Summary: Hoi Hawaiian bitter yams, as tough, toxic, triumphant famine foods, perhaps allegorize the last resorts in Magnum PI's Desperate Measures Jan. 3, 2020.
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hoi Hawaiian bitter yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) fruit and leaves; Nahiku, Eastern Maui, Hawai'i; Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 11:44:27: Forest and Kim Starr (Starr Environmental), CC BY 2.0 Generic, via Flickr |
Hoi Hawaiian bitter yams, perhaps allegorical for Magnum PI police drama television series episode Desperate Measures Jan. 3, 2020, are famine foods whose toxicity abates after three-day peeling, boiling and lime-water steeping.
Second-season 12th-episode director Maja Vrvillo and writers Eric Guggenheim and Peter Lenkov broach intelligence break-ins as Hawaii-bad as famines besieging all but hoi Hawaiian bitter yams. Germinated seeds and sprouted bulbils (from Greek βολβός, swollen rhizome") and tubers create hoi Hawaiian bitter yams, classified by Carl Linnaeus (May 23, 1707-Jan. 10, 1778). The scientifically designated Dioscorea bulbifera (from Greek Dioscorides, 40-90 C.E.; Latin bulbus, "bulb" and -fer ("-bearing") delivers fruit-encapsulated, winged 0.47 to 0.79-inch (12 to 20-millimeter) seeds.
Hoi Hawaiian bitter yams embrace three-winged 0.71 to 1.1-inch (1.8 to 2.8-centimeter) by 0.39 to 0.59-inch (1 to 1.5-centimeter) fruits August through October, after summer-pollinated flowers.
Pink-purple-white 0.06-inch (1.4-millimeter) perianths (Greek περί, "around" and άνθος, "flower") and 0.08-inch (2-millimeter) hypanthiums (Greek ὑπό, "under") fasten 2.36 to 15.75-inch (6 to 40-centimeter) pistillate flowers.
Fragrant 2.76 to 4-inch (7 to 10.16-centimeter-) long staminate flowers get green-tinged, petaled, sepaled, 0.05-inch (1.2-millimeter) perianths with six fertile stamens of same-length anthers and filaments. Unlike 1.58 to 5.91-inch (4 to 15-centimeter) by 0.04 to 0.16-inch (1 to 4-millimeter) winged leaf stalks, pistillate and staminate inflorescences ("flower clusters") have no stalks. Alternate, entire-margin, heart-shaped, simple, smooth-surfaced 1.97 to 9.84-inch (5 to 25-centimeter-) long, 1.97 to 10.24-inch (5 to 26-centimeter-) wide leaves include five to 11 parallel veins.
Hoi Hawaiian bitter yams juggle in leaf axil junctions with stems black-brown, brown-red, fall-dropping, pale-fleshed, spring-sprouting 1.1-pound (0.5-kilogram), 1.97 to 2.36-inch (5 to 6-centimeter) diameter bulbils.
Hoi Hawaiian bitter yams, albeit evergreen perennial climbers, keep annual, cylindrical, counterclockwise-twining, fall-dying, spring-growing, purple-flecked 32.81 to 328.08-foot (10 to 100-meter-) tall, 1.64-foot (0.5-meter-) wide stems.
Hoi Hawaiian bitter yams log alkaloid-lodging, bitter-tasting, black-brown, brown-red, root-stalked, spring-sprouting, subsurface, 1.97 to 3.15-inch (5 to 8-centimeter) diameter, 1.1 to 3.31-pound (0.5 to 1.5-kilogram) tubers. They manage mean annual 47.24 to 102.36-inch (1,200 to 2,600-millimeter) rainfall; temperatures between 68 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit (20 and 30 degrees Celsius); and three-month droughts. They need deep, non-coastal, non-piney, sandy-loam, well-drained soil pHs 6 to 6.7 at hard-wooded, open-forested, thicketed 16.4 to 2,198.16-foot (5 to 670-meter) altitudes above sea level.
Hoi Hawaiian bitter yams and non-bitter, non-poisonous five-leafed (pi'a locally, Dioscorea pentaphylla scientifically) and winged (uhi, D. alata) yams originated among ancient Hawaii's Polynesian canoe plants.
Hoi Hawaiian bitter yams proffered ancient, and provide traditional, Hawaiians famine food along with native 'ama'u fern (ama'uma'u, Sadleria) and Arnott's twin-sorus fern (hō'i'o, Diplazium arnottii).
Hoi Hawaiian bitter yams queue up with famine-fighting, native beach heliotrope (kīpūkai, Heliotropium curassavicum), glossy nightshade (popolo, Solanum nigrum) and Hawai'i potato fern (pala, Marattia douglasii). They, native Hawaiian hawthorn rose ('ūlei, Osteomeles anthyllidifolia) and ivy-leaved morning glory (koali, Ipomoea tuberculata) and Indian mulberry (noni, Morinda citrifolia) canoe plants rally starving Hawaiians. They survive as ancient, traditional Hawaiian famine food along with native lacy maiden fern (kikawaiō, Dryopteris cyatheoides), screwpine (hala, Pandanus tectorius) and tree ferns (hāpu'u, Cibotium).
Hoi Hawaiian bitter yams transmit toughness throughout troubled terrains and times, toxicity without timely treatments, triumph as famine foods talismanically tantamount to Magnum PI's Desperate Measures.
My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.
Image credits:
Image credits:
hoi Hawaiian bitter yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) fruit and leaves; Nahiku, Eastern Maui, Hawai'i; Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 11:44:27: Forest and Kim Starr (Starr Environmental), CC BY 2.0 Generic, via Flickr @; Forest & Kim Starr, CC BY 4.0 International, via Starr Environmental @
(left to right) Hawaii Five-0's Sergeant Quinn Liu (Katrina Law) and Officer Tani Rey (Meaghan Rath) work with Magnum P.I.'s Juliet Higgins (Perdita Weeks), Orville "Rick" Wright (Zachary Knighton) and Thomas Sullivan Magnum (Jay Hernandez) in CBS-TV's Magnum P.I. season 2 episode 12, Desperate Measures: Magnum P.I. @MagnumPICBS, via Facebook Jan. 4, 2020, @
For further information:
For further information:
"Desperate Measures." Hawaii Five-0: The Tenth Season. Los Angeles CA: Paramount Pictures Corporation, Jan. 3, 2020.
"Dioscorea bulbifera - L." Plants For A Future > Database Plant Search Page.
Available @
Available @
"Dioscorea bulbifera L." Tropicos® > Name Search.
Available @
Available @
Elevitch, Craig R.; and Kim M. Wilkinson. (Eds.). 2000. Agroforestry Guides for Pacific Islands. Holualoa HI: Permanent Agriculture Resources (PAR).
Available via Google Books @
Available via Google Books @
"5. Dioscorea bulbifera Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 1033. 1753." Flora of North America > Family List > Flora of North America Vol. 26 > Dioscoreaceae > Dioscorea.
Available @
Available @
Freedman, Bob. "Hawaii." Purdue University > College of Agriculture > Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture > Famine Foods > Continents > North America > United States.
Available @
Available @
Global Invasive Species Database (2019). "Species Profile: Dioscorea bulbifera." Compiled by National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) & IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG). Publication date 2008-01-14. Invasive Species Specialist Group of the Species Survival Commission of the Internationational Union for Conservation of Nature.
Available @
Available @
"Hoi." Wehewehe > Ulukau Hawaiian Electronic Library > Dictionaries > Hawaiian Dictionaries.
Available @
Available @
"Hoi, pi'oi (Kauai)." Bishop Museum > Hawaiian Ethnobotany Online Database.
Available @
Available @
"Ihea 'Oe I Ka Wa A Ka Ua E Loku Ana? Where Were You When the Rain Was Pouring?" Hawaii Five-0: The Tenth Season. Los Angeles CA: Paramount Pictures Corporation, Jan. 3, 2020.
Kinsey, T. Beth. 2019. "Dioscorea bulbifera - Air Yam." Wildlife of Hawaii >Hawaiian Plants and Tropical Flowers.
Available @
Available @
Linnæi, Caroli. [Linnaeus, Carl]. 1 May 1753. Species Plantarum, Exhibentes Plantas Rite Cognitas, ad Genera Relatas, cum Differentiis Specificis, Nominibus Trivialibus, Synonymis Selectis, Locis Natalibus, Secundum Systema Sexuale Digestas. Tomus II. 2: 1033. Holmiæ [Stpckholm, Sweden]: Laurentii Salvii.
Available via Biodiversity Heritage Library @
Available via Biodiversity Heritage Library @
Magnum P.I. @MagnumPICBS. 4 January 2020. "A kidnapped agent, unpredictable suspects, and a 90 second timeline. The Magnum P.I. - Hawaii Five-0 crossover is streaming now." Facebook.
Available @
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 15 December 2019. "Kauna'oa Devil Dodder Abides Around Magnum's Day I Met the Devil." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
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Marriner, Derdriu. 8 December 2019. "Kauna'oa Hawaiian Red Algae Affirm Aspects of Magnum's Blood Brothers." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
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Marriner, Derdriu. 24 November 2019. "Ka'upu Black-Footed Albatrosses Avert Magnum's A Bullet Named Fate." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
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Marriner, Derdriu. 17 November 2019. "Maiapilo Hawaiian Capers Are Absent From Magnum's He Came by Night." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 10 November 2019. "Lama Hawaiian Ebony Persimmon Augurs Magnum's Man in the Secret Room." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
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Marriner, Derdriu. 2 November 2019. "Milo Pacific Rosewood Applies Five-0's All Knowledge to Magnum's Lie." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 26 October 2019. "Hawaiian Hoary Bats Acquit Five-0's Ghosts, Magnum's Make It 'Til Dawn." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 October 2019. "Molassesgrass Appalls Five-0's Tiny Is the Flower, Magnum's Dead Inside." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
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Marriner, Derdriu. 13 October 2019. "Akohekohe Honeycreepers Attack Like Magnum PI's Knight Lasts Forever." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 6 October 2019. "Hawaiian Quilts Are More Cryptic Than Magnum PI's Honor Among Thieves." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 29 September 2019. "Ti Tree Root Okolehao Applies To Magnum PI's Payback Is For Beginners." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 14 September 2019. "Yellow Fever Mosquitoes Air a Killer on Magnum's A Kiss Before Dying." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 7 September 2019. "Hawaii Mamo Feathers Are Like Gold Necklaces on Magnum's Die He Said." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
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Marriner, Derdriu. 1 September 2019. "Koloa Maoli Hawaiian Ducks Are One Duck Less on Magnum's Sudden Death." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
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Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 3 February 2019. "Makou Hawaiian Buttercups Add No Aconitine to Magnum's I, the Deceased." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 11 November 2018. "Makiawa Hawaiian Sardines Appease Magnum PI's The Cat Who Cried Wolf." Earth and Space News. Sunday.
Available @
Available @
Marriner, Derdriu. 6 October 2018. "Hawaiian Dolphinfish Mahi-Mahi Abide by Magnum PI's From the Head Down." Earth and Space News. Saturday.
Available @
Available @
Pagad, Shyama. 14 January 2008. "Dioscorea bulbifera (herb, vine, climber)." Invasive Species Specialist Group.
Available @
Available @
Rojas-Sandoval, Julissa; and Pedro Acevedo-Rodríguez. 3 January 2013. "Dioscorea bulbifera (Air Potato)." CAB International > Invasive Species Compendium > Datasheet.
Available @
Available @
"Uhi." Canoe Plants of Ancient Hawai'i.
Available @
Available @
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