Summary: Possible Columbus grandfather João Gonçalves Zarco discovered Madeira ca. 1419 after finding its northeastern neighbor, Porto Santo, ca. 1418.
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2004 bronze statue of João Gonçalves Zarco, created by Azorean Portuguese sculptor Augusto Cid (1941-March 14, 2019); Rua da Ponta da Cruz, freguesia de São Martinho, southwestern municipality of Funchal, southeastern Madeira; Sunday, May 13, 2007, 17:53: Zarco at Czech Wikipedia, CC BY SA 3.0 Unported, via Wikimedia Commons |
Possible Columbus grandfather João Gonçalves Zarco discovered Madeira in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean ca. 1419 after finding Porto Santo, its smaller, northeastern neighbor, ca. 1418.
Portuguese explorers and navigators João Gonçalves Zarco da Câmara (ca. 1390-Nov. 21, 1471), Tristão Vaz Teixeira (ca. 1395–1480) and Bartholomew Perestrello (Portuguese: Bartolomeu Perestrelo; ca.1395-1457) served as fellow commanders of caravels (Portuguese: caravela; plural: caravelas), the maneuverable, small, speedy sailing ships in the fleet of Prince Henry of Aviz (Portuguese: O Infante Dom Henrique de Avis, 1.º duque de Viseu; March 4, 1394-Nov. 13, 1460), popularly known as Prince Henry the Navigator (Portuguese: Infante Dom Henrique, o Navegador). In their travels off Africa's northwestern coast, they discovered and named ca. 1418 Porto Santo Island (Portuguese: Ilha de Porto Santo), the second largest island in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean's Madeira Archipelago (Portuguese: arquipélago da Madeira).
Suspicions of an island to the southwest of Porto Santo proved true with their discovery of Madeira Island (Portuguese: Ilha da Madeira), the archipelago's largest island in 1419. Teixeira and Zarco disembarked July 1, 1419, onto the new land, according to Portugual Diccionario Historico by Esteves Pereira (1872-1944) and Guilherme Rodrigues (vol. VII [1915], page 722).
Zarco's name of Madeira ("wood") recognized the island's arboreal density, according to Visit Madeira website. Ponta de São Lourenço, the peninsula marking Madeira's easternmost point, honors São Lourenço, the ship in which Zarco had sailed from Porto Santo.
The populous presence of sea lions (Portuguese: lobo; lobo-marinho; plural: lobos; lobos-marinhos) in the harbor on Madeira's southeastern coast where Zarco and Teixeira disembarked inspired the place name of Câmara de Lobos ("Sea Lion Chamber"). In 1460, Afonso V of Portugal (Jan. 15, 1432-Aug. 28, 1481) honored Zarco with a coat of arms and with the addition of Câmara de Lobos to his name, usually then written as João Gonçalves de Câmara, according to Rogério Miguel Puga's E-Dicionário de Escrita de Viagens Portuguesa on the website of NOVA University Lisbon (Portuguese: Universidade NOVA de Lisboa) Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (Faculty of Social and Human Sciences -- FCSH).
A fragrant abundance of fennel (Portuguese: funcho; Foeniculum vulgare) covered a natural ampitheater (Ancient Greek: ἀμφί, amphí, “on both sides” plus θέᾱτρον, théātron, “theatre”)-shaped valley's gentle slopes along Madeira's southeastern coast. Accordingly, Zarco named the ideal location for their new major settlement Funchal (Portuguese: funcho, “fennel” plus -al, “a field of”).
"E pelo muito funcho que nelle o capitam achou, lhe poz nome o Funchal . . ." ("And because of the many fennel that the captain found there, he named it Funchal . . ."), explained Azorean Portuguese historian Gaspar Frutuoso (ca. 1522-Aug. 24, 1591) in As Saudades da Terra: Historia das ilhas do Porto-Sancto, Madeira, Desertas e Selvagens (Livro II, Capitulo VII [Book II, Chapter VII], page 39), first published in 1873.
The three fleet commanders held the first captaincies, which included population and settlement responsibilities, in the Madeiras. Tristão Vaz Teixeira became first Capitão Donatário ("donatary captain"; royal governor) of Machico in 1440. The donatary captaincy of Porto Santo was assigned to Bartholomew Perestrello in 1446. João Gonçalves Zarco's appointment as first Capitão Donatário of Funchal, which took place in 1450, established his co-governance of Madeira with Teixeira.
João Gonçalves Zarco had seven children with Constança Rodrigues de Sá. Three sons (João, Rui, Garcia) preceded four daughters (Catarina, Isabel, Beatriz, Helena).
Isabel has been suggested as having birthed a son, fathered out-of-wedlock by Infante Ferdinand, Duke of Viseu and Beja (Fernando, Infante de Portugal, Duque de Beja e Duque de Viseu; Nov. 17, 1433-Sep. 18, 1470), and named Salvador Fernandes Zarco. Ultimately allegedly changing his name, her illegitimate son is known to history as Christopher Columbus (Catalan: Cristòfor Colom; Italian: Cristoforo Colombo; Portuguese: Cristóvão Colombo; Spanish: Cristóbal Colón; ca. 1446/1451-May 20, 1506), as publicized in "Secrets and Lies of Christopher Columbus," a documentary released in 2018 by Sakkara Productions (United States) and Crown Pictures (Portugal).
Isabel married Diogo Affonso de Aguiar, o Velho, according to Manuel José da Costa Felgueiras Gaio in Nobiliário de Famílias de Portugal (Tomo Oitavo, page 81), published in 1938. Their six children numbered as four sons (Diogo Affonso, Jorge, Pedro, Ruy) and two daughters (Maria, Ignes) (Tomo Primeiro, page 193).
If history's Christopher Columbus really were born as Salvador Fernandes Zarco, grandson of Madeira discoverer João Gonçalves Zarco, then his marriage to Porto Santo Island-born Filipa Moniz Perestrello (ca. 1452-ca. 1477/1485), daughter of Zarco's colleague Bartholomew Perestrello, united two Madeiran pioneer families.
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Prince Henry the Navigator (Portuguese: Dom Henrique of Portugal, Duke of Viseu (March 4, 1394-Nov. 13, 1460) leads 32 great historical figures (16 eastern profile; 16 western profile) from Portugal's Age of Discovery (Descobrimentos portugueses), which began with the 1418 to 1420 discoveries of Porto Santo and Madeira islands; João Gonçalves Zarco (third from right) stands immediately behind Ferdinand the Holy Prince (Portuguese: Fernando o Infante Santo; Sep. 29, 1402-June 5, 1443), sixth and youngest son of King John I of Portugal (João I de Portugal; April 11, 1357-Aug. 13, 1433) and Henry the Navigator's youngest brother; Monument of the Discoveries (Portuguese: Padrão dos Descobrimentos), by Lisbon-born Portuguese architect José Ângelo Cottinelli Telmo (Nov. 13, 1897-Sep. 18, 1948) and Lisbon-born Portuguese sculptor Leopoldo Neves de Almeida (Oct. 18, 1898-April 28, 1975), opened Feb. 3, 1958; Avenida Brasília, freguesia de Belém, western Lisbon, right bank Tagus River (Portuguese: rio Tejo), central coastal Portugal; Spring 2006: Joaquim Alves GAspar, CC BY SA 3.0 Unported, via Wikimedia Commons |
My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.
This post is dedicated to the memory of our beloved blue-eyed brother, Charles, who guided the creation of the Met Opera and Astronomy posts on Earth and Space News. We memorialized our brother in "Our Beloved Blue-Eyed Brother, Charles, With Whom We Are Well Pleased," published on Earth and Space News on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021, an anniversary of our beloved father's death.
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2004 bronze statue of João Gonçalves Zarco, created by Azorean Portuguese sculptor Augusto Cid (1941-March 14, 2019); Rua da Ponta da Cruz, freguesia de São Martinho, southwestern municipality of Funchal, southeastern Madeira; Sunday, May 13, 2007, 17:53: Zarco at Czech Wikipedia, CC BY SA 3.0 Unported, via Wikimedia Commons @
Prince Henry the Navigator (Portuguese: Dom Henrique of Portugal, Duke of Viseu (March 4, 1394-Nov. 13, 1460) leads 32 great historical figures (16 eastern profile; 16 western profile) from Portugal's Age of Discovery (Descobrimentos portugueses), which began with the 1418 to 1420 discoveries of Porto Santo and Madeira islands; João Gonçalves Zarco (third from right) stands immediately behind Ferdinand the Holy Prince (Portuguese: Fernando o Infante Santo; Sep. 29, 1402-June 5, 1443), sixth and youngest son of King John I of Portugal (João I de Portugal; April 11, 1357-Aug. 13, 1433) and Henry the Navigator's youngest brother; Monument of the Discoveries (Portuguese: Padrão dos Descobrimentos), by Lisbon-born Portuguese architect José Ângelo Cottinelli Telmo (Nov. 13, 1897-Sep. 18, 1948) and Lisbon-born Portuguese sculptor Leopoldo Neves de Almeida (Oct. 18, 1898-April 28, 1975), opened Feb. 3, 1958; Avenida Brasília, freguesia de Belém, western Lisbon, right bank Tagus River (Portuguese: rio Tejo), central coastal Portugal; Spring 2006: Joaquim Alves GAspar, CC BY SA 3.0 Unported, via Wikimedia Commons @
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For further information:
Art UK. "Câmara de Lobos, The Fishing Port of Madeira. Winston Spencer Churchill (1874–1965). National Trust, Chartwell. 1950. Oil on canvas. H 57 x W 70 cm. Accession number 1102950." Art UK > Discover > Artworks.
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Best of Madeira. "Machico, Madeira: History." Best of Madeira Blog. 04.03.12.
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de Zurara, Gomes Eanes. "Capitollo LXXV: Como a caravella de Joham Como a caravella de Joham Gllz Zarco chegou aa terra dos Negros." Page 352. Crónica do descobrimento e conquista de Guiné, escrita por mandado de el Rei D. Affonso V, sob a direcção scientifica, e segundo as instrucções do illustre Infante D. Henrique. Paris: J.P. Aillaud, 1811.
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de Zurara, Gomes Eanes. "Capitollo LXXXIII: Como foe povoada a ilha da Madeira, e assy as outras ilhas que som em aquella parte." Pages 385-391. Crónica do descobrimento e conquista de Guiné, escrita por mandado de el Rei D. Affonso V, sob a direcção scientifica, e segundo as instrucções do illustre Infante D. Henrique. Paris: J.P. Aillaud, 1811.
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Fones, Carlos. "21. Apoio dos Judeus." Cristovão Colombo, português? > As Provas do Colombo Português .
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Felgueiras Gaio, Manuel José da Costa. "(1) João Glz Zarco tinha cazado antes de ir." Nobiliário de Famílias de Portugal de Felgueiras Gayo. Tomo Oitavo: page 81. Braga: Agostinho de Azevedo Meirelles e Domingos de Araújo Affonso. Braga: Tip. Augusto Costa & C.a Limitada, 30 de outubro de 1938.
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Felgueiras Gaio, Manuel José da Costa. "N 1 JOÃO GLZ ZARCO (1) foi hum Infante D. Henrique f.º do Rey D. João 1.º o qual o fez da Ilha 3.ª da p.te do Funchal cazou com Constanca Rz de Sá ou de Almeida f.ª de Rodrigo Annes de Sá: Constança Rz era f.ª de Rodrigo Lopes de Sequeiros: foi João Glz por mandado do d.º Inf.e descobrir a Ilha da Madeira, e por rezão de huas Lapas ou Cameras de Lobos Marinhos q achou onde dezembarcou tomou o appellido de Camera. 2 João Glz da Camera. 2 Ruy Glz da Camera § 5. 2 Gracia Rz de Camera § 9. 2 Brites Glz de Diogo Cabral no tt.º ve. .º de Lobos § 49 sub N 12 tt.º de Cabraes § 8 N 1. 2 Izabel Glz de Diogo Aff.º de Aquiares. 2 Helena Glz de Martim Mendes de Vasconcellos c. g. no tt.º de Vasconcellos § 188 N 13. 2 D. Catarina de Gracia Homem de Souza § 16. 2 D. Mecia de Abreu de D. P.º de Moura d. g. no tt.º de Mouras § 4 N 8." Nobiliário de Famílias de Portugal de Felgueiras Gayo. Tomo Oitavo: page 81. Braga: Agostinho de Azevedo Meirelles e Domingos de Araújo Affonso. Braga: Tip. Augusto Costa & C.a Limitada, 30 de outubro de 1938.
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Felgueiras Gaio, Manuel José da Costa. "Aguiares § 1 . . . . N 4 Diogo Affonco De Aquiar (O velho) fº de Pedro Afffº de Aguiar N 3 foi Sr da Casa de seu pay. Casou com D. Isabel Glz da Camera fª de João Glz Zarco, e Catª Rz de Sá ttº de Cameras § 1 N 1 outros fazem este Diogo Affº de Aguiar fº de João Affº de Aguiar no § 4 N 2 o q não seguimos 5 Diogo Affº de Aguiar 5 Pedro Affº de Aguiar § 3 = 5 Jorge de Aguiar s. g. 5 Ruy Dias de Aguiar casado com Leonord Homem fª de Gracia de Sá e sua .......... morreo no Cabo de Guet indo com gente da Ilha a secorrella s. g. 5 Ignes Dias da Camera de Lopo Vaz de Camoens c. g. no tt.º de Camoens § 1 N 4 5 D. Mª de Aguiar (esta D. Mª dizem ser fª da 2ª c. c. Alvaro Annes de Pendes no tt.º de Colacos § 1 N 1." Page 193. Aguiares: pages 193-202. Nobiliário de Famílias de Portugal de Felgueiras Gayo. Tomo Primeiro: Aboins-Agorretas, pages 1-203. Braga: Agostinho de Azevedo Meirelles e Domingos de Araújo Affonso. Braga: Tip. Augusto Costa & C.a Limitada, 30 de outubro de 1938.
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Felgueiras Gaio, Manuel José da Costa. Nobiliário de Famílias de Portugal de Felgueiras Gayo. 17 volumes. Braga: Agostinho de Azevedo Meirelles e Domingos de Araújo Affonso. Braga: Tip. Augusto Costa & C.a Limitada, 1938-1941.
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Felgueiras Gaio, Manuel José da Costa. Nobiliário de Famílias de Portugal de Felgueiras Gayo. Tomo Oitavo: 1-183. Vol. VIII Cabedos ve Pinheiros § 6 N 9 to Cardins. Impressão diplomática do original manuscrito existente na Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Barcelos. Propriedade e edição de Agostinho de Azevedo Meirelles; Domingos de Araújo Affonso, 1938-1941. Braga: Tip. Augusto Costa & C.a Limitada, 30 de outubro de 1938.
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Florentino, Nicolau (Antonio Maria de Freitas); and Regina Maney, transl. "2. Tristan Vaz, gentleman of the household of the Infante Dom Henrique, and donee (having received it as a gift from the crown) of the jurisdiction over Machico, was a celebrated navigator as well as a warrior. He accompanied the Infante in divers journeys to Africa, performing acts of high courage at the storming of Ceuta and the siege of Tangier, where Dom Henrique himself knighted him. On this prince's turning his attention and prodigious activity toward the enterprises that unveiled to Portugal the precious secrets of the deep, he encountered in Tristan Vaz one of the most zealous assistants in his immortal work. In 1418, while sailing in company with Gonçalves Zarco, Tristan Vaz discovered the island of Porto Santo, and in the following year that of Madeira. One of his seven daughters, Donna Anna Teixeira, was the cause of Tristan Vaz committing a cruel act which drew upon his head the gravest consequences. Donna Anna and a young noble, by name Simon Barradas, loved each other with ardent affection, but the father opposed a most determined resistance. The young people continued to see each other by stealth until one day Tristan, coming upon them, caused the young man to disappear without any one's knowing of his fate nor the cause of it. . . . The case was reported to the king. . . . The king gave Donna Anna in marriage to a noble under his protection, and ordered the father to be put in irons. Shortly after the latter was tried and sentenced to lose his governorship, besides being exiled to Prince's Island. On the expiration of the term of his exile he returned to Portugal, where his great age and the remembrance of his past services finally moved the king to pardon him and to give him back Machico, which he again governed for some time until he died, in 1470, at Silves, in the province of Algarve, whither he had gone on family business. He was 85 years old at his death, having been born in 1385."
Pages 9-10. The Wife of Columbus, With Genealogical Tree of the Perestrello and Moniz Families. New York NY: Press of Stettiner, Lambert & Co., 1893.
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Florentino, Nicolau (Antonio Maria de Freitas); and Regina Maney, transl. "As to having been a companion of Zarco and Tristan in the discovery, and, above all, as to having preceded them in the enterprise, chronology opposes itself to any likelihood of this historic trait of Bartholomew's being true, even if the considerations above stated did not seem to us conclusive. In 1418 Tristan was a full-grown man, [page 26] and we all know that this is the year of the discovery of the first island of the archipelago of Madeira. Tristan was then about 33 or 34 years old, and Zarco was of the same age, or perhaps older still. . . . As a result of divers calculations, particularly of the epoch in which Philippone married, according to the works on nobility, and noting especially the fact that Bartholomew was the fourth child born of this union, he could not have been of more than half of Tristan's age. Besides we must not forget to calculate the very important circumstance that the third wife of Bartholomew Perestrello was a great-granddaughter, on her mother's side, of Tristan Vaz. Bartholomew Perestrello was consequently of an unlikely age to suppose him the chief of any maritime expedition, and there is a total absence of historical dates that would prove him possessed of precocious talents for a seafaring life; just as unlikely was it that he should have been chosen to taken an equal part in the expedition commanded by Zarco and Tristan, both already celebrated in the African wars, with their reputation as daring sailors well established in the voyages to Ceuta and other northern and eastern shorts of the Dark Continent. But he did go in the company of both, drawn into the enthusiastic fanciful current of those who offered to populate Porto Santo, a new paradise, according to a merry antiphrase." Pages 25-26. The Wife of Columbus, With Genealogical Tree of the Perestrello and Moniz Families. New York NY: Press of Stettiner, Lambert & Co., 1893.
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Florentino, Nicolau (Antonio Maria de Freitas); and Regina Maney, transl. "On the death of his father, Bartholomew Perestrello, the youngest of the four children left by Philippone, fell to the charge of his brothers and sisters; but in very early youth he obtained a position in the household of the Infante Dom John, then closely linked with that of his brother, Dom Henrique, in the African campaigns, and with the auspicious beginning of our maritime discoveries. Afterward he was created a knight of the same household. It is , however, not very easy to state the precise nature of the services, more or less public, rendered by him in an epoch of varied and complex enterprises. In the same manner . . . they refer to Bartholomew Perestrello only in a vague sort of a way as the populator and donee of the island of Porto Santo." Page 23. The Wife of Columbus, With Genealogical Tree of the Perestrello and Moniz Families. New York NY: Press of Stettiner, Lambert & Co., 1893.
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Florentino, Nicolau (Antonio Maria de Freitas); and Regina Maney, transl. "We do not doubt that he well merited the generous friendship and confidence of Dom Henrique. . . . What, however, our conscience will not permit us to accept as conclusive, partly on account of what we read in divers writings, partly in view of the purport of the documents that refer to Bartholomew, and above all in consideration of most palpable chronological contradictions, is the assertion that Bartholomew Perestrello was the discoverer of the island of Porto Santo, or an important assistant of Gonçalves Zarco and Tristan Vaz in that maritime enterprise." Page 24. The Wife of Columbus, With Genealogical Tree of the Perestrello and Moniz Families. New York NY: Press of Stettiner, Lambert & Co., 1893.
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Florentino, Nicolau (Antonio Maria de Freitas); and Regina Maney, transl. The Wife of Columbus, With Genealogical Tree of the Perestrello and Moniz Families. New York NY: Press of Stettiner, Lambert & Co., 1893.
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Frutuoso, Gaspar. "E pelo muito funcho que nelle o capitam achou, lhe poz nome o Funchal (onde depois fundou huma villa deste nome, que ja neste tempo he huma nobre e sumptuosa cidade), no cabo do qual estão dous ilheos, onde se foram abrigar por ser ja tarde: e tomaram em terra agoa e lenha com que em hum delles fizeram de cear de muitas aves que tomaram." Page 39. As Saudades da Terra: Historia das ilhas do Porto-Sancto, Madeira, Desertas e Selvagens. Manuscripto do seculo XVI annotado por Alvaro Rodrigues de Azevedo. Capitulo VII: Como o Capitam João Gonçalves Zargo, deixando os navios no desembarcadouro, foi descobrir a costa até Camara de Lobos, donde tomou suas armas; e vendo á sahida o cabo de Gyrão, se tornou a dormir aos navios: 37-40. Funchal: Typ. Funchalense, 1873.
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Geni. "Isabel Gonçalves da Câmara. Birthdate: circa 1422. Birthplace: Madeira, Portugal. Death: 1477 (50-59) Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. Immediate Family: Daughter of João Gonçalves Zarco, 1º donatário do Funchal and Constança Rodrigues. Wife of Diogo de Afonso Aguiar and Diogo Afonso de Aguiar, o Velho. Partner of Fernando de Portugal, duque de Viseu and Henrique de Portugal, Duque de Viseu. Mother of Gonçalo de Castelo Branco; Constança Rodrigues da Câmara; Jorge de Aguiar; Maria Aguiar; Pedro Afonso de Aguiar, o Raposo; Rui Dias de Aguiar; Inês Dias da Câmara; Diogo Afonso de Aguiar, o Moço and Senhorinha Eanes de Sá e Colonna. Sister of João Gonçalves da Câmara, 2º donatário do Funchal; Capitão-mór Rui Gonçalves da Câmara, 3º donatário da ilha de São Miguel; Garcia Rodrigues da Câmara; Catarina Gonçalves da Câmara; Beatriz Gonçalves da Câmara; and Helena Gonçalves da Câmara. Half sister of Beatriz Gonçalves da Câmara. Managed by: Private User." Last updated Sep. 6, 2022. Geni > People > Surnames > Gonçalves Zarco surname.
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Gonçalves, Paulo Altmayer. "João Gonçalves Zarco, 1º donatário do Funchal. Spanish: Cap. Joâo Gonçalves Zarco, 1º donatário do Funchal. Also Known As: 'João Gonçalves da Câmara Zargo', 'João Gonçalves Zarco', 'João Gonçalves da Câmara de Lobos', 'João Gonçalves da Câmara', 'João da Câmara de Lobos', 'Joao Gonsalvez Zarco'. Birthdate: circa 1390. Birthplace: Matosinhos, Portugal. Death: November 21, 1471 (76-85) Convento S. Clara, Funchal, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. Immediate Family: Son of Gonçalo Esteves Zarco and Brites de Santarém. Husband of Teresa Rodrigues and Constança Rodrigues. Father of Beatriz Gonçalves da Câmara; João Gonçalves da Câmara, 2º donatário do Funchal; Capitão-mór Rui Gonçalves da Câmara, 3º donatário da ilha de São Miguel; Garcia Rodrigues da Câmara; Catarina Gonçalves da Câmara; Isabel Gonçalves da Câmara; Beatriz Gonçalves da Câmara and Helena Gonçalves da Câmara. Brother of Álvaro Gonçalves and Fernão Gonçalves Zarco. Occupation: Governor of one half of the island of Madeira by letter of Prince Henry "the Navigator", Primeiro Capitão Donatário do Funchal, 7925392, navegador, Capitan, Navegador, 1º Capitão-mór da Ilha da Madeira, Capitán Mayor de la Capitanía de Funchal." Last updated Sep. 8, 2022. Retrato por Henry Clarke Shakespeare. Geni > People > Surnames > Gonçalves Zarco surname.
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The Knight Agency. "Judson Knight, Vice President." The Knight Agency > About Us.
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Knight, Justin. "João Gonçalves Zarco Inaugurates The Era Of Portuguese Exploration With The Rediscovery Of The Madeira Islands, 1418-20." > Science > Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps.
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Madeira Best. "João Gonçalves Zarco Statue." Madeira Best.
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Madeira Island for Travellers @madeiraislandpage. "Ponta de São Lourenço trail: This trail follows S. Lourenço Point, the eastern-most peninsula of Madeira island, named after the caravel sailed by João Gonçalves de Zarco, one of the three discoverers of Madeira island, who on coming near this piece of land shouted to his ship 'São Lourenço, that’s enough!'. Almost at the end of the trail, there is a building named the Sardinha house, that is the base for a group of Rangers who work for the Madeira natural park, and who are responsible for watching over the area. Follow the trail up the mountain and enjoy the amazing view. Vereda da Ponta de São Lourenço (PR8): Este trilho percorre a Ponta de S. Lourenço, península mais a Este da ilha da Madeira, baptizada com o nome da caravela de João Gonçalves Zarco, um dos três descobridores da ilha da Madeira. Quase no final do percurso existe um edifício, a casa do Sardinha, dando apoio aos vigilantes do serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira, responsável pela vigilância desta área. Siga o trilho pela montanha próxima deste casa e desfrute da magnífica vista. Video by Madeira Selection. #portugal #madeiraisland #madeira #pontadesãolourenço." Facebook. Oct. 10, 2020.
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Madeira Quase Esquecida. "Cristovão Colombo: Estátua em bronze da autoria de Henrique Moreira. Foi inaugurada a 12 de Outubro de 1968 e está localizada no Parque de Santa Catarina. Cristovão Colombo foi um navegador e descobridor da América. Nasceu em Génova e morreu em Espanha a 20 de Maio de 1506. Chegou a Portugal por volta de 1476. Em 1478 esteve no Funchal para comprar açucar para uma casa importante de Génova. Casou-se com D. Filipa Moniz, filha de Bartolomeu Perestrelo, Primeiro Donatário do Porto Santo, de quem teve um filho chamado Diogo. Entre 1480 e, provavelmente, 1482, viveu nas ilhas do Porto Santo e da Madeira. Foto de Henrique Vieira de Jesus." Facebook. March 13, 2012.
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Madeira Quase Esquecida. "Inauguração da estátua de João Gonçalves Zarco. Francisco Franco, 1924; 1927. Discurso do Dr. Horácio Bento de Gouveia. Fotografia Perestrellos Photographos, Avenida Arriaga, 28 de Maio de 1934. Photographia-Museu Vicentes (53 C5), Funchal, ilha da Madeira Pub. catálogo da exposição Obras de Referência dos Museus da Madeira.500 Anos de História de Um Arquipélago, mostra comissariada por Francisco Clode de Sousa, Galeria de D. Luís, Palácio da Ajuda, Novembro de 2009, p. 496. (MV)." Facebook. Aug. 4, 2012.
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Madeira Quase Esquecida. "Madeira. Monumento Gonzalves Zarco. Gonçalves Zarco: «Militar, navegador e escudeiro do infante D. Henrique, foi encarregado de descobrir (ou reconhecer) o arquipélago da Madeira, tendo sido o primeiro capitão donatário no Funchal. A estátua de João Gonçalves Zarco é da autoria do escultor Francisco Franco e foi inaugurada em 1934. Tem um pedestal com 4 painéis da autoria do arquitecto Cristiano da Silva que evocam, o Povoamento, a Conquista, a Sabedoria e a Evangelização. Bilhete Postal de data desconhecida. (JLS)" Facebook. April 2, 2013.
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Madeira Quase Esquecida. "Montagem da estátua de Zarco, 28 de Maio de 1934. (MV)." Facebook. April 12, 2012.
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Madeira Regional Tourism Board. "Discovery of the Archipelago of Madeira." Visit Madeira > Madeira > History.
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Marriner, Derdriu. "Christopher Columbus's Wife Was Madeiran But Was He Really Genoese?" Earth and Space News. Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022.
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Marriner, Derdriu. "Ferdinand Columbus Biographized His Father as Italian But Born Where?" Earth and Space News. Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022.
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Marriner, Derdriu. "Lombardy Associates With Columbus and His Wife's Great-Grandparents." Earth and Space News. Thursday, Oct. 27, 2022.
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Marriner, Derdriu. "Secrets & Lies Finds Duke of Beja Perhaps Fathered Christopher Columbus." Earth and Space News. Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022.
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Marriner, Derdriu. "Statue in Cuba, Portugal, Honors Columbus as Salvador Fernandes Zarco." Earth and Space News. Thursday, Nov. 10, 2022.
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Noronha, Henrique Henriques de. Nobiliário Genealogico das Familias que passaram a viver á Ilha da Madeira desde o tempo do seu descobrimento que foi no anno de 1420. Written in Madeira, 1700. São Paulo: Federação dos Institutos Genealógicos Latinos, 1948.
Available via Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal -- Biblioteca Nacional Digital @
Available via Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal -- Biblioteca Nacional Digital @
Pereira, Esteves; and Guilherme Rodrigues. "Machico." Pages 665-666. Portugal: Diccionario Historico, Chorographico, Heraldico, Biographico, Bibliographico, Numismatico e Artistico. Vol. IV: L-M. Lisboa: João Romano Torres & C.a, 1909.
Available via Internet Archive @
Available via Internet Archive @
Pereira, Esteves; and Guilherme Rodrigues. "Madeira (Ilha da). Pages 668-669. Portugal: Diccionario Historico, Chorographico, Heraldico, Biographico, Bibliographico, Numismatico e Artistico. Vol. IV: L-M. Lisboa: João Romano Torres & C.a, 1909.
Available via Internet Archive @
Available via Internet Archive @
Pereira, Esteves; and Guilherme Rodrigues. "Zarco (João Gonçalves)." Page 722. Portugal: Diccionario Historico, Chorographico, Heraldico, Biographico, Bibliographico, Numismatico e Artistico. Vol. VII: T-Z. Lisboa: João Romano Torres & C.a, 1915.
Available via Internet Archive @
Available via Internet Archive @
Pereira, Isabel Violante. De Mendo da Guarda a D. Manuel I. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 2001.
Puga, Rogério Miguel. "Zarco, João Gonçalves (1390-1471)." Universidade NOVA de Lisboa FCSH (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas) > E-Dicionário de Escrita de Viagens Portuguesa. Maio 25, 2019.
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Ribeiro, Patrocínio. O Carácter Misterioso de Colombo e o problema da sua nacionalidade. Coimbra [Portugal]: Academia de Ciências de Portugal, Imprensa de Universidade, 1916.
Ribeiro, Patrocinio. A Nacionalidade Portuguesa de Cristovão Colombo. Lisboa [Portugal]: Livraria Renascença-J. Cardoso, 1927.
Ribeiro, Patrocinio. A Nacionalidade Portuguesa de Cristovão Colombo. The Portuguese Nationality of Christopher Columbus. Edição Bilingue. Lisboa [Portugal]: Fundação Lusíada, 1998.
Slade, Kev. "Aircraft Registration/Serial: CS-TOL; Aircraft Original Type: Airbus A330; Aircraft Generic Type: Airbus A330-200; Aircraft Version: Airbus A330-202; C/n (msn): 877; Operator / Titles: TAP Air Portugal; Aircraft Name: João Gonçalves Zarco. Location City / Airport: Lisbon; Country: Portugal; Airport Codes: ICAO: LPPT; IATA: LIS; Local: --; Other: --; Photo Date: 5 December 2017; Photo by: Kev Slade; Photo ID: 436681. Photo Comment: Departing on flight TP201 to Newark Liberty International. Named after the Portuguese explorer 'João Gonçalves Zarco'. This photo was added on 4 February 2022, and has since been viewed 32 times." > Search > Aviation Photo Search.
Available @
Available @
Taviani, Paolo Emilio. "Perestrelo y Moniz, Felipa (c. 1454-c. 1484)." Page 540. In: Silvio A. Bedini, ed., The Christopher Columbus Encyclopedia, vol. 2. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Available via Internet Archive @
Available via Internet Archive @
Timeline -- World History Documentaries. "Is Christopher Columbus Who We Think He Is? / Secrets And Lies Of Columbus / Timeline." YouTube. Oct. 3, 2020.
Available via YouTube @
Available via YouTube @
van der Krogt, Peter. "Annotation: There are three statues of Zarco in Funchal: 1. Freguesia da Sé, statue by Francisco Franco, 1934. 2. Freguesia de São Martinho, statue by Augusto Cid, 2004. 3. Freguesia do Monte, half figure by by [sic] Francisco Franco, 1914 (this is on the grounds of the restaurant at Terreiro da Luta, which was closed when we visited Madeira)." Van der Krogt Websites > Statues Hither & Thither > João Gonçalves Zarco.
Available @
Available @
van der Krogt, Peter. "João Gonçalves Zarco -- Augusto Cid -- Funchal (Madeira (ilha) -- PT) -- 2008 (2004) -- Rua do Ponta da Cruz." Van der Krogt Websites > Statues Hither & Thither > João Gonçalves Zarco. Item Code: ptma056; Photograph: 8 January 2014.
Available @
Available @
van der Krogt, Peter. "João Gonçalves Zarco -- Francisco Franco -- Funchal (Madeira (ilha) -- PT) -- 1934 -- Avenida Arriaga / Avenida Zarco." " Van der Krogt Websites > Statues Hither & Thither > João Gonçalves Zarco. Item Code: ptma037; Photograph: 7 January 2014.
Available @
Available @
Winsor, Justin. Christopher Columbus and How He Received and Imparted the Spirit of Discovery. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1892.
Available via Hellenica World @
Available via Internet Archive @
Available via Library of Congress @
Available via Project Gutenberg @
Available via Hellenica World @
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Winsor, Justin. "It was in the reign of Edward III of England that one Robert Machin, flying from England to avoid pursuit for stealing a wife, accidentally reached the island of Madeira. Here disaster overtook Machin's company, but some of his crew reached Africa in a boat and were made captives by the Moors. In 1416, the Spaniards sent an expedition to redeem Christian captives held by these same Moors, and, while bringing them away, the Spanish ship was overcome by a Portuguese navigator, Zarco, and among his prisoners was one Morales, who had heard, as was reported, of the experiences of Machin. Zarco, a little later, being sent by Prince Henry of Portugal to the coast of Guinea, was driven out to sea, and discovered the island of Porto Santo; and subsequently, under the prompting of Morales, he rediscovered Madeira, then uninhabited. This was in 1418 or 1419, and though there are some divergences in the different forms of the story, and though romance and anachronism somewhat obscure its truth, the main circumstances are fairly discernible." Pages 87-88. Christopher Columbus and How He Received and Imparted the Spirit of Discovery. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1892.
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