Summary: Tu Hieu Temple walks by Abbot and Head Thich Nhat Hanh adapt to the 200th anniversary year of Ajanta cave wall paintings in central-west India.
Tu Hieu Temple walks associated with Abbot and Head Thich Nhat Hanh actualize ancient aims of Ajanta cave wall paintings, available in their 200th anniversary year of European access in central-west India.
Ajanta cave wall paintings and sculptures in north-central Maharashtra state bear tales about and teachings of Gautama Buddha (from Sanskrit गोतम, "darkness-dispelled light" and बुद्ध, "awakened"). The Tu Hieu Temple in Duong Xuan Thuong village, Thuy Xuan ward, Hué, Thua Thien-Hue province, north-central Vietnam, contains carved and printed texts of Buddha's teachings. Ajanta cave wall paintings divulge Siddhartha (from Sanskrit सिद्धार्थ, "successful") Gautama's (624?-544 B.C.?) bodhisattva (from Sanskrit बोधिसत्त्व, "enlightened existence") reincarnations before his 550th as Gautama Buddha.
Tu Hieu Temple emphasizes collected works by Gautama Buddha's Sangha (from Sanskrit संघ, "multitude") Council in the Tipitaka (from Sanskrit त्रिपिटक, "three baskets") of 80 B.C.
Ajanta cave wall paintings and sculptures feature Hinayana Theravada (from Sanskrit हीनयान, "lesser vehicle" and स्थविरवाद, "elders' doctrine") and Mahayana (from Sanskrit महायान, "greater vehicle") Buddhism.
The 176-year-old Tu Hieu Temple, unlike the 1,600- to 2,300-year-old Ajanta cave wall paintings and sculptures, guards only the earlier Hinayana Buddhism known as Theravada Buddhism. Ajanta cave wall paintings and sculptures perhaps herald Gautama Buddha's successor since their name and their namesake, nearby village honor Ajita (from Sanskrit अजित, "invincible") Buddha. Tu Hieu Temple (from Vietnamese Từ, "mercifulness" and Hiê'u, "filial piety") identifies Gautama Buddha's merciful benevolence and his prior reincarnation as filially pious Prince Suvanna Sama.
Tu Hieu Temple juggles likewise filially pious reputations of its founder monk, Nhat Dinh, and of its imperial sponsor, Tu Duc (Sept. 22, 1829-July 19, 1883).
Ajanta cave wall paintings and sculptures originally knew devotional, instructional, meditative uses similar to the Tu Hieu Temple walks by Abbot and Head Thich Nhat Hanh.
Tu Hieu Temple logs history on four entryway columns and purposes and uses on one sign between the first, and another between the next, two pillars. Tu Hieu Temple signs manifest Từ Bi (loving-kindness [and] compassion) and Hỷ Xả (joy [and] equanimity) between columns one and two and columns three and four. Ajanta cave wall paintings and sculptures nestle along a 1,968.5-foot- (600-meter-) long loop into 246.06-foot- (75-meter-) high cliffs within a 20,366.46-acre (8,242-hectare) teak (Tectona grandis) forest.
Tu Hieu Temple walks organized by Abbot and Head Thich Nhat Hanh occur over earthen, vegetated pathways through an 8-acre- (3.24-hectare-) wide, semi-cleared pine (Pinus) forest.
The 200th anniversary year of European-accessed Ajanta cave wall paintings and sculptures present generators, guardrails and guides that perhaps parry pairing breaths and steps in walking meditations.
Artisans, merchants and monks once queued up and down stone-carved steps and wooden ladders and back and forth over forest and glen pathways and stone floors. Walking meditations around Ajanta cave wall paintings and sculptures and cliffside and riverside forests recalled Gautama Buddha's 45-year walking meditations throughout northern India and southern Nepal. Barriers, crowds, din, glare and metal somewhat subvert Tu Hieu Temple walks, supplanted for the 200th anniversary year of European-accessed Ajanta cave wall paintings and sculptures.
Tu Hieu Temple walks by Abbot and Head Thich Nhat Hanh train tourists to team breaths, steps and thoughts there and around Ajanta cave wall paintings.
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Vietnamese peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh's Root Temple, Tu Hieu, in Hué, central Vietnam, honors a previous incarnation of Gautama Buddha as Prince Suvanna Sama; a fresco over the doorway of Ajanta Cave 17 depicts Gautama among the Seven Buddhas of Antiquity (Saptatathāgata) and includes (far right) the future Buddha, Maitreya, also known as Ajita, namesake of the cave complex's nearby village; Ajanta Caves, Maharashtra, central-west India; Oct. 21, 2006: Londenp, CC BY SA 2.5 Generic, via Wikimedia Commons |
My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.
Image credits:
Image credits:
Vietnamese peace activist and now wheelchair-bound walking meditator Thich Nhat Hanh returned to his Root Temple, Tu Hieu in Hué, north central Vietnam, Oct. 28, 2018: Thich Nhat Hanh @thichnhathanh, via Facebook Nov. 17, 2018, @
Vietnamese peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh's Root Temple, Tu Hieu, in Hué, central Vietnam, honors a previous incarnation of Gautama Buddha as Prince Suvanna Sama; a fresco over the doorway of Ajanta Cave 17 depicts Gautama among the Seven Buddhas of Antiquity (Saptatathāgata) and includes (far right) the future Buddha, Maitreya, also known as Ajita, namesake of the cave complex's nearby village; Ajanta Caves, Maharashtra, central-west India; Saturday, Oct. 21, 2006: Londenp, CC BY SA 2.5 Generic, via Wikimedia Commons @
For further information:
For further information:
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Barrett, Douglas E.; and Basil Gray. 1963. Painting of India. Geneva, Switzerland: Skira, Treasures of Asia. Distributed in the United States by World Publishing Co., Cleveland OH.
Behl, Benoy K. 2005. The Ajanta Caves: Ancient Paintings of Buddhist India. London UK: Thames & Hudson.
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Fergusson, James. 1845. Illustrations of the Rock-Cut Temples of India: Selected From the Best Examples of the Different Series of Caves at Ellora, Ajunta, Cuttack, Salsette, Karli, and Mahavellipore. Drawn on Stone by Mr. T.C. Dibdin, From Sketches Carefully Made on the Spot, With the Assistance of the Camera-Lucida, in the Years 1838-9. London, England: John Weale, M.DCCC.XLV.
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Available via Wikisource @
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Available via Wikisource @
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