Thursday, September 20, 2012

Inflation Affects Space in Bang! The Complete History of the Universe

Summary: Inflation after Big Bang adventures in Planck time accounts for how space appears, according to Chapter One of Bang! The Complete History of the Universe.

Timeline of the universe begins with earliest probable moment (far left), when  a period of inflation yielded a burst in the universe's exponential growth: NASA/WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) Science Team, Public Domain, via NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)

Inflation augmented hot, pin-prick-sized space one tredecillionth to one decillionth of a second after the Big Bang, according to Bang! The Complete History of the Universe Chapter One, Genesis: In the Beginning.
Greg Lintott, Brian May and Patrick Moore began after Plank time, for Max Planck (April 23, 1858-Oct. 4, 1947), first 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds after the Big Bang. Matter as fundamental particles, space as finite but unbounded like a ball and time as meaningfullest, smallest measurable unit and relative coordinate commenced during Plank time. How space developed our observable universe, with an Earth-edge distance of 13.7 billion light-years and an annual expansion rate of one light-year, defies discernment without inflation.
Our observable universe perhaps embraces one quinvigintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) atoms, each elaborating one electron, one neutron and one proton of respectively negative, no and positive electric charges.

Gravity and opposite charges respectively fit planetary orbits around the solar system sun and a negatively charged electron orbiting its neutron- and proton-filled, positively charged nucleus.
Strong nuclear forces, unlike charge and gravity, gain strength with distance, generate energy into mass and give each neutron and each proton three fundamental quark particles. Quarks, elementary unbreakable particles like elementary unbreakable electron particles and unlike breakable, non-elementary neutron and proton particles, headed throughout big-banged space's temperatures above 1 trillion Kelvin. Anti-quarks and their oppositely charged but otherwise identical quark counterparts inhabited big-banged space without injuring one another until Planck time instituted temperatures below 1 trillion Kelvin.
Inflation of bigger, cooler space jostled antiparticles and particles into radiant energy or into antibaryons juggling antineutrons and antiprotons and neutron- and proton-juggling baryons; and vice-versa.

Temperatures above versus below 1 trillion Kelvin kept antiparticles from particles and kindled every billion antibaryons killing all but one of every billion and one baryons.
Inflation one-undecillionth to one-decillionth of a second after the Big Bang led to the cosmic conspiracy of leftover matter looking alike in distribution, proportion, temperature, type. The 13.7 billion years since the Big Bang never make up enough time for all locations in all directions to maintain similar arrangements, compositions and temperatures. Unilateral uniformity nestles into that timeline if it netted inflation billions of times faster than before and after one-undecillionth to one-decillionth seconds after the Big Bang.
Inflation offers monopoles, hypothesized but missing particles of single magnetic charges in standard particle physics theory, as non-occurrences locally because of occurrences beyond our observable universe.

Euclidian geometry, for Euclid (325 B.C.E.?-265 B.C.E.?), performs on flat surfaces, of which our observable universe presents one that inflation prevents Earth-like curvatures from being perceived.
Space queued up material three-quarters hydrogen and one-quarter helium and temperatures around 1 billion Kelvin two seconds after inflation and three seconds after the Big Bang. Big-banged space requires, and still realizes, one helium nucleus of one electron and one proton for every 10 hydrogen nuclei of one electron and one proton. Kelvin-scale temperatures, for William Thomson, Lord Kelvin (June 26, 1824-Dec. 17, 1907), show slow- to swift-speeding helium, hydrogen and other atoms sustaining lower to higher temperatures.
Time-lapsing Kelvin scales of particle movement and non-movement turns up antiparticles and particles transiting big-banged, hot, tiny space faster than matter during bigger, cooler, temporary inflation.

Brian May (second row, right), co-author of Bang! with Sir Patrick Moore and Greg Lintott, poses with his Queen bandmates, Roger Taylor (second row, left), Freddie Mercury (first row, left) and John Deacon (first row, right): Queen @Queen, via Facebook Aug. 14, 2012

My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.

Image credits:
Timeline of the universe begins with earliest probable moment (far left), when  a period of inflation yielded a burst in the universe's exponential growth: NASA/WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) Science Team, Public Domain, via NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) @
Brian May (second row, right), co-author of Bang! with Sir Patrick Moore and Greg Lintott, poses with his Queen bandmates, Roger Taylor (second row, left), Freddie Mercury (first row, left) and John Deacon (first row, right): Queen @Queen, via Facebook Aug. 14, 2012, @

For further information:
May, Brian; Patrick Moore; and Chris Lintott. 2012. Bang! The Complete History of the Universe. London UK: Carlton Books Ltd.
Marriner, Derdriu. 13 September 2012. "Lighted Dark Space Affirms Bang! The Complete History of the Universe." Earth and Space News. Thursday.
Available @
Queen @Queen. 14 August 2012. "Posted for no other reason than they look just awesome in this shot. Queen: Just Awesome." Facebook.
Available @

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