbow Crater approximates 4.5 kilometers (2.8 miles); LM is sited 2 kilometers from sinuous Hadley Rille; LROC NAC M1123519889: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University via NASA @; Generally not subject to copyright in the United States; may use this material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages; general permission extends to personal Web pages, via NASA

My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.

Image credits:
artist’s concept of Apollo 15’s Hadley-Apennine landing site shows planned traverses in Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV); Roman numerals for extravehicular activities (EVAs) and Arabic numbers for traverse station stops; illustration by NASA graphic artist Jerry Elmore; artist's concept excerpted from "On the Moon with Apollo 15: A Guidebook to Hadley Rille and the Apennine Mountains" (June 1971; figure 3, page 8) by Gene Simmons, Manned Spacecraft Center Chief Scientist: NASA ID S71-33433 (July 1, 1971): Generally not subject to copyright in the United States; may use this material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages; general permission extends to personal Web pages, via NASA Image and Video Library @
NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera’s (LROC) image of Apollo 15 landing site in the lunar near side’s Hadley-Apennine region shows traverse plots of the first two of the mission’s three extravehicular activities (EVAs); north is to the right; elevations above the landing site, indicated by LM (lunar module), given in meters; distance from LM to Elbow Crater approximates 4.5 kilometers (2.8 miles); LM is sited 2 kilometers from sinuous Hadley Rille; LROC NAC M1123519889: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University via NASA @; Generally not subject to copyright in the United States; may use this material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages; general permission extends to personal Web pages, via NASA @

For further information:
Archinal, Brent. “The Apollo 15 Lunar Laser Ranging Retroreflector -- A Fundamental Point on the Moon!” NASA ASU (Arizona State University) School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC). April 13, 2010.
Available via LROC (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera) ASU (Arizona State Univerity) SESE (School of Earth and Space Exploration) @ “Moon Phases October 2020.” > 2020 Moon Calendar.
Available @
Consolmagno, Guy; and Dan M. Davis. Turn Left at Orion. Fourth edition. Cambridge UK; New York NY: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
DeHon, Rene A. Thickness of Western Mare Basalts. Final Report NASA Planetology Grant NSG 7420. Monroe LA: Northeast Louisiana University, July 1979.
Available via NASA NTRS (NASA Technical Reports Server) @
Espenak, Fred. “Phases of the Moon: 2001 to 2020 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).” AstroPixels > Ephemeris > Moon > Phases of the Moon From 2001 to 2100.
Available via AstroPixels @
Garner, Rob, ed. “Apollo 15: Interplanetary Mountaineers.” NASA > Goddard Space Flight Center. June 20, 2014. Last updated Aug. 7, 2017.
Available @
Heiken, Grant; and Eric Jones. “Chapter 5: Drilling Troubles: The Hadley Landing Site.” On the Moon: The Apollo Journals: 259-260. Springer-Praxis Books in Space Exploration. Chichester UK: Praxis Publishing Ltd, 2007.
Available via Internet Archive @
International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN). “Landing Site Name.” USGS Astrogeology Science Center > Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature.
Available @
International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN). “Mare Imbrium.” USGS Astrogeology Science Center > Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. Last updated Oct. 18, 2010.
Available @
International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN). “Mons Hadley.” USGS Astrogeology Science Center > Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. Last updated Oct. 18, 2010.
Available @
International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN). “Mons Hadley Delta.” USGS Astrogeology Science Center > Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. Last updated Oct. 18, 2010.
Available @
International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN). “Montes Apenninus.” USGS Astrogeology Science Center > Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. Last updated Oct. 18, 2010.
Available @
International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN). “Oceanus Procellarum.” USGS Astrogeology Science Center > Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. Last updated Oct. 18, 2010.
Available @
International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN). “Palus Putredinis.” USGS Astrogeology Science Center > Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. Last updated Oct. 18, 2010.
Available @
International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN). “Rima Hadley.” USGS Astrogeology Science Center > Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. Last updated Oct. 18, 2010.
Available @
Jones, Eric M. “The Valley of Taurus-Littrow.” NASA > Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Journal. 1995. Last revised Nov. 13, 2009.
Available @
King, Bob. “How to See All Six Apollo Moon Landing Sites.” Sky & Telescope > Observing. April 22, 2015.
Available @
King, Bob. “How to See Lunar Craters With the Naked Eye.” Sky & Telescope > Observing. Oct. 28, 2015.
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King, Bob. Night Sky With the Naked Eye. Salem MA: Page Street Publishing Co., 2016.
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Lunar Planetary Institute. “Apollo 15 Mission: Landing Site Overview.” USRA (Universities Space Research Association) Lunar Planetary Institute (LPI) > The Moon > Lunar Mission Summaries > Apollo Missions.
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Marriner, Derdriu. “Last Quarter Saturday, Oct. 10, Shows Apollo 12’s Oceanus Procellarum.” Earth and Space News. Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020.
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Marriner, Derdriu. "Man in the Moon’s Right Eye Has Fallen Astronauts Plaque and Sculpture." Earth and Space News. Wednesday, July 26, 2017.
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Available via NASA @
Simmons, (Marvin), Gene. On the Moon With Apollo 15: A Guidebook to Hadley Rille and the Apennine Mountains. Washington DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, June 1971.
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