Summary: Hawaii Five-0's Ka Hana A Ka Makua, O Ka Hana No Ia A Keiki: What Parents Will Do, Children Will Do May 4, 2018, addresses acupuncture, not noni therapy.
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Fruiting Hawaiian noni mulberry (Morinda citrifolia) overlooks black sand beach in Waianapanapa State Park, northeastern Maui; Friday, April 21, 2006: Forest and Kim Starr (Starr Environmental), CC BY 2.0 Generic, via Flickr |
Five-0's Ka Hana A Ka Makua, O Ka Hana No Ia A Keiki May 4, 2018, applies What parents will do, children will do to acupuncture and crime, not Hawaiian noni mulberries.
Director Jim Jost and writers Peter Lenkov and Matt Wheeler bare an 'ōlelo a'o (advice) about behavioral patterns and career choices in Season 8's 23rd episode. The series' 191st episode overall considers Cammie (Cindy Chu) and Mei Lin's (Karen Huie) and Conor (Bryce McBratnie) and Tommy Boyle's (Randy Thompson) careers and comportment. Cammie's and Mei's acupunctural sessions decrease the painfulness of Tommy's lung cancer until the retired criminal dies as an apparent suicide or as a drug-paralyzed homicide.
Hawaiian noni mulberries, Polynesian canoe plants 1,500-plus years ago and anti-cancer herbal preventative, emerge as one of 30 extant plants of Hawaiian traditional medicine's original 300.
Cammie and Mei perhaps fit herbal therapy into acupuncture treatments even as kahuna haha diagnosticians sometimes favor kahuna la'au lapa'au herbalists and kahuna lomilomi physical therapists.
Hawaiian noni mulberries grow from bat- and bird-dispersed, brown, 0.16- to 0.36-inch- (4- to 9-millimeter-) long seeds with air chambers and from cut roots and stems. They have fetid, 1.97- to 5.51-inch (5- to 14-centimeter) by 1.18- to 2.95-inch (3- to 7.5-centimeter) syncarps (from Greek σύν, sún, "with" and καρπός, karpós, "fruit"). Noni mulberries, identified by Carl Linnaeus (May 23, 1707-Jan. 10, 1778), include tube-like flowers with 75- to 90-inch- (190.5- to 228.6-centimeter-) long, globe-like or oval heads.
Hawaiian noni mulberries juggle five-lobed, petal-filled white corollas (from Latin corōlla, "small chaplet, garland, wreath") and sepal-joined calyxes (from Greek κάλυξ, kálux, "husk") as truncated rims.
Hawaiian noni mulberries keep green-white, 0.28- to 0.35-inch- (7- to 9-millimeter-) long floral tubes; triangle-shaped, white, 0.28-inch- (7-millimeter-) long corollar lobes; and 0.59-inch- (15-millimeter-) long styles.
Hawaiian noni mulberries log 0.39- to 1.18-inch- (10- to 30-millimeter-) long peduncles (from Latin pedunculus, "little foot") for their fleshy, yellow-white fruits and their green-white flowers. They manage elliptical to oval, glossy, opposite-arranged, 7.87 to 17.72-inch- (20- to 45-centimeter-) long, 2.76- to 9.84-inch- (7- to 25-centimeter-) wide, smooth leaves with feather-patterned veins. They net 0.59- to 0.79-inch- (1.5- to 2-centimeter-) long petioles (from Latin petiolus, "little foot") with basal, leaf-like, 0.39- to 0.47-inch- (10- to 12-millimeter-) long stipules.
Noni mulberries, organized scientifically as Morinda citrifolia (from Latin morus, "mulberry"; inducus, "of India"; citrus, "citron tree"; and folium, "leaf"), sometimes offer two- to three-lobed stipules.
Mature, 9.84- to 32.81-foot- (3- to 10-meter-) tall noni mulberry trees possess brown-gray, semi-rough, semi-smooth bark; brown-yellow sapwood; 5.91-inch (15-centimeter) stem diameters; and four-angled green twigs.
Drought-, salt- and wind-tolerant Hawaiian noni mulberry trees queue up in sunny, well-drained soil pHs 4.3 to 7 up through 4,921.26-foot (1,500-meter) altitudes above sea level. Twenty-five-plus-year life cycles relish 27.56- to 165.35-inch (700- to 4,200-millimeter) mean annual rainfall and temperatures between 53.6 and 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit (12 and 36 degrees Celsius). Hawaiian noni bark, flowers, leaves, roots and stems and noni mulberries respectively serve as cancer preventatives, immunity supports and natural dyes and as smelly famine foods.
Five-0 family, medicals and tasks tweak Eddie's recovery even as Hawaiian noni mulberries perhaps treat Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett's (Alex O'Loughlin) compromised liver and radiation sickness.
My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.
Image credits:
Image credits:
Fruiting Hawaiian noni mulberry (Morinda citrifolia) overlooks black sand beach in Waianapanapa State Park, northeastern Maui; Friday, April 21, 2006; image #060422-7895: Forest and Kim Starr (Starr Environmental), CC BY 2.0 Generic, via Flickr @; Forest & Kim Starr, CC BY 4.0 International, via Starr Environmental @
Eddie, the drug-detection police dog adopted by Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett, has a checkup with his veterinarian in CBS TV's Hawaii Five-0 season 8, episode 23, Ka Hana A Ka Makua, O Ka Hana No Ia A Keiki (What Parents Will Do, Children Will Do): CBS Hawaii Five-0 episode 8.23 promotional photo, via SpoilerTV May 4, 2018, @
For further information:
For further information:
"Ka Hana A Ka Makua, O Ka Hana No Ia A Keiki: What Parents Will Do, Children Will Do." Hawaii Five-0: The Eighth Season. Los Angeles CA: Paramount Pictures Corporation, May 4, 2018.
Linnæi, Caroli (Carl Linnaeus). 1753. "2. Morinda citrifolia." Species Plantarum, Exhibentes Plantas Rite Cognitas, ad Genera Relatas, cum Differentiis Specificis, Nominibus Trivialibus, Synonymis Selectis, Locis Natalibus, secundum Systema Sexuale Digestas. Tomus I:176. Holmiae [Stockholm, Sweden]: Laurentii Salvii [Laurentius Salvius].
Available via Biodiversity Heritage Library @
Available via Biodiversity Heritage Library @
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Marriner, Derdriu. 3 February 2018. “A Coral Reef Strengthens Out to Land on Hawaii Five-0 with Lobe Corals.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 7 January 2018. “Criminals Rare as Guernsey Dairy Cattle on Hawaii Five-0 The Roundup.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 6 January 2018. “Hawaiian Cattle Roundups and Hawaii Five-0 2010 The Roundup Criminals.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 November 2010. “Hawaii Shave Ice Images and Take-Outs on Hawaii Five-0 2010 Ho'apono.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 14 November 2010. “Hawaiian Wild Boars Around Hawaii Five-0 2010's North Shore of O'ahu.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 November 2010. “Limu Lipoa Hawaiian Seaweed on Hawaii Five-0 2010 Episode Nalowale.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 12 November 2010. “Hawaiian Blueberry Botanical Illustrations for Hawaii Five-0 Pancakes.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 7 November 2010. “Hawaii Five-0 2010: Respect the Land and the Pizza Without Pineapples?” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 6 November 2010. “Pygmy Hippopotamuses for Grace of the Hawaii Five-0 2010 Family?” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 5 November 2010. “Pineappley Hala Tree Botanical Illustrations for Hawaii Five-0 Pilot.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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"Morinda citrifolia - L." Plants For A Future.
Available @
Available @
"Morinda citrifolia (Indian Mulberry)." Centre of Agriculture and Biosciences International > Invasive Species Compendium > Datasheet.
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Available @
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