Summary: Star formation actualizes bigger first than second-generation stars in Chapter 4, Stars and Planets, of Bang! The Complete History of the Universe.
Star formation assures second-generation stars from first-generation stars, as supernova shock-waving heavy elements into gas clouds, in Bang! The Complete History of the Universe by Chris Lintott, Brian May and Patrick Moore.
Star formation brightened our Universe, despite galactic quasars becoming normal galaxies, until star death rates began beating star birth rates four to five billion years ago. Spiral galaxies concentrated older yellow stars in their central bulge and hot, massive, recent-birthed blue stars, brief-lived for a few ten million years, in their arms. Hydrogen molecules, and later carbon or oxygen atoms, dissipated radiation energy; decreased dust and gas nebula ("cloud") temperatures; and drove slow-moving particles into gravitationally collapsed stars.
Particle speed entails higher temperatures for swifter movement to evade gravitational collapse and lower temperatures for slower movement to encourage enough gravitational collapse for star formation.
Carbon-formed, silicon-formed mini-particles in protostellar cores at non-reversible collapse points frustrate visible-light and, at 10 Kelvin (minus 263.15 degrees Celsius, minus 441.67 degrees Fahrenheit), infrared wavelengths.
Low intra-nebula temperatures generated complicated surface structures of hydrogen gas mixed with such simple compounds as carbon monoxide frozen on mini-particulate dust not even sand grain-sized. Low temperature-gases headed slowly about in low-density gas clouds that harbored few chemical reactions since their gas molecules had only low-energy, rare collisions with one another. Frozen, light atoms such as hydrogen perhaps itinerated and initiated intermolecular chemical reactions that imparted complex molecules of 10-plus atoms from star formation for planetary formation.
Ever denser central cores to gravitationally collapsing clumps several light-days across, 20-plus times our Solar System, joined colliding hydrogen atoms into helium, for gas-shielded star ignition.
Dust-clumped, gas-clumped, 10,000-year-long hot cores at 300 Kelvin (26.85 degrees Celsius, 80.33 degrees Fahrenheit) kindled from ice-melted, new-formed chemicals complex molecules that submillimeter radiation-sensitive telescopes know.
Star-ignited star formation leaves for possible planetary system formation 100-plus complex molecular species, such as ethanol and methanol alcohols, and perhaps amino acids for protein-based life. Carbon-based life manifests chiral negative spins antiparallel, and positive spins parallel, to particle momentum by carbon atoms, each maintaining maximally four stable bonds to other molecules. One carbon atom nets equal-numbered left-handed and right-handed molecules from mirror-imaged left-handed and right-handed bonding dissimilar chemical and physical properties, same chemical formulas to four molecules.
Perhaps star formation opted to organize left-handed molecules for Earthly and exoplanetary life's complicated chemistry even as circular-polarized light perhaps obliterated right-handed molecules in nebula dust.
Star-ignited star formation passed from million-year-long gravitational collapse into 10,000,000-year-long T Tauri stages of polar jets and stellar winds pushing surface particles 200-plus astronomical units outward.
Star-ignited star formation queues Beta Pictoris, far-southern star with disk and without gas clouds, into 1,000-million-plus-year-long Main Sequence stages of equilibrated core gravity and outer-layer pressure. Balanced inward-ranging gravity and outward-ranging hot gases and radiation energy result in each light-energy photon particle requiring a one-plus-million-year-long escape route from our Sun's Main-Sequence core. Star formation simultaneously started up locally so four stars and Sun-like stars respectively share the Trapezium cluster in the Orion Nebula and binary and multiple-star systems.
Star formation sometimes turns three-star into two-star systems by turning out a small-massed star and turns up our one and only Sun for planetary system formation.
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British rock band Queen's Roger Taylor, Brian May, John Deacon and Freddie Mercury released their third studio album, Sheer Heart Attack, on Nov. 8, 1974: Queen @Queen, via Facebook Oct. 31, 2012 |
My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.
Image credits:
Image credits:
Illustration presents our universe's cosmic epochs from Big Bang to present, with position of Galaxy A1689-zD1 exemplifying an especially early forming and distant galaxy; image release date Feb. 8, 2008: credits NASA / ESA and A. Feild (Ann Feild) / (STScI): No claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and material on this site may be freely used as in the public domain, via NASA Hubble Space Telescope (Hubblesite) @
British rock band Queen's Roger Taylor, Brian May, John Deacon and Freddie Mercury released their third studio album, Sheer Heart Attack, on Nov. 8, 1974: Queen @Queen, via Facebook Oct. 31, 2012, @
For further information:
For further information:
Marriner, Derdriu. 25 October 2012. "Dark Energy Accelerates Bang! The Complete History of the Universe." Earth and Space News. Thursday.
Available @
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 18 October 2012. "Dark Matter Accrues in Bang! The Complete History of the Universe." Earth and Space News. Thursday.
Available @
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 11 October 2012. "Black Holes Are Ionizers in Bang! The Complete History of the Universe." Earth and Space News. Thursday.
Available @
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 4 October 2012. "Ionized Gas Bubbles Atomize Bang! The Complete History of the Universe." Earth and Space News. Thursday.
Available @
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 27 September 2012. "Lighted Spaces Are Late in Bang! The Complete History of the Universe." Earth and Space News. Thursday.
Available @
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 20 September 2012. "Inflation Affects Space in Bang! The Complete History of the Universe." Earth and Space News. Thursday.
Available @
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 13 September 2012. "Lighted Dark Space Affirms Bang! The Complete History of the Universe." Earth and Space News. Thursday.
Available @
Available @
May, Brian; Patrick Moore; and Chris Lintott. 2012. Bang! The Complete History of the Universe. London UK: Carlton Books Ltd.
Queen @Queen. 31 October 2012. "Happy Halloween...Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeer Heart Attack!" Facebook.
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Available @
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