Summary: Yellow clivia botanical illustrations mix bell-like flowers, clumpy rhizomes, green leaves and red berries for Elementary's Seed Money Jan. 15, 2015.
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Clivia miniata citrina, a yellow-flowered variety of Clivia, could be the yellow clivia that clues Sherlock Holmes (Jonny Lee Miller) to the killer of a skirt-chasing botanical genetic engineer in Seed Money (Elementary tv series, season 3 episode 10); Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, Cape Town, Western Cape, southwestern South Africa; Monday, Oct. 6, 2014, 16:16: Axxter99, CC BY SA 4.0 International, via Wikimedia Commons |
Yellow clivia botanical illustrations never aggrieve their admirers with the agonizing aroma of coffee grounds and shredded mackerel for augmenting yellow clivia life cycles in Elementary episode Seed Money Jan. 15, 2015.
Director John Polson and writers Robert Doherty and Brian Rodenbeck bring yellow clivia into the Columbia Broadcasting System's Elementary series episode 58 as third-season episode 10. They correlate the amaryllis relative in the Amaryllidaceae family with a customized coffee grounds and shredded mackerel fertilizer created by a skirt-chaser, Clay Dubrovensky (Salar Ghajar). Only Clay's ex, Courtney Stever (Madison Riley), declares about the herbaceous evergreen, "Clay gave me this. He made it. He grew it. It's a yellow clivia."
Especially Clivia miniata ("Clive's cinnabar-red"), one of the Clivia genus's six species and natural hybrid Clivia x nimbicola ("Clive's x mist-dweller"), elicits yellow clivia botanical illustrations.
Explorer William John Burchell (July 23, 1781-March 23, 1863) and botanist John Bowie (1789?-Feb. 7, 1869) furnished Kew Garden's first clivia specimens in 1815 and 1820.
Lady Charlotte Florentia Clive (Sep. 12, 1787-July 27, 1866), bride of Hugh Percy (April 20, 1785-Feb. 11, 1847), 3rd duke of Northumberland, grew England's first clivia. As governess, she helped head Victoria (May 24, 1819-Jan. 22, 1901) through the Princess years toward Queenship (June 20, 1837-Jan. 22, 1901) of the British Empire. She inherited botanical interests from Lady Henrietta Antonia Herbert (Sep. 3, 1759-June 3, 1830), wife of Edward Clive (March 7, 1754-May 16, 1839), earl of Powis.
The South African and Swaziland native journeyed into yellow clivia botanical illustrations after Kew Garden botanist John Lindley's (Feb. 5, 1799-Nov. 1, 1865) judgments in 1828.
Clivia knows the seven species caulescens ("well-developed above-ground stem"), gardenii, miniata, mirabilis ("miraculous"), nobilis ("noble Clive") for Lady Clive's winter-spring-blooming 7- to 8-year-olds, nimbicola and robusta.
William Hooker (July 6, 1785-Aug. 12, 1865) and Robert Dyer (Sep. 21, 1900-Oct. 26, 1987) respectively labeled fall-blooming gardenii and winter-spring-blooming caulescens in 1855 and 1943. Scientists make the taxonomic citation Clivia miniata (Lindl.) Bosse from Julius Friedrich Wilhelm Bosse (Aug. 12, 1788-Oct. 25, 1864) scientifically mentioning the winter-spring-blooming species in 1859. John Rourke and Brian Murray respectively named the bush and Natal lily genus's flowering six-year-old mirabilis and fall-blooming four- to five-year-old robusta in 2000 and 2004.
Zacharias Hendrik Swanevelder, Jaco T. Truter and Abraham Erasmus van Wyk obtained Clivia x nimbicola, natural hybrid from Clivia caulescens and miniata, winter-spring-blooming four- to five-year-olds.
Yellow clivia botanical illustrations present the forest-undergrowth, low-light native with evergreen 23.62-inch- (60-centimeter-) long, straplike leaves and stalked umbels parasoling into bell-shaped 2.76-inch- (7-centimeter-) long flowers.
Each flower's three petals and three sepals base-fused into tepals above a three-cavity ovary queue six stamens with free-moving anthers and three-part stigma on long filaments. They require four dark, water-free months at 40 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit (4.44 to 12.77 degrees Celsius) in North American cold hardiness zones 9a through 11b. They seek composted, gritty, loamy, semi-acidic, semi-neutral, semi-shaded, well-drained soils pH 6-6.9; repotted-transplanted division; seed-sowing at 60.8 to 69.8 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 21 degrees Celsius).
Yellow clivia botanical illustrations typically treat Clivia miniata var(iety) citrata ("citrus-yellow") even as Clay likeliest teased yellow clivias he "grew" or "made" from cultivars or hybrids.
My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.
Image credits:
Image credits:
Clivia miniata citrina, a yellow-flowered variety of Clivia, could be the yellow clivia that clues Sherlock Holmes (Jonny Lee Miller) to the killer of a skirt-chasing botanical genetic engineer in Seed Money (Elementary tv series, season 3 episode 10); Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, Cape Town, Western Cape, southwestern South Africa; Monday, Oct. 6, 2014, 16:16: Axxter99, CC BY SA 4.0 International, via Wikimedia Commons @
Sherlock Holmes (Jonny Lee Miller) puzzles over the Wutai Pingtung orchid cloned by murdered botanical genetic engineer Clay Dubrovensky, but a yellow clivia ultimately clues him in to skirt chaser's killer in Seed Money (Elementary tv series, season 3, episode 10): Sherlock Holmes Wiki @sherlockholmeswiki, via Facebook Jan. 11, 2015, @
For further information:
For further information:
Bosse, J.F.W. (Julius Friedrich Wilhelm). 1859. "2. Clivia mineata Bosse." Vollständiges Handbuch der Blumengärtnerei, third edition (dritte sehr vermehrte und verbesserte auflage), erster band (first vol.) - Enleitung. Abelia-Dysophylla: 768. Hannover, Germany: Hahn'sche Hofbuchhandlung (Hahn).
Available via MDZ (Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum Digitale Bibliothek) Digitale Sammlungen @
Available via MDZ (Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum Digitale Bibliothek) Digitale Sammlungen @
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. London England: George Newsnes Ltd., 1892.
Available via Project Gutenberg @
Available via Project Gutenberg @
Hooker, Sir William Jackson. 1856. "Clivia gardeni." Curtis's Botanical Magazine, vol. XII, third series (vol. LXXXII of whole series): Tab. 4895. London, England: Lovell Reeve.
Available via Biodiversity Heritage Library @
Available via Biodiversity Heritage Library @
Marriner, Derdriu. 12 December 2014. “Elementary's Nutmeg Concoction and Nutmeg Botanical Illustrations.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 7 November 2014. “Elementary's Bird in Blue-Throated Macaw Natural History Illustrations.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 31 October 2014. “Bearded Dragon Natural History Illustrations: Not Elementary's Nemesis.” Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 2 May 2014. “Ficus Benjamina Botanical Illustrations and Elementary's Stunted Tree.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 7 February 2014. “Dimetrodon Natural History Illustrations and Elementary's Dimetrodon.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 31 January 2014. “Nanotyrannus Natural History Illustrations and Elementary's Dead Clade Walking.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 December 2013. “Fruit in Osage Orange Botanical Illustrations and Elementary Series.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 22 November 2013. “George Stubbs Painting The Godolphin Arabian and Elementary's Nutmeg.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 7 June 2013. “Paul Gauguin Painting Tahitian Women on the Beach in Elementary's The Woman.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 31 May 2013. “Rubens Painting The Incredulity of St Thomas in Elementary's The Woman.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 24 May 2013. “Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Painting Rousse in Elementary Episode The Woman.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 May 2013. “The Bruegel Painted Parable in the Elementary Series Episode The Woman.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 22 February 2013. “Osmia Avosetta Natural History Illustrations for Elementary's Bee.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 1 February 2013. “Russian Tortoise Natural History Illustrations and Elementary's Clyde Jan. 31, 2013.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 25 January 2013. “Costliest, World-Most Expensive Chopard Watch: 201 Carats at $25 Million.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 18 January 2013. “Chopard Watch Worth $25 Million on Elementary Episode The Leviathan.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 11 January 2013. “Claude Monet Painting Nympheas 1918 in Elementary Series' Leviathan.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 4 January 2013. “Paul Cézanne Still Life Painting Fruit in Elementary Series' Leviathan.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 December 2012. “Paul Signac Painting Women at the Well in Elementary Series' Leviathan.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 21 December 2012. “The Van Gogh Pietà Painting in Elementary Series Episode The Leviathan.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 14 December 2012. “Edward Hopper Painting Western Motel in Elementary Series' Leviathan.” Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 29 September 2012. "Are Lesser Clovers Sherlock's Lucky Shamrocks on Elementary's Pilot?" Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Available @
Murray, B.G. (Brian G.); Y. (Yidong) Ran; P.J. (Peter James) De Lange; K.R.W. (Keith R.W.) Hammett; J.T. (Jaco T.) Truter; and Z.H. (Zacharias Hendrik) Swanevelder. November 2004. "A New Species of Clivia (Amaryllidaceae) Endemic to the Pondoland Centre of Endemism, South Africa." Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 146, issue 3 (November 2004): 369-374. Oxford, England: Wiley-Blackwell.
Available @
Available @
Phillips, E.P. (Edwin Percy), ed. 1943. "Clivia caulescens." Flowering Plants of South Africa: A Magazine Containing Hand-Coloured Figures with Descriptions of the Flowering Plants Indigenous to South Africa, vol. XXIII: Plate 891. Ashford, Kent, South East England: L. Reeve & Co. Ltd.; Pretoria, South Africa: J.L. Van Schaik Ltd.
Available via Internet Archive @
Available via Plant Illustrations @
Available via Internet Archive @
Available via Plant Illustrations @
Rourke, J.P. (John P.). September 2002. "Clivia mirabilis (Amaryllidaceae: Haemantheae) A New Species from Northern Cape, South Africa." Bothalia, vol. 32, no. 1 (11 September 2002): 1-7. Pretoria, South Africa: Botanical Research Institute, Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services.
Available @
Available @
"Seed Money." Elementary: The Third Season. Los Angeles CA: Paramount Pictures Corporation, Jan. 15, 2015.
Sherlock Holmes Wiki @sherlockholmeswiki. 11 January 2015. "Added a New Photo." Facebook. Jan. 11, 2015, @
Swanevelder, Z.H. (Zacharias Hendrik); J.T. (Jaco T.) Truter; and A.E. (Abraham Erasmus) van Wyk. August 2006. "Amaryllidaceae: A Natural Hybrid in the Genus Clivia." Bothalia, vol. 36, no. 1 (20 August 2006):77-80. Pretoria, South Africa: Botanical Research Institute, Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services.
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