Summary: Sanchi Buddhist monuments archive Stupa No. 1 women donor inscriptions, according to Major General Sir Alexander Cunningham in 1854 in The Bhilsa Topes.
Major General Sir Alexander Cunningham (Jan. 23, 1814-Nov. 28, 1893) acknowledges as "the most valuable of all the inscriptions on the Sánchi colonnade" (1854: page 251) Sanchi Stupa No. 1 inscriptions 33 and 110. Inscriptions 33 and 110 respectively address Bhanduka as "Goti's son" (1854:239) and Subáhita as "son of Goti, the royal scribe" (1854:251). The family associations to Goti, one of the first five adherents of Siddhartha Gautama (from Sanskrit सिद्धार्थ, "successful"; गौतम, “light[-dispelling] darkness”) as Gautama Buddha (from Sanskrit सिद्धार्थ, "successful" and बुद्ध, “awakened”), allow inscription dating to "the early part of Asoka's reign" (1854:251). Cunningham analyses generally attribute dates from the sixth century BCE, the third century BCE -- the reigning time period of Mauryan (from Sanskrit मोर, “peacock [clan emblem]”) Emperor Ashoka (from Sanskrit अशोक, “sorrow-free”), from 268 BCE to his death in 232 BCE -- and the first century AD/CE about Sanchi Buddhist monuments such as Stupa No. 1; depiction of Sermon in the Deer Park, Wat Chedi Liam (Thai: วัดเจดีย์เหลี่ยม; "Temple of the Squared Pagoda"), Chiang Mai, northern Thailand: KayEss, CC BY SA 3.0 Unported, via Wikimedia Commons |
Sanchi Buddhist monuments archive Stupa No. 1 women donor inscriptions, according to Major General Sir Alexander Cunningham in 1854 in The Bhilsa Topes, his book about ancient Buddhist Sanchi and Sanchi-area monuments.
Major General Sir Alexander Cunningham (Jan. 23, 1814-Nov. 28, 1893) balances men and women donor inscriptions at ratios that broker women among ancientest and recentest inscriptions. Nuns comprise inscribees 2, Haná; 7, Deva’s sister, Dharmanaká; 14, Achalá of Nadinagara; 22, Chandá; 26, Udatiká of Vidisa and monks 6, Kánda; and 21, Pusagiri. Donor inscription numbers 8, 16, 18 and 37 respectively designate Ahi-Mitra’s mother, Vákalá Devi; Sinha-Rakshita’s sister-in-law, Sona-Deva; inscribee 36 Subhaga’s sister; and Sarhineyaka’s mother, Arya Rahilá.
Nágá and Dásá, sisters-in-law of Sreshti “head of a guild” and “master of a trade” (1854: page 281) of Kandarigámiya, respectively enabled inscriptions 46 and 45.
Inscriptions 23 and 124, 87, 94 and 182 feature sreshti (from Sanskrit सृष्टि, “creation”) ascetic Abeyaka, harbor master, Bhadra of Kundura and weavers’ master Nágapriya Achhavada.
Tope (from Sanskrit स्तूप, “[relic-gathered] heap” via Pali thūpa, “stupa”) inscriptions guard among first inscribees 1, Dharma Siva of Kekateyapura; 3, Vajra-Gupta; and 4, Dharmagirika’s mother. Inscriptions 5 and 9 honor Janamata Vrijta of Kekateyaka and Phalguna, female-gendered, inscribee 9 upásiká devotee; non-gendered inscribee 75; inscribee 135 Upasidya’s brother and mendicant monk. Mendicant monks Nagadina, Arya-Prasanaka, Kámboja of Nadinagara and, co-inscribee 143 with Kshudra, perhaps inscribee 114 from Kátyaprastha, Dharma Rakshita inspired inscriptions 10, 13, 15 and 19.
Mendicant monks joined mendicant nuns in their journeys to Sanchi Buddhist monuments for Sanchi (from Sanskrit शान्, “calmness”) Stupa No. 1 men and women donor inscriptions.
Pandaya’s pupil, Pratibán; Puna and Hatiya, also inscribees 158; Dhana; Yakshadána; Nagadina; and Sadhana, all mendicant monks, kindled inscriptions 24, 29, 31, 50, 74 and 79.
Mendicant monks Bhanduka, Mauryan (from Sanskrit मोर, “peacock”) scribe Goti’s son and inscribee 110 Subáhita’s brother; and Arhata Gupta of Sásárdaka logged inscriptions 33 and 35. Vákiliyán of Ujain; Ujain architect Gopála Viswakarma; Sona-Devi’s washerman, Agni; Arya-Karmaka; and Sandha Rakshita of Udubaraghariya mustered inscriptions 11 and 76, 12, 17, 20 and 25. Tope addition- and repair-nurtured inscriptions 27, 28 and 155, 30, 32 and 34 named Yasopála, Sarpagiri, Dharma Rakshitá of Mádhava community, householder Budha Ghosha and Vejajjagráma.
Buddhist (from Sanskrit बुद्ध, "awakened") Stupa No. 1 offers Sanchi Buddhist monuments men and women donor inscriptions 39, Supreme Being-longing Kakana, and 38, devotee Upásiká Vadáná.
Tubavan householder Pratisthiya, also inscribee 41; Isa-Rakshita of Narmamaká; Nandabu and Nadisirori; Pothá-Devá; and Varha of Kandarigráma respectively prompted inscriptions 40, 42, 43, 44 and 47.
Scribe Mulagiri; Ujeniyi; devotee Padoná; Isa-Datta, “humble in all things” (1854:243); devotee Upásiká Navágámiká; and Isi-Mitrá of Vahila queue inscriptions 48, 49, 51 through 54. Ujain-residing Rohuni; Dharmagiri; Sona; ascetics Pusánajá, Isi-Mitra; Mula-Dattá; Chhetra’s mother; ascetic Sinha-Dattá; Isaka Saphineyaki (“learned in Vinaya” [1854:246]) reap inscriptions 55 through 60, 66 through 68. Balaká of Ujain and Mayadattá as sister-in-law, and Himadattá and Buddhá as sisters, of inscribee 90, Upendradatta of Ujain, secured inscriptions 61, 62, 63 and 64.
Chapter XVI, Inscriptions. – No. 1. Tope. – Sánchi, teams “one-third of the gifts” (1854:268) tendered to Sanchi Buddhist monuments for Stupa No. 1 with women donor inscriptions.
Major General Sir Alexander Cunningham (Jan. 23, 1814-Nov. 28, 1893) appreciated women "who in all countries have been noted for their pious donations" (1854:268). Laywomen and mendicant nuns arranged for Sanchi Stupa No. 1 addition- and repair-associated donations. Financial and spiritual assistance by Buddhism-believing, Buddhism-practicing lay and ordained women avows an historical association back to the familial appreciation by Gautama Buddha (624 BCE?-544 BCE?) for foster-mother, stepmother and maternal aunt Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, who acted for Buddhist ordination of women and who added to her royal titles the religious, spiritual title of first bhikkuni (from Sanskrit भिक्षुणी, "mendicant nun") and vice versa; lithographic print of Prince Siddhartha with his maternal aunt Queen Mahaprajapati Gotami by Sri Lankan temple artist, muralist and sculptor Maligawage Sarlis (1880-1955): Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons |
My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.
This post is dedicated to the memory of our beloved blue-eyed brother, Charles, who guided the creation of the Met Opera and Astronomy posts on Earth and Space News. We memorialized our brother in "
Our Beloved Blue-Eyed Brother, Charles, With Whom We Are Well Pleased," published on Earth and Space News on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021, an anniversary of our beloved father's death.
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Major General Sir Alexander Cunningham (Jan. 23, 1814-Nov. 28, 1893) acknowledges as "the most valuable of all the inscriptions on the Sánchi colonnade" (1854: page 251) Sanchi Stupa No. 1 inscriptions 33 and 110. Inscriptions 33 and 110 respectively address Bhanduka as "Goti's son" (1854:239) and Subáhita as "son of Goti, the royal scribe" (1854:251). The family associations to Goti, one of the first five adherents of Siddhartha Gautama (from Sanskrit सिद्धार्थ, "successful"; गौतम, “light[-dispelling] darkness”) as Gautama Buddha (from Sanskrit सिद्धार्थ, "successful" and बुद्ध, “awakened”), allow inscription dating to "the early part of Asoka's reign" (1854:251). Cunningham analyses generally attribute dates from the sixth century BCE, the third century BCE -- the reigning time period of Mauryan (from Sanskrit मोर, “peacock [clan emblem]”) Emperor Ashoka (from Sanskrit अशोक, “sorrow-free”), from 268 BCE to his death in 232 BCE -- and the first century AD/CE about Sanchi Buddhist monuments such as Stupa No. 1; depiction of Sermon in the Deer Park, Wat Chedi Liam (Thai: วัดเจดีย์เหลี่ยม; "Temple of the Squared Pagoda"), Chiang Mai, northern Thailand: KayEss, CC BY SA 3.0 Unported, via Wikimedia Commons @; Piano player 92 (thảo luận / đóng góp), Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @ập_tin:Phật_thuyết_pháp_cho_5_vị_đệ_tử_đầu_tiên.jpeg
Major General Sir Alexander Cunningham (Jan. 23, 1814-Nov. 28, 1893) appreciated women "who in all countries have been noted for their pious donations" (1854:268). Laywomen and mendicant nuns arranged for Sanchi Stupa No. 1 addition- and repair-associated donations. Financial and spiritual assistance by Buddhism-believing, Buddhism-practicing lay and ordained women avows an historical association back to the familial appreciation by Gautama Buddha (624 BCE?-544 BCE?) for foster-mother, stepmother and maternal aunt Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, who acted for Buddhist ordination of women and who added to her royal titles the religious, spiritual title of first bhikkuni (from Sanskrit भिक्षुणी, "mendicant nun") and vice versa; lithographic print of Prince Siddhartha with his maternal aunt Queen Mahaprajapati Gotami by Sri Lankan temple artist, muralist and sculptor Maligawage Sarlis (1880-1955): Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 January 2022. "Andher Buddhist Monuments Answer What Sanchi Buddhist Monuments Ask." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 31 December 2021. "Unknown Ashes Perhaps Known at Sanchi Buddhist Monuments Are at Sonari." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 12 November 2021. "Unknown Ashes Perhaps Known in Sanchi Buddhist Monuments Are at Andher." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 5 November 2021. "Kusum Lac Trees Perhaps Anciently Aided Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 29 October 2021. "Palas Flame-of-the-Forest Trees Assisted Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 22 October 2021. "Ber Indian Plum Trees Anciently Assisted Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 15 October 2021. "Tasar Silk Perhaps Anciently Adorned Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 8 October 2021. "Tasar Silkworms Perhaps Assembled Around Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 1 October 2021. "Lac Scale Insects Archived Bone Relics in Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 9 July 2021. "Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi and Andher Archived Haritiputra Relics." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 25 June 2021. "Mango Trees Appeal to Kakanava Koels and Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 18 June 2021. "Teak Trees Attracted Kakanava Crows to Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 11 June 2021. "Kakanava Crows, Koels and Trees Antedated Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 4 June 2021. "Asian Koels, Like Crows, Actuated the Ancient Name Kakanava for Sanchi." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 28 May 2021. "Indian Jungle Crows Abided Amply at Sanchi, Anciently Named Kakanava." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 14 May 2021. "Kakanava Prabhasana Relics Age Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi and Andher." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 7 May 2021. "Vachiputra Relics Age Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi and at Andher." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 30 April 2021. "Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi and Andher Age Maudgalaputra Tishya Relics." Earth and Space News. Friday
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Marriner, Derdriu. 23 April 2021. "Satdhara Relics Awed Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi, Colombo and Yangon." Earth and Space News. Friday
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Marriner, Derdriu. 16 April 2021. "Kaba Aye and Sanchi Hill Admit Walking Meditations of Thich Nhat Hanh." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 9 April 2021. "Sanchi and Maha Bodhi Society Admit Thich Nhat Hanh Walking Meditations." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 2 April 2021. "Indra’s Net Avails Kaba Aye Pagoda of Buddhist Monuments on Sanchi Hill." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 26 March 2021. "Indra’s Net Admits Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi and Maha Bodhi Society." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 March 2021. "Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi and Sadthara Archived Disciple Bones." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 12 March 2021. "Chetiyagiri Vihara Adds Auspiciousness to Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 5 March 2021. "Maudgalyayana Aims Psychic Powers at Buddhist Monuments on Sanchi Hill." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 26 February 2021. "Shariputra Abides Auspiciously Amid Buddhist Monuments on Sanchi Hill." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 19 February 2021. "Sanchi Hill Buddhist Monuments Are Oldest Buddhist World Heritage Site." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 12 February 2021. "Sanchi Hill Buddhist Monuments Are World Heritage Site 14 in India." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 5 February 2021. "Ashoka Aided Buddha, Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi Hill and Sri Lanka." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 29 January 2021. "Sanghamitra, Like Ashoka, Admired Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi Hill." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 8 January 2021. "Wild Animal Families Abounded Around Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi Hill." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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Marriner, Derdriu. 1 January 2021. "Raisen Teak Forests Once Angled Around Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi." Earth and Space News. Friday.
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