Saturday, March 8, 2025

Beau Brodbeck Avails Creciendo Arboles Construction-amiable Tree Care

Summary: Dr. Beau Brodbeck avails Auburn University Extension- and University of Georgia-co-produced Creciendo Arboles series construction-amiable tree care.

"God talks to human beings through many vectors: through each other, through organized religion, through the great books of those religions, through wise people, through art and music and literature and poetry, but nowhere with such detail and grace and color and joy as through creation. When we destroy a species, when we destroy a special place, we're diminishing our capacity to sense the divine, understand who God is and what our own potential is." Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., April 19, 2023, Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Back Bay, Boston, Massachusetts.

“And there’s many people out there who want us to move to the next planet already and I’m like, hang on, let’s not give up on this planet yet," William, Prince of Wales, July 31, 2023, Sorted Food food truck, London, England, United Kingdom.

Beau Brodbeck addresses Spanish language-speaking fluently, at least in part from his earliest years in Guatemala. That country name adopts the Nahuatl-language word Cuauhtēmallān ("place of many trees"), for the Cuate/Cuatli (kidneywood, Eysenhardtia polystachya) and from K'iche' Mayan for "many trees"; "Illustration of "coatli" (lignum nephriticum) by Spanish Franciscan missionary and ethnographer Bernardino de Sahagún in the Florentine Codex. He describes its unusual property of turning the color of water that comes in contact with it to bright blue: '. . . patli, yoan aqujxtiloni, matlatic iniayo axixpatli (. . . it is a medicine, and makes the water of blue color, its juice is medicinal for the urine)," Bernardino de Sahagún, The Florentine Codex, Vol. 3, f. 203v, ca. 1560-1564: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Dr. Beau Brodbeck of Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, Wednesday, Mar. 6, 2025, avails Auburn University Extension-, University of Georgia, Athens-co-produced Creciendo Arboles (from Spanish creciendo árboles, “raising trees”) series construction-amiable tree care.
This fourth session bears upon Preservación de árboles durante la construcción (from Spanish preservación de árboles durante la construcción, “preservation of trees during the construction” literally). Dr. Brodbeck, Dr. Jason S. Gordon of D.B. Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources and Dr. Rolando Orellana of the Center for Urban Agriculture connect. The University of Georgia domiciles the afore-designated urban-agriculture Center in Griffin, Spalding County, Georgia and the afore-designated forestry and natural-resources school in Athens consolidated city-county, Georgia.
Creciendo Arboles (from Spanish Creciendo Árboles), series from Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2024, through Wednesday, June 18, 2025, enlists María Soto, Atlanta member of Georgia Arborist Association.

The Brodbeck hour-long, Spanish-language presentation focuses thematically upon Preservación de árboles durante la construcción: mejores prácticas de gestión y técnicas para reducir la compactación del suelo.
Brodbeck guidelines guard best management practices and techniques increasing pre-construction, construction, post-construction tree preservation and urban-forest cover and decreasing construction-damaged trees and their ambient long-term risks. Dr. Brodbeck hands urban-forest tree workers and us webinar attendees six phases heralding air and water pore-spaced, loose-structured, non-compacted, root penetration- and water infiltration-friendly, tree-healthy soils. The first, planning phase identifies which site trees impel preservation; includes inventories and evaluations of site-tree conditions; indicates which site trees invoke 10 more healthy years.
Beau Brodbeck journeys through construction-amiable tree care in the Creciendo Arboles series that judges how pre-construction, construction jeopardize tree care and how tree preservation jeopardizes post-construction.

International Society for Agriculture- (ISA-) Certified Arborists, from planning phase onward, kindle best management practices and techniques keeping tree-damage, tree-fall targets safe, soils and trees healthy.
The second, design phase locates, calculation-wise, roots within tree protection zones (TPZ) that per-inches diameter at breast height (DBH) times per-foot, tree-age, tree-construction intolerance/tolerance multipliers log. Site trees as one design element in beginning-to-end site design matter for their age and size even as they manifest site-matching construction tolerances and healthy-tree conditions. Dr. Brodbeck notes small-, medium-sized trees niching smaller-sized tree protection zones (TPZ) even as declining, mature, some-specied trees net difficult preservation, easy decomposition and root damage.
Beau Brodbeck offers the Creciendo Arboles series, through his construction-amiable tree care webinar, the third, pre-construction phase occasioning optimal site-tree preservation with protective fences and signs.

Dr. Brodbeck prefers root-pruning schedules by Air Spade to produce clean cuts even as storage areas, travel corridors and work areas prompt their compaction-preventing, tree-preserving placement.
A Brodbeck study of compaction-friendly, construction-phase surface-soil pressures quarters among its recommendations questing moderate-weighted pressures and compaction-quashing, compaction-quitting 3/4-inch (1.905-centimeter) plywood, 10-inch (25.4-centimeter) mulch or Geotextile. The fourth and the fifth phases rate their rendering themselves into one construction phase that requires construction team-reaching out, site-landscaping and monitoring and tree protection zone-watching. That two-in-one construction phase secures supervising tree health with necessary root-pruning even as landscape installation-evaluating and monitoring sequence irrigation lines from site-tree drip-lines to site-tree trunks.
Beau Brodbeck treats construction-amiable tree care in the Creciendo Arboles series to a sixth, post-construction phase of 2- to 3-inch (5.08- to 7.62-centimeter) mulching and pest-tracking.

Spanish speakers and Spanish-speaking countries abide on almost all continents worldwide. Antarctica and Asia, albeit against the map, account for respectively seasonal- and permanent-abiding Spanish speakers what with English, Russian and Spanish as most-spoken Antarctic languages and the Juan Carlos I Antarctic Base and what with the acclaimed pilgrimage from India landward all the way to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. They add up as actual and potential International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) members and Creciendo Arboles series audiences; Map of Spanish speakers worldwide, according to the Cervantes Institute's report 2023: El Comandante, Public Domain (CC0 1.0 Universal), via Wikimedia Commons

My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.

This post is dedicated to the memory of our beloved blue-eyed brother, Charles, who guided the creation of the Met Opera and Astronomy posts on Earth and Space News. We memorialized our brother in "Our Beloved Blue-Eyed Brother, Charles, With Whom We Are Well Pleased," published on Earth and Space News on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021, an anniversary of our beloved father's death.

Image credits:
Beau Brodbeck addresses Spanish language-speaking fluently, at least in part from his earliest years in Guatemala. That country name adopts the Nahuatl-language word Cuauhtēmallān ("place of many trees"), for the Cuate/Cuatli (kidneywood, Eysenhardtia polystachya) and from K'iche' Mayan for "many trees"; "Illustration of "coatli" (lignum nephriticum) by Spanish Franciscan missionary and ethnographer Bernardino de Sahagún in the Florentine Codex. He describes its unusual property of turning the color of water that comes in contact with it to bright blue: '. . . patli, yoan aqujxtiloni, matlatic iniayo axixpatli (. . . it is a medicine, and makes the water of blue color, its juice is medicinal for the urine)," Bernardino de Sahagún, The Florentine Codex, Vol. 3, f. 203v, ca. 1560-1564: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @
Spanish speakers and Spanish-speaking countries abide on almost all continents worldwide. Antarctica and Asia, albeit against the map, account for respectively seasonal- and permanent-abiding Spanish speakers what with English, Russian and Spanish as most-spoken Antarctic languages and the Juan Carlos I Antarctic Base and what with the acclaimed pilgrimage from India landward all the way to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. They add up as actual and potential International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) members and Creciendo Arboles series audiences; Map of Spanish speakers worldwide, according to the Cervantes Institute's report 2023: El Comandante, Public Domain (CC0 1.0 Universal), via Wikimedia Commons @ñol_en_el_mundo_2023_(Anuario_del_Instituto_Cervantes).svg

For further information:
Gilman, Ed. 2011. An Illustrated Guide to Pruning. Third Edition. Boston MA: Cengage.
Hayes, Ed. 2001. Evaluating Tree Defects. Revised, Special Edition. Rochester MN: Safe Trees.
Marriner, Derdriu. 8 March 2025. "Beau Brodbeck Avails Creciendo Arboles Construction-amiable Tree Care." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 2 March 2025. "Matthew Searels and Jessie McClellan Apprise Brand and Sales Etiquette." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 1 March 2025. "Soils Aid James Cassidy and EPA IPM Getting to the Root of the Problem." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 9 February 2025. "Arborist News February 2025 Airs Weathering the Storm by Warren Causey." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 4 January 2025. "How Are Two Magnolia, Two Maple Species’ Fine Roots After Waterlogging?" Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 7 December 2024. "December 2024 Arborist News Apprises Us of Tree Inventory BMP Part I." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 November 2024. "Pruning Cuts Aid Codominant Stem Diameter Ratio, Exposed Wood, Appeal." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 2 November 2024. "." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Marriner, Derdriu. 6 October 2024. "Heartwood, Part I, Airs Biology, Formation, Identification, Importance." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 8 September 2024. "Conflict and Collaboration in Urban Forest Management Affect Each Other." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 4 August 2024. "Aged, Dead, Exotic Aid Taking an Ecosystem Approach to Tree Management" Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 7 July 2024. "What For Tree Workers Acts For and Against Professional Certification?" Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 2 June 2024. "Tree Risk Assessment BMPs Address Target, Occupancy, Impact Likelihood." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 5 May 2024. "Tree Root Architecture Acts for Proactive Urban Green Space Design." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 7 April 2024. "Tree Risk Assessment Admits Best Management Practices Abbreviated BMPs." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 3 March 2024. "Foliar Tissue Addresses Acer Heat Tolerance When Planning Urban Maples." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 4 February 2024. "Utility Tree Risk Asks About Target Strike, Then Tree Failure." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 18 January 2024. "System Failure From Ailing Water Transport Advises How Trees Grow Old." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 6 January 2024. "Neighborhood-Scale Urban Forest Scenarios Aid Vancouver, Canada 2050." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 2 December 2023. "Selection, Timing and Application Assure Shrub and Tree Fertilization." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 4 November 2023. "Diverse, Ecoservicing, Resilient Urban Tree Trifecta Aid Dense Cities." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 7 October 2023. "Utility Tree Risk Assessment Applies to Trees, Targets and Site." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 2 September 2023. "Urban Forest Resilience Asks Species Diversity of Milwaukee Metropolitan Area." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 5 August 2023. "Tree Roots with Secondary Thickening Are Tree Species Identifiers." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 July 2023. "Soil Decompaction and Soil Amendments Affect Urban Soil Quality." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 24 June 2023. "Best Practices Affect Nonselective and Selective Root Pruning." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 May 2023. "UAS and LIDAR Apply to Distribution Utility Vegetation Management." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 8 April 2023. "Trees and Construction – The Design Phase Aces Tree Preservation Zones." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 11 March 2023. "Improved Model Estimates of Tree Debris Following Ice Storms Are Near." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 February 2023. "Morgan Zabow, Jennifer First and TN Urban Forestry Council Assess UHI." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 February 2023. "Chris Graves Aced Winter Tree ID 2 at Tennessee Urban Forestry Council." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 10 February 2023. "Theodore Eisenman Aired Tree Planting Initiatives as UMass Urban Forestry Today Webinar." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 4 February 2023. "Green and White Variegated Trees Awe Nursery Industry and Tree Biology." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 3 February 2023. "Chris Graves Aired Winter Tree ID for Tennessee Urban Forestry Council." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 January 2023. "Kathryn Bronsky Adds Asian Longhorned Beetles to EPA IPM 2023 Webinars." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 14 January 2023. "Jay Dampier Adds Tree Diagnostics as Urban Forestry Today 2023 Webinar." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 7 January 2023. "Propiconazole Infusions and Injections Arrest Laurel Wilt in Sassafras." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 31 December 2022. "How Tree Injections Are Administered Affects What They Achieve." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 27 November 2022. "Climbing Line and Ascent Technique Affect Load Magnitude and Frequency." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 29 October 2022. "Urban Forestry Around the Globe Assesses Private and Public Trees." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 2 October 2022. "Natural Enemies of Urban Landscape Pests Are Among Beneficial Insects." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 4 September 2022. "Urban Tree Canopy Placement Affects Summer Household Energy Savings." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 6 August 2022. "Five Common, Important Decay Fungi Afflict Urban Trees." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 23 July 2022. "Electrical and Mechanical Failures Arise From Utility Tree Failures." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 25 June 2022. "Cabling and Bracing Support Systems Address Tree Defects and Stresses." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 29 May 2022. "Biochar Soil Amendments Advance Soil Quality and Tree Survival." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 9 April 2022. "Rapid Urban Site Index Allows Urban Forest and Tree Soil Assessments." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 26 March 2022. "Remote Sensing of Urban Forests Assures Modern Urban Forestry a Future." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 February 2022. "Sonic Tomography Adds Internal Defects to Level 3 Tree Risk Assessment." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 30 January 2022. "Private Tree Regulations Attempt to Avert Private Tree Canopy Loss." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 9 January 2022. "Best Management Practices Advance Urban Tree Care and Urban Wildlife." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 26 December 2021. "Integrated Vegetation Management Applies Balanced Control Methods." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 27 November 2021. "Leafy, Woody Canopies and Diverse Species Augur Resilient Urban Trees." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 30 October 2021. "Careful Selection, Planting and Post-Planting Assist Tree Longevity." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 25 September 2021. "Energy Gain and Water Use Abet Radial Growth of Irrigated Urban Trees." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 29 August 2021. "Soil Assessments Address Low or Affirm High Quality of Urban Soils." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 August 2021. "Lindsey Purcell Aired Late Season Pruning Impacts as TreeStuff Webinar." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 25 July 2021. "Soil, Roots, Leaves, Dormant Buds Affect Stressed Eucalypt Seedlings." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 July 2021. "Nick Araya of TreeCareLA Addressed Palm Pruning as TreeStuff Webinar." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 27 June 2021. "Native Wood-Borers Alarm Ornamental Landscape and Urban Forest Natives." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 30 May 2021. "Structural Pruning of Callery Pear Adds Nothing to Branch Union Strength." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 25 April 2021. "Stationary Rope Systems (SRS) Annul Friction by Ascents and Redirects." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 21 March 2021. "Inducing Agents and Synthetic Fungicides Axe Leaf Blotch and Pear Scab." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 20 March 2021. "Shem Kendrick Added Modern At-Home Bonsai to TreeStuff Webinar Series." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 February 2021. "Stationary Rope Systems (SRS) Allow Anchors, Ascent and Work Equipment." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 31 January 2021. "Street and Park Tree Inventories Since 1902 Assess Trees in Ithaca, NY." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 27 December 2020. "Tree Defect Identification During Tree Inspections Averts Tree Failure." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 29 November 2020. "Reduction Pruning Utility Trees Affects CODIT and Epicormic Branches." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 31 October 2020. "Arboricultural Operation Safety Standards Avert Adverse Events." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 27 September 2020. "Root-Stem Transition Zones Aim Loading Forces Through Roots and Soils." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 30 August 2020. "Arboricultural Operation Safety Standards Are Country-Specific." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 26 July 2020. "Sensitivity Analyses Admit Ecosystem Disservice and Ecosystem Service." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 June 2020. "Lignotubers Assure Arboricultural Management of Lignotuberous Shoots." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 31 May 2020. "Included Bark Ages Safely With Fused, Entwining Natural Braces ." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 May 2020. "Trent Dicks Alerted TreeStuff Webinar Attendees to Spotted Lanternfly." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 26 April 2020. "Canker Identification and Canker Management Apply to Landscape Trees." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 29 March 2020. "Arboricultural Operation Safety Training Averts Hazardous Incidents." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 29 February 2020. "Boundary-Spanning Collective Action Assuages Wildfire Risk in the West." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 23 February 2020. "Biochar Applications Are Best With Compost and Fertilizer Applications." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 26 January 2020. "Fungicide Injections Affect Dutch Elm Disease and Internal Decay." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 29 December 2019. "Pruning Cuts Applied Ably, Appropriately Are Best Management Practices." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 30 November 2019. "Structural Growing Media and Supported Pavement Affect Tree Responses." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 27 October 2019. "Tree Pruning Systems Answer to Best Management Practices." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 22 September 2019. "Southeastern Street Tree Arthropod Pests Are Online Survey Subjects." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 25 August 2019. "Cost Approach Approximates Plant Repair, Replacement or Restoration." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 July 2019. "Indirect Watering Devices Are There for Newly Transplanted Urban Trees." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 30 June 2019. "Plant Appraisal Data Collection Allies Off-Site and On-Site Research." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 26 May 2019. "Wire Basket Removal or Wire Basket Retention: Girdling or Stable Roots." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 April 2019. "Woody Plant Appraisal Data Collection for Shrubs, Trees and Vines." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 30 March 2019. "Balancing Roadside Tree Benefits and Risk of Streetscape Tree Crashes." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 February 2019. “Plant Appraisal Estimate, Scope, Data, Analysis, Reconciliation, Report.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 27 January 2019. “Urban Tree Vulnerability in Residential Toronto, Ontario, Canada.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 30 December 2018. "Plant Appraisal: Cost and Value Estimates and Economic Principles." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 23 December 2018. "Six-Year Forest Health Ambassador Program of Oakville, Ontario, Canada." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 21 October 2018. "Nursery Production Systems: Tough Urban Landscape Trees on Rough Sites." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 September 2018. "Induced-Resistance Agents, Silicon Fertilizers, Synthetic Fungicides." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 26 August 2018. "Nursery Production Systems for Successful Urban Tree Plantings." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 29 July 2018. "Tree Roots Branch in Fabric Containers But Circle and Girdle Plastic." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 30 June 2018. "Wood Decay Fungi Management of Terminal Urban Pathogens." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 27 May 2018. "Downtown Commercial Streetscape Tree Populations in Toronto, Canada." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 April 2018. “Mushroom-Forming and Non-Mushroom-Forming Fungal Life Cycle Traits.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 March 2018. “Emerald Ash Borer Rapid Response Community Preparedness Project.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 February 2018. “Tree Retention by Arborists for Wildlife Habitat Friendly Tree Care.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 14 January 2018. “Integrated Vegetation Management Study in North and South Yukon, Canada.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 9 December 2017. “Tree Inventories: Preemptive and Proactive or Piecemeal and Reactive.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 25 November 2017. “Chlorantraniliprole Reduced-Risk Insecticides Get Leaf-Eaters Not Bees.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 October 2017. “Palm Plant Health Care: Abiotic, Biotic Stress Culture and Management.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 September 2017. “Predawn Leaf Water Potentials Indicate Crown Dieback and Water Status.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 August 2017. “Palm Tree Identification and Pruning of Native and Naturalizable Palms.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 22 July 2017. “Commonly Planted, Potentially Phytoremediating Street Tree Species.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 June 2017. “Root Loss From Root Pruning and Root Shaving of Stem-Girdling Roots.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 27 May 2017. “Age and Canopy Area Cost Less and Tell More in Urban Tree Inventories.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 22 April 2017. “Urban Root Management: Big Infrastructure, Small Space, Stressed Roots.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 12 March 2017. “Flexural Elasticity Modulus: Trees and Watersprouts Bend or Break.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 18 February 2017. “Plant Health Care Diagnostics When Plants and Places Wrong One Another.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 14 January 2017. “Tree Fertilization for Fine Root Growth and Whole Root System Effects.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 December 2016. “Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Low Maintenance Tree Health Care Programs.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 November 2016. “Organic Amendments to Compacted Degraded Urban Highway Roadsides.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 October 2016. “Tree Protection Zones by Arborists for All Construction Project Phases.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 September 2016. “Stormwater Runoff Landscaping With Urban Canopy Cover and Groundcover.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 August 2016. “Changing Places: Tree Nutrient Movement Down, Tree Water Movement Up.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 July 2016. “Treated or Untreated Oriental Bittersweet Vine Management Cut-Stumping.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 18 June 2016. “Tree Injection Site Procedures: Manufacturer's Instructions and Labels.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 22 May 2016. “Electrical Utility Area Temperate Urban Street Trees: Pruned Regrowth.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 April 2016. “Tree Injection Methods: Treatment Option in Integrated Pest Management.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 6 March 2016. “Bare-Rooted Ornamental Urban Transplants: Amendments Against Mortality.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 February 2016. “Bark Protective Survival Mechanisms Foil Deprivation, Injury, Invasion.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 23 January 2016. "LITA Model: Linear Index of Tree Appraisal of Large Urban Swedish Trees." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 December 2015. “Tree Lightning Protection Systems: Site, Soil, Species True Designs.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 24 October 2015. “Tree Lightning Protection Systems Tailored to Sites, Soils, Species.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 August 2015. “Tree Friendly Urban Soil Management: Amend, Fertilize, Mulch, Till!” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 June 2015. “Tree Friendly Urban Soil Management: Assemble, Assess, Assist, Astound.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 18 April 2015. “Tree Wound Responses: Healthy Wound Closures by Callus and Woundwood.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 February 2015. “Urban Forest Maintenance and Non-Maintenance Costs and Benefits.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 December 2014. “Tree Dwelling Symbionts: Dodder, Lichen, Mistletoe, Moss and Woe-Vine.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 18 October 2014. “Tree Cable Installation Systems Lessen Target Impact From Tree Failure.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 August 2014. “Flood Tolerant Trees in Worst-Case Floodplain and Urbanized Scenarios.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 14 June 2014. “Integrated Vegetation Management of Plants in Utility Rights-of-Way.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 12 April 2014. “Tree Twig Identification: Buds, Bundle Scars, Leaf Drops, Leaf Scars.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 February 2014. “Tree Twig Anatomy: Ecosystem Stress, Growth Rates, Winter Identification.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 14 December 2013. “Community and Tree Safety Awareness During Line- and Road-Clearances.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 October 2013. “Chain-Saw Gear and Tree Work Related Personal Protective Equipment.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 12 October 2013. “Storm Damaged Tree Clearances: Matched Teamwork of People to Equipment.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 August 2013. “Storm Induced Tree Damage Assessments: Pre-Storm Planned Preparedness.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 June 2013. “Storm Induced Tree Failures From Heavy Tree Weights and Weather Loads.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 April 2013. “Urban Tree Root Management Concerns: Defects, Digs, Dirt, Disturbance.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 February 2013. “Tree Friendly Beneficial Soil Microbes: Inoculations and Occurrences.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 December 2012. “Healthy Urban Tree Root Crown Balances: Soil Properties, Soil Volumes.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 13 October 2012. “Tree Adaptive Growth: Tree Risk Assessment of Tree Failure, Tree Strength.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 11 August 2012. “Tree Risk Assessment Mitigation Reports: Tree Removal, Tree Retention?” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 June 2012. “Internally Stressed, Response Growing, Wind Loaded Tree Strength.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 14 April 2012. “Three Tree Risk Assessment Levels: Limited Visual, Basic and Advanced.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 February 2012. “Qualitative Tree Risk Assessment: Risk Ratings for Targets and Trees.” Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 18 February 2012. “Qualitative Tree Risk Assessment: Falling Trees Impacting Targets.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 10 December 2011. “Tree Risk Assessment: Tree Failures From Defects and From Wind Loads.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 October 2011. “Five Tree Felling Plan Steps for Successful Removals and Worker Safety.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 August 2011. “Natives and Non-Natives as Successfully Urbanized Plant Species.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 11 June 2011. “Tree Ring Patterns for Ecosystem Ages, Dates, Health and Stress.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 9 April 2011. “Benignly Ugly Tree Disorders: Oak Galls, Powdery Mildew, Sooty Mold, Tar Spot.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 12 February 2011. “Tree Load Can Turn Tree Health Into Tree Failure or Tree Fatigue.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 22 December 2010. “Tree Electrical Safety Knowledge, Precautions, Risks and Standards.” Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Salisbury, Allyson B.; Andrew K. Koeser; Michael G. Andreu; Yujuan Chen; Zachary Freeman; Jason W. Miesbauer; Adriana Herrera-Montes; Chai-Shian Kua; Ryo Higashiguchi Nukina; Cara Rockwell; Shozo Shibata; Hunter Thorn; Benyao Wan; and Richard J. Hauer. 2025. “Expanding a Hurricane Wind Resistance Tating System for Tree Species Using Machine Learning.” Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 51(2): 128-153.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Panama Railroad Reduced Isthmus Transit From Eight Days to Four Hours

Summary: In 1855 replacing dugout canoes and mule teams with the Panama Railroad reduced transit time of the Panamanian isthmus from eight days to four hours.

Prior to the opening of the Panama Railroad Sunday, Jan. 28, 1855, crossing the Isthmus of Panama entailed an arduous, eight-day-plus journey via two-stage transport by dugout canoes and mule teams; "Crossing the Isthmus in the Olden Time," illustration, page 102, in Robert Tomes, Panama in 1855 (1855): Not in copyright, via Internet Archive

The mid-19th century completion of the Panama Railroad reduced the transit time across the Isthmus of Panama from the eight days-plus logged by the previous two-stage transport via dugout canoes and mule teams to the railroad's approximately four to four and one-half hours.
Prior to the construction of the Panama Railroad, a two-stage transport by dugout canoes and mule teams conveyed travelers across the Isthmus of Panama (Spanish: Istmo de Panamá). The Panama route was one of three options for bicoastal travel of the east and west coasts of the United States. A second option rounded Republic of Chile's (República de Chile) stormy Cape Horn (Spanish: Cabo de Hornos), the meeting place of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The third option, which was routed overland, followed wagon trails across the continental United States.
Interest in improving the time and transit mode for crossing the Panamanian isthmus spiked with the Gold Rush precipitated by the Monday, Jan. 24, 1848, discovery of gold flakes in the South Fork American River at Sutter's Mill, California, by American carpenter and sawmill operator James Wilson Marshall (Oct. 8, 1810-Aug. 10, 1885). American businessman William Henry Aspinwall (Dec. 16, 1807-Jan. 18, 1875) tackled the increased demand for mail and passenger ships between the Pacific coast of the Panamanian isthmus and the U.S. west coast's Territory of Oregon (Aug. 14, 1848-Feb. 14, 1859) by founding the Pacific Mail Steamship Company Tuesday, April 18, 1848, in New York. Less than one year later, on Saturday, April 7, 1849, he co-founded the Panama Railroad Company in New York. American lawyer, Maya civilization rediscoverer and writer John Lloyd Stephens (Nov. 28, 1805-Oct. 13, 1852) and American businessman Henry M. Chauncey (April 3, 1795-April 28, 1863) co-incorporated with Aspinwall.
Panama was under the sovereignty of the Republic of New Granada (Spanish: República de la Nueva Granada; Oct. 20, 1831-April 11, 1858). On Monday, April 15, 1850, one year eight days after incorporation, the Panama Railroad Company finalized with the government of New Granada a 49-year contract for the exclusive right to establish a canal, highway or railroad across the Isthmus of Panama.

"Running the Lines," illustration of dense fauna through which crews of the Pacific Railroad Company laid tracks, by American physician, urology pioneer, art collector, author and U.S. Mail Steamship Company and Pacific Mail Steamship Company's ship surgeon (1853-1861) Fessenden Nott Otis, in Illustrated History of the Panama Railroad (1862; page 20): Not in copyright, via Internet Archive

The daunting project confronted a plethora of such challenges as overgrown flora, swampy hydrology and rugged terrain of the Isthmus of Panama's local physical geographies. Additionally, the tropical climate obstructed progress with constant, heavy rainfall-induced floods annually from June to December. Tropical diseases threatened debilitating and fatal illnesses from the climate's ferocious fauna, such as malarial mosquitoes. Other potentially negative scenarios with Panama's animal kingdom included encounters with alligators, scorpions and tarantulas, as noted by British journalist and railway historian Christian Wolmar (born Aug. 3, 1949) in The Iron Road (2014; pages 112-113).
Travelers also experienced discomfort inherent in their transport by canoe and by mule. The traveler ". . . who has once undergone the trials of a journey across the Isthmus during the days of the now obsolete mule and canoe . . . . will recall the long days and nights upon the Chagres river, and the hard ride over the rough road to Panama . . . . He will recollect the struggle with his thronging fellow-travelers for the scant boats ; and if he had the good luck to secure a foot-rest in a crowded canoe, he will not forget how eagerly he sprung from the shore infected with pestilence and vice. He will recollect the three days and nights of his wearisome ascent of the ever-bending river, the never-ceasing monotonous cries of the Negro boatmen, as they toiled along the banks, tugging at the over hanging foliage, startling the chattering monkeys, putting to flight the noisy parrots, and disturbing the sleepy alligators, which slided their huge, black, slimy bodies from the mudreefs into the water. With the tedious monotony of his slow progress by day, and no rest at night, in his contracted canoe, shared with coarse adventurers, and no relief in the exorbitantly-paid entertainment at the hovels which stretched their mud-floors, and dispensed their stringy pork, muddy coffee, and wretched brandy by the wayside, for the refreshment of the traveler, he will recollect how spiritedly he took to mule at Cruces, and sped joyfully on until, soon jaded by the hard ride, he at last reached Panama, fatigued and dispirited, where, perhaps, if with powers of endurance equal to every trial, he slept, or if not, tossed restlessly about on his hard cot in the early agonies of fever," as described by American physician, diplomat and writer Robert Tomes (March 27, 1817-Aug. 28, 1882) Panama in 1855 (1855; pages 100, 103).
The railway project began in May 1850 with the clearing of a mangrove-choked, swampy spot on the western end of Manzanillo Island (Spanish: la isla de Manzanillo). The emergence of harbor facilities and the railroad's Caribbean, northern terminus created the new town of Aspinwall, named in honor of the Pacific Railroad's first president, William Henry Aspinwall. In 1890 the government of New Granada renamed the town Colón in 1890 in honor of late 15th and early 16th century explorer and navigator Christopher Columbus (Spanish: Cristóbal Colón; ca. 1446/1451-May 20, 1506), who had explored Panama's Caribbean, northern coast during his fourth and last voyage to the Americas (May 9, 1502-Nov. 7, 1504).
The railway project was completed in approximately four years eight months. At midnight, Saturday, Jan. 27, 1855, the last rail was laid at Culebra, the summit of the Continental Divide of the Americas (Spanish: Divisoria continental de las Américas), also known as the Continental Divide (Spanish: Gran Divisoria). Mountainous Culebra's location was near the Pacific, southern terminus at Panama City's northern suburb of Playa Prieta. Culebra lay ". . . distant from the Atlantic terminus thirty-seven miles, and eleven miles from the city of Panama," as recalled by American physician, urology pioneer, art collector and author Fessenden Nott Otis (March 6, 1825-May 24, 1900) in Isthmus of Panama: History of the Panama Railroad (1867; page 36).
Robert Tomes received an invitation, dated Thursday, Jan. 25, 1855, for a complimentary trip on the Panama Railroad from American banking and railroad businessman David Hoadley (Feb. 13, 1806-Aug. 20, 1873), who had become the railroad's president in November 1851 (pages 14-15). On Sunday, Feb. 18, 1855, Robert Tomes boarded the train at Aspinwall (page 69) and disembarked at Playa Prieta. "Our watches tell us we have been only four hours and a half in making the transit of forty-eight miles from ocean to ocean" (page 95).

"Terminus at Panama," illustration of the Pacific, southern terminus of the Pacific Railroad, by American physician, urology pioneer, art collector and author Fessenden Nott Otis, in Isthmus of Panama: History of the Panama Railroad; and of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company (1867), page 128: Not in copyright, via Internet Archive

My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.

This post is dedicated to the memory of our beloved blue-eyed brother, Charles, who guided the creation of the Met Opera and Astronomy posts on Earth and Space News. We memorialized our brother in "Our Beloved Blue-Eyed Brother, Charles, With Whom We Are Well Pleased," published on Earth and Space News on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021, an anniversary of our beloved father's death.

Image credits:
Prior to the opening of the Panama Railroad Sunday, Jan. 28, 1855, crossing the Isthmus of Panama entailed an arduous, eight-day-plus journey via two-stage transport by dugout canoes and mule teams; "Crossing the Isthmus in the Olden Time," illustration, page 102, in Robert Tomes, Panama in 1855 (1855): Not in copyright, via Internet Archive @
"Running the Lines," illustration of dense fauna through which crews of the Pacific Railroad Company laid tracks, by American physician, urology pioneer, art collector and author Fessenden Nott Otis, in Illustrated History of the Panama Railroad (1862; page 20): Not in copyright, via Internet Archive @
"Terminus at Panama," illustration of the Pacific, southern terminus of the Pacific Railroad, by American physician, urology pioneer, art collector and author Fessenden Nott Otis, in Isthmus of Panama: History of the Panama Railroad; and of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company (1867), page 128: Not in copyright, via Internet Archive @

For further information:
Bishop, Farnham. Panama Past and Present. New York: The Century Co., 1916.
Available via Internet Archive @
Brown, Robert. "Chapter III. The Isthmus of Panama." Pages 48-58. The Countries of the World: Being a Popular Description of the Various Continents, Islands, Rivers, Seas, and Peoples of the Globe. London; New York: Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co. , 1876.
Available via Internet Archive @
Haskin, Frederic J. (Jennings). The Panama Canal. Illustrated from photographs taken by Ernest Hallen Official Photographer of the Isthmian Canal Commission. Garden City NY: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1914.
Available via Internet Archive @
Linda Hall Library. "The Land Divided, The World United: The Lure of the Pacific." Linda Hall Library > Experience > Digital Exhibitions > The Land Divided, The World United > 02. The Lure of the Pacific.
Available via Linda Hall Library @
Linda Hall Library. "The Land Divided, The World United: The Panama Railroad." Linda Hall Library > Experience > Digital Exhibitions > The Land Divided, The World United > 05. Panama Railroad.
Available via Linda Hall Library @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Panama Railroad Train First Transited Isthmus of Panama Jan. 28, 1855." Earth and Space News. Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025.
Available via EASN @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Robert Louis Stevenson's Wife's Brother-in-Law Is Buried in Panama." Earth and Space News Blog. Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025.
Available via EASN @
Marriner, Derdriu. "Where Is Robert Louis Stevenson's Wife's Brother-in-Law Buried in Panama?" Earth and Space News Blog. Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2025.
Available via EASN @
Oran. "Tropical Journeyings." Harper's New Monthly Magazine, vol. XVIII, no. CIV (January 1859): 145-169.
Available via HathiTrust @
Available via HathiTrust @
Otis, F.N. (Fessenden Nott). Illustrated History of the Panama Railroad; Together With a Traveler's Guide and Business Man's Handbook for the Panama Railroad and Its Connections. New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1861.
Available via HathiTrust @
Available via Internet Archive @
Available via Internet Archive @
Available via Library of Congress Book/Printed Material @
Otis, F.N. (Fessenden Nott). Isthmus of Panama. History of the Panama Railroad; and of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. Together With a Traveller's Guide and Business Man's Hand-Book for the Panama Railroad and the Lines of Steamships Connecting It With Europe, the United States, the North and South Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, China, Australia, and Japan. With Illustrations by the Author. New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1867.
Available via HathiTrust @
Available via Internet Archive @
Available via Internet Archive @
Otis, Fessenden Nott. "View of Culebra or the summit, the terminus of the Panama rail road In Dec. 1854." The Huntington Library, Art Museum and Botanical Gardens Digital Library > Jay T. Last Collection of Graphic Arts and Social History.
Available @
Panama Canal Railway Company. "Construction of the first transcontinental railroad." Panama Canal Railway Company > History.
Available @
The Panama Railroad. "History of the Panama Railroad." The Panama Railroad > History.
Available @
The Panama Railroad. "History of the Panama Railroad Part -- II." The Panama Railroad > History.
Available @
Puleo, Lorna. "Dr Fessenden Nott Otis." Find A Grave > Memorial. Find a Grave Memorial ID 124405568. Created by Lorna Puleo. Added Jan 31, 2014.
Available via Find A Grave @
Ruiz, Bruce C., Sr. "The Argonauts." Bruce C. Ruiz Sr. > Panam History Conquistadores & Colonial > Historic Panamá La Conquista & Exploración > The Argonauts (49'ers) (1849-1855). Feb. 15, 2002.
Available @
Ruiz, Bruce C., Sr. "The Isthmian Crossing." Bruce C. Ruiz Sr. > Panam History Conquistadores & Colonial > Historic Panam La Conquista & Exploración > Crossing the Isthmus. Aug. 14, 2002.
Available @
Ruiz, Bruce C., Sr. "Panama Railroad." Bruce C. Ruiz Sr. > Panam History Conquistadores & Colonial > Historic Panam La Conquista & Exploración > Panam History Conquistadores & Colonial > Historic Panam La Conquista & Exploración > Panama Railroad (1849-1855). April 19, 2002.
Available @
Schott, Joseph L. Rails Across Panama; The Story of the Building of the Panama Railroad, 1849-1855. Indianapolis IN: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1967.
Available via Internet Archive @
Stephens, John L. (Lloyd). Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. In two volumes. Volume II. London: John Murray, MDCCCXLI [1841].
Available via Internet Archive @
Tomes, Robert. Panama in 1855 An account of the Panama rail-road, of the Cities of Panama and Aspinwall, With Sketches of Life and Character on the Isthmus. New York: Harper & brothers, Publishers, 1855.
Available via Internet Archive @
Wolmar, Christian. The Iron Road: An Illustrated History of the Railroad. New York: DK Publishing, 2014.
Wolmar, Christian. "The Panama Railroad: A Deadly Rush for Gold." Pages 110-119. The Iron Road: An Illustrated History of the Railroad. New York: DK Publishing, 2014.