Summary: Twins Kamanawa and Kameeiamoku are not the Dead Ringer, as season 5 episode 6 Sunday, March 19, 2023, on action drama television series Magnum PI.
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Ancient Hawaiians accepted the title Niaupio (from Hawaiian Nīʻaupiʻo, "bent coconut midrib" literally, so "of the same stalk") for the offspring of the marriage of a high-born brother or half-brother with his high-born sister or half-sister. They accorded it to Kamanawa ("the season") and Kameeiamoku ("hero to the island") as twin sons of the siblings Keawepoepoe and Kanoena; image of "The Royal Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Hawaii adopted in 1845 during the reigns of King Kamehameha III. In 1842 Timothy Haalilio, Private Secretary to the King, and Royal Advisor the Rev. William Richards commissioned the College of Arms in London to prepare a design. The quartered shield has in its 1st and 4th quarters, the red, white and blue stripes representing the eight inhabited Hawaiian islands. The 2nd and 3rd quarters have two emblems of taboo (pulo'ulo'u) on yellow. The inescutcheon has crossed spears and the triangular flag on green. The shield in surmounted by the Crown of Hawaii. The dexter supporter represents Kamanawa holding a spear, the sinister Kameʻeiamoku holding a feather standard or kāhili, twin brothers who were both high chiefs and the Counselors of State to King Kamehameha I. The motto reads: 'Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono" or "The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness,'" uploaded Saturday, Feb. 18, 2012, 18:08, by Wikimedia user Sodacan from Meiric K. Dutton, Hawaii's Great Seal and Coat of Arms (MDCCCCLX [1960]), frontispiece: CC BY SA 3.0 Unported, via Wikimedia Commons |
Divine, royal, sacred twins Kamanawa of Kiholo and Kameeiamoku of Kaupulehu are not the Dead Ringer, as season 5 episode 6 Sunday, March 19, 2023, on action drama television series Magnum PI.
The 82nd episode overall, as sixth Magnum PI episode on the NBC 2022-2023 television season, benefits from directing by Marcus Stokes and writing by Barbie Kligman. The episode title calls to mind twin brothers Kamanawa and Kameeiamoku, whose identical twinship conduced to them as each one a “dead ringer” for the other. The Royal Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Hawaii displays twin brothers Kamanawa and Kameeiamoku, who demonstrate devoted likenesses in their demeanor and physical development.
That Hawaiian emblem enshrines on its left side Kamanawa, feather-cloaked and feather-helmeted like Kameeiamoku, but goateed and short-haired, right-handed with all digits around an upright spear.
Kameeiamoku, figured on the right side, features a fuller moustache, a full-faced beard and long hair even as a feather-standard kahili fits in his left hand.
Kameeiamoku, figured on the right side, features a fuller moustache, a full-faced beard and long hair even as a feather-standard kahili fits in his left hand.
Kamanawa (from Hawaiian ka manawa, “the season”) garnered as first wife Maui High Chiefess Kekelaokalani, his aunt Maui Queen Kekuiapoiwanui’s daughter with Maui High Chief Kauakahiakua-o-Lono. He had sons Koahou, Noukana and Amamalua and daughter Peleuli, Queen Consort of King Kamehameha I (1758?-May 14, 1819) of the Hawaiian Islands (1795-May 8, 1819). He intensified his interactions as stepfather to his son-in-law through his second marriage to Kamehameha I’s mother, Chiefess Kekuiapoiwa II, mother of their daughter Piipii Kalanikaulihiwakama.
Divine, royal, sacred twins Kamanawa and Kameeiamoku, Dead Ringer not for Magnum PI but one for the other, joined all Hawaii for their cousin’s one kingdom.
Koahou (from Hawaiian koa hou, “new warrior”) kept his father’s honors, powers, rights and seat in the Council of Chiefs to Kamehameha I, II and III.
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King Kamehameha I affirmed cousin Kamanawa's daughter, Peleuli Kekelaokalani, as fifth-favorite wife and Queen Consort. He aligned himself even more with Kamanawa by allowing the latter to marry as second wife his mother, Chiefess Kekuiapoiwa II; Friday, April 17, 2009, 14:02, image of "Statue of King Kamehameha I, standing in front of Ali'iolani Hale in Honolulu. Cast: 1881, bronze with gold leaf. Approx 8½ feet tall on a 10 foot concrete base. The pedestal has four bronze and gold leaf plaques with scenes from Kamehameha's life. Sculptor: Thomas Ridgeway Gould (1818–1881).": J JMesserly, CC BY SA 3.0 Unported, via Wikimedia Commons |
Koahou (from Hawaiian koa hou, “new warrior”) kept his father’s honors, powers, rights and seat in the Council of Chiefs to Kamehameha I, II and III.
Widowhood left Peleuli (from Hawaiian pele uli, “lava dark”) with daughters Maheha Kapulikoliko and Kiliwehi, sons Kahoanoku Kinau and Kaikookalani and grandsons Kekauonohi and Leleiohoku II. She, like Uncle Kameeiamoku (died 1802) and perhaps her father (died 1802?), may have died on Lahaina, Maui (from Hawaiian lā hainā, “sun cruel”; and Māui). Kameeiamoku nestled into parenthood, grandparenthood, great- and great-great-grandparenthood through first wife Kamakaeheikuli, second wife Kealiiokahekili and third wife Kahikoloa, respective mothers of Kepookalani, Hoapili and Hoolulu.
Sacred twins Kamanawa and Kameeiamoku obtained, as Dead Ringer for each other two centuries before the slang phrase on Magnum PI, high-council occupancies by their children.
Kepookalani (from Hawaiian ke po’o ka lani, “the head the chief”) prompted the House of Kalākaua (1874-1917, from Hawaiian ka lā kaua, “the day [of] battle”).
Kepookalani (from Hawaiian ke po’o ka lani, “the head the chief”) prompted the House of Kalākaua (1874-1917, from Hawaiian ka lā kaua, “the day [of] battle”).
Ulumaheihei Hoapili (1775?-Jan. 3, 1840) quartered, alongside first cousin Koahou, his father’s honors, powers, rights and seat in the Council of Chiefs to King Kamehameha I. Hoolu (1794?-1844, from Hawaiian ho’o lulu, “to lie in shelter[ed waters]”), with half-brother Hoapili, realized King Kamehameha I’s last wishes for secret burial of his remains. Kamanawa, Kameeiamoku, half-brother Keeaumoku Papaiahiahi and teacher Kekuhaupio as four Kona chiefs secured Council seats for Kamehameha I succeeding in the archipelago-uniting Mokuohai battle July 1782.
Perhaps traits from Chiefess Kalanikauleleiaiwi (died 1730), through Kamehameha I, twins Kamanawa and Kameeiamoku, turns them and their descendants into a Dead Ringer one for another.
My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.
This post is dedicated to the memory of our beloved blue-eyed brother, Charles, who guided the creation of the Met Opera and Astronomy posts on Earth and Space News. We memorialized our brother in "Our Beloved Blue-Eyed Brother, Charles, With Whom We Are Well Pleased," published on Earth and Space News on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021, an anniversary of our beloved father's death.
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Ancient Hawaiians accepted the title Niaupio (from Hawaiian Nīʻaupiʻo, "bent coconut midrib" literally, so "of the same stalk") for the offspring of the marriage of a high-born brother or half-brother with his high-born sister or half-sister. They accorded it to Kamanawa ("the season") and Kameeiamoku ("hero to the island") as twin sons of the siblings Keawepoepoe and Kanoena; image of "The Royal Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Hawaii adopted in 1845 during the reigns of King Kamehameha III. In 1842 Timothy Haalilio, Private Secretary to the King, and Royal Advisor the Rev. William Richards commissioned the College of Arms in London to prepare a design. The quartered shield has in its 1st and 4th quarters, the red, white and blue stripes representing the eight inhabited Hawaiian islands. The 2nd and 3rd quarters have two emblems of taboo (pulo'ulo'u) on yellow. The inescutcheon has crossed spears and the triangular flag on green. The shield in surmounted by the Crown of Hawaii. The dexter supporter represents Kamanawa holding a spear, the sinister Kameʻeiamoku holding a feather standard or kāhili, twin brothers who were both high chiefs and the Counselors of State to King Kamehameha I. The motto reads: 'Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono" or "The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness,'" uploaded Saturday, Feb. 18, 2012, 18:08, by Wikimedia user Sodacan from Meiric K. Dutton, Hawaii's Great Seal and Coat of Arms (MDCCCCLX [1960]), frontispiece: CC BY SA 3.0 Unported, via Wikimedia Commons @; Public Domain, via HathiTrust @; Public Domain, via HathiTrust @; non-commercial use, via Digital Archives of Hawai'i @
Twins Kamanawa and Kameeiamoku acted for their cousin, the subsequent King (1795-May 8, 1819) Kamehameha I (1758?-May 14, 1819, from Hawaiian ka meha, "the lonely [one]"). They acted in opposition to Kiwalao (1760-July 1782), inheriting son of King Kalaniopuu and Queen Consort Kalola Pupuka of Hawaii. Ancient Hawaiians addressed twins Kamanawa and Kameeiamoku, their half brother Keeaumoku Papaiahiahi and teacher Kekuhaupio as the four Kona chiefs. The twins and their cousin Kamehameha, grandchildren of Chiefess Kalanikauleleiaiwi, advanced successfully against Kiwalao ruling claims; image of "Cloak of ʻōʻō {Acrulocercus nobtlis) decorated with triangles of ʻiʻiwi (Vestiaria coccinea). Plate X. This is of the same age as the preceding and belonged to Kīwalaʻō, son of Kalaniʻōpuʻu, and a brave warrior, slain by Kamehameha who thus obtained the cloak. In late years it has been called 'the Queen's Cloak' and has been placed over the Queen's throne on public occasions. Length, 60 inches; width at base, 144 inches; front edges, 50.7 inches. The nae is composed of more than thirty pieces, of irregular form and varying fineness, Fig. 48, and the cloak seems to have been made up of the ruins of many other fabrics much as the choice products of Kashmir are fitted piece to piece of many an ancient shawl. The network is shown on a larger scale in Plate XI. At the fall of the Hawaiian Monarchy this, with Nos. 1, 3 and 4, came to the Bishop Museum where it is numbered 6829," in Memoirs of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History, vol. I (1899-1903), Plate X, opposite page 58: Not in copyright, via Internet Archive @; Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @
King Kamehameha I affirmed cousin Kamanawa's daughter, Peleuli Kekelaokalani, as fifth-favorite wife and Queen Consort. He aligned himself even more with Kamanawa by allowing the latter to marry as second wife his mother, Chiefess Kekuiapoiwa II; Friday, April 17, 2009, 14:02, image of "Statue of King Kamehameha I, standing in front of Ali'iolani Hale in Honolulu. Cast: 1881, bronze with gold leaf. Approx 8½ feet tall on a 10 foot concrete base. The pedestal has four bronze and gold leaf plaques with scenes from Kamehameha's life. Sculptor: Thomas Ridgeway Gould (1818–1881).": J JMesserly, CC BY SA 3.0 Unported, via Wikimedia Commons @
The Kingdom of Hawaii (1795-1893) amounted, from 1795 to Dec. 15, 1854, to Kamehameha I and sons Kamehameha II and III by Queen Consort Keopuolani. It angled in as Kings, from Jan. 11, 1855 to Dec. 11, 1872, Kamehameha IV and V, sons of High Chief Mataio Kekuanaoa and Princess Elizabeth Kinau. It anointed, from Jan. 8, 1873 to Feb. 3, 1874, as King Lunalilo, son of High Chief Charles Kanaina and Regent Kekauluohi. It announced, from Feb. 12, 1874 to Jan. 17, 1893, the Royal House of Kalakaua with King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani, children of High Chief Caesar Kapaakea and High Chiefess Analea Keohokalole. Queen Kapiolani, King Kalakaua, Princess Likelike, Queen Liluokalani, Princess Kaiulani and Prince Leleiohoku appeared as last members of the House of Kalakaua. Crown Prince William Pitt Leleiohoku II (Jan. 10, 1855-April 9, 1877) archived bloodlines directly back to Kamanawa's daughter Peleuli marrying King Kamehameha I; ca. 1881 collage, "Royal Family -- Kalakaua Dynasty," with (bottom left to right) Kapiolani, ʻIolani Palace, Kalakaua, (center left to right) Likelike, Aliʻiōlani Hale government building, Liliuokalani, (top left to right) Kaiulani, Hawaiian Coat of Arms, Leleiohoku," copy negatives, glass plates by Massachusetts-born, Hawai'i-transplanted photographer and rancher Menzies Dickson (1840-1891), uploaded Saturday, March 5, 2011, 03:57, by Wikimedia user KAVEBEAR from Hawai'i State Archives and Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @; PP-95-9-001 (negative 95D), non-commercial use, via Digital Archives of Hawai'i @; PP-95-9-002 (negative 95E), non-commercial use, via Digital Archives of Hawai'i @; PP-95-9-003 (negative 95B), non-commercial use, via Digital Archives of Hawai'i @
"Miggy," the crime- and mystery-solving, romantically involved, private detective team of Thomas Sullivan Magnum (Jay Hernandez) and Juliet Higgins (Perdita Weeks) in "Dead Ringer," season 5 episode 6 of NBC action drama television series Magnum P.I.: Fandom Of Magnum P.I. @MagmumPIFandom, via Twitter March 13, 2023, @
For further information:
For further information:
"About Us." Hawaiian At Art > About Us - Hawaiian Art by Brook Kapukuniahi Parker. Copyrighted 2023.
Available @
Available @
"Coat of arms." Honolulu Star-Bulletin > Archives > Newswatch > Hawaii 2000 > Tuesday, July 6, 1999. Copyrighted 1999.
Available @
Available @
"Dead Ringer." Magnum PI. New York City NY: National Broadcasting Company, 19 March 2023.
Fornander, Abraham. 1918. Fornander Collection Of Hawaiian Antiquities And Folk-Lore: The Hawaiians' Account Of The Formation Of Their Islands And Origin Of Their Race, With The Traditions Of Their Migrations, Etc., As Gathered From Original Sources. With Translations Edited And Illustrated With Notes By Thomas G. Thrum. Memoirs of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum Volume V -- Part I. Honolulu HI: Bishop Museum Press. Pages 466-469, 477-479, 690-693, 713.
Available via Google Books @
Available via Google Books @
Geer, Samuel Taylor. 27 July 2011. "Kamanawa High Chief of Hawaii II." Find a Grave > Memorials > Memorial Page for Kamanawa High Chief of Hawaii II (1785-20 Oct 1840) > Find a Grave Memorial ID 74027885, citing Koloa Cemetery, Koloa, Kauai County, Hawaii, USA, and maintained by Samuel Taylor Geer (contributor 46925792).
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Hitt, Christine. 29 April 2010. "A Family's Kuleana." Honolulu Magazine.
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Island Expat. 12 January 2011. "Kamanawa and Kame'eiamoku -- the Divine Twins." Hawaiian Time Machine > Magazine.
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Available @
"James Kahea Beckley." Honolulu Star-Advertiser > Obituaries > Family Placed Obituaries. Copyrighted 2023.
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Available @
"Kamanawa Kamanawa I, died Circa 1802." MyHeritage Ltd > Names > Kamanawa Keawepoepoe > My Heritage Family Trees. Copyrighted 2023.
Available @
Available @
"Kame'eiamoku." Geni > People > public profile > Kame'eiamoku (1752-c.1802). Copyrighted 2023.
Available @
Available @
"Kameeiamoku I, Kame'eiamoku, Kukahi Kameeiamoku, died 1802." MyHeritage Ltd > Names > Kameeiamoku Kameeiamoku > My Heritage Family Trees. Copyrighted 2023.
Available @
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Marriner, Derdriu. 12 March 2023. "Welcome to Paradise, Now Die! Applies to Magnum PI, Not Paradise Park." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 5 March 2023. "NSFW on Magnum PI Never Applies to Ewa Hinahina Maui Chaff Flowers." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 26 February 2023. "No Niuhi Tiger Shark Leiomano Arms Number One With a Bullet on Magnum PI." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 February 2023. "The Breaking Point Applies to Magnum PI and to Oha Leechleaf Delissea." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 February 2023. "Rock Doves, Rock Pigeons Maybe Are Like The Passenger on Magnum PI." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 5 June 2022. "The Assassination Bureau by Jack London Augurs Til Death on Magnum PI." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 2 October 2021. "Music and Other Sound Vibrations Account for Island Vibes on Magnum PI." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 8 May 2021. "Akoko Hawaiian Beach Sandmat Allows Ties Blooded as Magnum’s Bloodline." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 6 March 2021. "Kaunaoa Kahakai Hawaiian Dodder Avoids Guilt on Magnum’s Long Way Home." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 February 2021. "Alae'ula Hawaiian Moorhens Add up to Magnum's Someone to Watch Over Me." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 22 August 2020. "Kawailoa Activities Antedate Magnum’s Winner Takes All Jan. 20, 2019." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 5 January 2020. "Hoi Hawaiian Bitter Yams Are Symbols for Magnum's Desperate Measures." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 December 2019. "Kauna'oa Devil Dodder Abides Around Magnum's Day I Met the Devil." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 8 December 2019. "Kauna'oa Hawaiian Red Algae Affirm Aspects of Magnum's Blood Brothers." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 7 September 2019. "Hawaii Mamo Feathers Are Like Gold Necklaces on Magnum’s Die He Said." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 1 September 2019. "Koloa Maoli Hawaiian Ducks Are One Duck Less on Magnum's Sudden Death." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 3 February 2019. "Makou Hawaiian Buttercups Add No Aconitine to Magnum's I, the Deceased." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 11 November 2018. "Makiawa Hawaiian Sardines Appease Magnum PI's The Cat Who Cried Wolf." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 6 October 2018. "Hawaiian Dolphinfish Mahi-Mahi Abide by Magnum PI's From the Head Down." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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"The Sacred Twins." Pacific Worlds > Hawai'i: Kawaihae > Visitors.
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Staff Writer. 17 October 2022. "King Kamehameha I's Lost Treasure." Any Mystery > Blog > Lost Treasures.
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"Walker Park Site of the Honolulu Fort (Kekuanohu) 1816, Demolished 1857." Fort Street Mall > Historic Buildings.
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Young, Peter T. 19 September 2017. "Twins -- Neighbors." Images of Old Hawai'i > Ali'i > Chiefs > Governance.
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