Summary: Interstate highways add more Hurley heirs to will reading in Bakerhaven, Connecticut, in Last Puzzle and Testament, Parnell Hall’s 2nd Puzzle Lady mystery.
Chester Hurley and Mildred Sims abide in rustic accommodations on Bakerhaven outskirts and are the only Hurley heirs to do so. A ranger station on Bakerhaven outskirts no longer accommodates forest, park or woodland resources and staff. Kevin Holbrook, Annabel, Chester and Mildred are alone among Hurley heirs with Bakerhaven addresses and therefore perhaps acquainted with the abandoned ranger station. And yet only Daniel Hurley arranges his schedule to amble between the abandoned paper mill and the abandoned ranger station along Bakerhaven outskirts; July 26, 2006, map symbol used by U.S. National Park Service to indicate ranger station; Tom Patterson, cartographer, Harpers Ferry Center, National Park Service, U.S. Department of Interior: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons |
Interstate highways add more Hurley heirs to a will reading in Bakerhaven, Connecticut, in Last Puzzle and Testament, 2nd mystery in Parnell Hall’s (Oct. 31, 1934-Dec. 15, 2020) 20-book Puzzle Lady series.
The Emma Hurley will brings New Englander Daniel Hurley, without his deceased father Jason of Denver, Colorado, and Phyllis Hurley and husband Morty Applegate from Pennsylvania. Daniel chooses as Bakerhaven bed and breakfast Walanders’ Stone Mill Inn just up the street from attorney Becky Baldwin’s family home just off Glen, on Chestnut. Annabel Hurley dwells on Green Street’s third block, at number 14, Booker & Taylor Insurance’s second floor, two blocks from Bakerhaven Post Office, parallel Main Street.
A mountain-base clearing in Bakerhaven forest preserve and wildlife sanctuary a mile (1.61 kilometers) down a dirt-road turn from Main Street encloses the Chester Hurley cabin.
Main Street flows into a paved road, which flaunts a covered bridge and then Greely General Store, to the dirt-road turn flitting between meadows and woods.
Mildred Sims, as Hurley heir and housekeeper, guards a little house in a clearing amid hilly woods not far down a dirt-road turn from Main Street. The downtown parking lot between Bakerhaven Town Hall and the Congregational Church on Main Street harbors their vehicles when Hurley heirs head into Bakerhaven County Courthouse. Downtown Bakerhaven introduces the Hurley heirs to Mary Cushman’s Bake Shop down the block from Bakerhaven Police Station, the latter across Main Street from Bakerhaven Library.
Hurley heirs other than Kevin Holbrook, Annabel, Chester and Mildred journey over interstate highways to the Emma Prentice Hurley will reading in Last Puzzle and Testament.
Arthur Kincaid, as Hurley estate lawyer and only Bakerhaven attorney, keeps Hurley heirs knowledgeable from his office on the second floor of Cedar Street’s antiques shop.
Cedar Street antiques lies a block off Main Street even as crossword-puzzle constructor Harvey Beerbaum lives on a block a left turn away from the latter. Bakerhaven Courthouse, Bakerhaven Post Office, Wash and Dry laundromat and Odds and Ends general store respectively manifest first through fourth clues for Hurley heirs’ puzzle-solving match. Bakerhaven Post Office nestles around the corner from Wicker Basket, the latter on Drury Lane off Main Street, which Hurley heirs navigate to the Pinehurst turn.
Three blocks down Pinehurst right-turning onto Birch Street, to no. 19, offer Hurley heirs the next-last clue before the will reading in Last Puzzle and Testament.
Mabel Drake perhaps patrols Odds and Ends, proximitous to Cushman’s bakery on Main Street, like laundromat owner-operators Ray and Minnie Wishburn, from private, residential, second-floor property.
Cedar Grove Greenhouse one-half mile (0.81 kilometer) north of Main Street quarters no clues and queues along town outskirts near Connecticut and New York interstate highways. Bakerhaven gas station with a phone booth, Bakerhaven Hospital, Bakerhaven real estate agency, the Carter/Felton rental, Country Kitchen and the ranger station likewise reveal town-outskirts addresses. The uphill road to the ranger station starts at the old paper mill shading a culverted creek and the meadow between Goldfarb and Olsen family structures.
No Hurley heirs trouble Arthur’s or Marcus and Judy Gelman’s in-town residences or, apart Daniel, the Carter/Felton residence near interstate highways in Last Puzzle and Testament.
The fifth clue, apart from six clues inside the Hurley mansion, in the crossword-puzzle competition administered by puzzle lady Cora Felton to Hurley heirs never appears in Cedar Grove Greenhouse. Owner-operator Vince arranges his business attractively, logically, modernly. All appurtenances assembled openly averts arduous attempts for the clue in the haystack in greenhouses arranged wildly; Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014, 21:48, image of old, wildly overgrown greenhouse in Skåne, Sweden's southern tip: Jonn Leffmann, CC BY 3.0 Unported, via Wikimedia Commons |
My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.
Image credits:
Image credits:
Chester Hurley and Mildred Sims abide in rustic accommodations on Bakerhaven outskirts and are the only Hurley heirs to do so. A ranger station on Bakerhaven outskirts no longer accommodates forest, park or woodland resources and staff. Kevin Holbrook, Annabel, Chester and Mildred are alone among Hurley heirs with Bakerhaven addresses and therefore perhaps acquainted with the abandoned ranger station. And yet only Daniel Hurley arranges his schedule to amble between the abandoned paper mill and the abandoned ranger station along Bakerhaven outskirts; July 26, 2006, map symbol used by U.S. National Park Service to indicate ranger station; Tom Patterson, cartographer, Harpers Ferry Center, National Park Service, U.S. Department of Interior: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @
The fifth clue, apart from six clues inside the Hurley mansion, in the crossword-puzzle competition administered by puzzle lady Cora Felton to Hurley heirs never appears in Cedar Grove Greenhouse. Owner-operator Vince arranges his business attractively, logically, modernly. All appurtenances assembled openly averts arduous attempts for the clue in the haystack in greenhouses arranged wildly; Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014, 21:48, image of old, wildly overgrown greenhouse in Skåne, Sweden's southern tip: Jonn Leffmann, CC BY 3.0 Unported, via Wikimedia Commons @äxthus_-_Skåne_-_2014.jpg
For further information:
For further information:
Hall, Parnell. 2019. Lights! Camera! Puzzles! New York NY; London UK: Pegasus Crime.
Hall, Parnell. 2018. The Purloined Puzzle. New York NY: Minotaur Books, A Thomas Dunne Book, an imprint of St. Martin's Press.
Hall, Parnell. 2017. A Puzzle To Be Named Later. New York NY: Minotaur Books, A Thomas Dunne Book, an imprint of St. Martin's Press.
Hall, Parnell. 2016. Presumed Puzzled. New York NY: Minotaur Books, A Thomas Dunne Book, an imprint of St. Martin's Press.
Hall, Parnell. 2015. Puzzled Indemnity. New York NY: Minotaur Books, A Thomas Dunne Book, an imprint of St. Martin's Press.
Hall, Parnell. 2014. NYPD Puzzle. New York NY: Minotaur Books, A Thomas Dunne Book, an imprint of St. Martin's Press.
Hall, Parnell. 2013. Arsenic and Old Puzzles. New York NY: Minotaur Books, A Thomas Dunne Book, an imprint of St. Martin's Press.
Hall, Parnell. 2012. $10,000 in Small, Unmarked Puzzles. New York NY: Minotaur Books, A Thomas Dunne Book, an imprint of St. Martin's Press.
Hall, Parnell. 2011. The Kenken Killings. New York NY: Minotaur Books, A Thomas Dunne Book, an imprint of St. Martin's Press.
Hall, Parnell. 2010. The Puzzle Lady vs. The Sudoku Lady. New York NY: Minotaur Books, A Thomas Dunne Book, an imprint of St. Martin's Press.
Hall, Parnell. 2009. Dead Man's Puzzle. New York NY: Minotaur Books, A Thomas Dunne Book for Minotaur Books, an imprint of St. Martin's Press.
Hall, Parnell. 2008. The Sudoku Puzzle Murders. New York NY: Thomas Dunne Books St. Martin's Minotaur, an imprint of St. Martin's Press.
Hall, Parnell. 2006. You Have the Right to Remain Puzzled. New York NY: Bantam Books, division of Random House, Inc.
Hall, Parnell. 2005. Stalking the Puzzle Lady. New York NY: Bantam Books, division of Random House, Inc.
Hall, Parnell. 2004. And a Puzzle to Die On. New York NY: Bantam Books, division of Random House, Inc.
Hall, Parnell. 2003. With This Puzzle, I Thee Kill. New York NY: Bantam Books, division of Random House, Inc.
Hall, Parnell. 2002. A Puzzle in a Pear Tree. New York NY: Bantam Books, division of Random House, Inc.
Hall, Parnell. 2001. Puzzled to Death. New York NY: Bantam Books, division of Random House, Inc.
Hall, Parnell. 2000. Last Puzzle & Testament. New York NY: Bantam Books, division of Random House, Inc.
Hall, Parnell. 1999. A Clue for the Puzzle Lady. New York NY: Bantam Books, division of Random House, Inc.
Marriner, Derdriu. 29 December 2020. "Bakerhaven Acquaintances Afford A Clue for the Puzzle Lady." Earth and Space News. Tuesday.
Available @
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 22 December 2020. "Bakerhaven Alcohol Acts as A Clue for the Puzzle Lady." Earth and Space News. Tuesday.
Available @
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 15 December 2020. "An Actual Bakerhaven Map Never Appears as A Clue for the Puzzle Lady." Earth and Space News. Tuesday.
Available @
Available @
"Puzzle Lady." Parnell > Books. Website by Kate Anchev/Outbox Online Design Studio.
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